New Cars and Baby Showers

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Rory and Lorelai went to Luke's for dinner one night while Frankie was teaching a tap class to a group of twelve year olds.

"That's it! Keep it up. And, toe, heel, toe, heel, scrape, brush, back to one. Toe, heel, toe, heel, scrape, brush, back to one." She walked around, adjusting stances and helping kids who were struggling a little bit with the rhythm and movements. "And, break! Great work today, guys! Have a wonderful evening." Frankie smiled as she watched the kids pack up, then waved as they all walked out of the studio.

She changed into her street clothes, then walked over to Luke's, entering the diner just as her family was leaving. She nodded with a tight smile in acknowledgement, then made her way to the counter where Jess was reading a book.

"Hey, you," she said, kissing his cheek, causing him to look up from the page.

Jess closed his book as he turned to face Frankie, a smile on his face. "Hey." He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in to kiss her lips.

Frankie could feel eyes burning a hole in the back of her skull, but she chose to ignore it. She knew that it was her sister, and it bothered her knowing how infatuated with Jess Rory was. Jess kept assuring her nothing had happened or would ever happen, but the insecurity was still there. She did it once, she could do it again.

After school on Thursday, Frankie and Jess walked over to the diner and up to the apartment to do homework, read, and work on college applications.

"I hate this," Frankie groaned, collapsing on Jess' bed, face planting into the pillow that was supporting her elbows.

"What?" he asked from his spot in the chair.

"This!" she exclaimed, waving around one of her applications. "I have to write an essay on why I dance. I don't know why! I'm just good!" Frankie groaned and collapsed again, tired of trying to dissect her life, just so a college admissions person could accept or reject her.

Jess chuckled as he stood up, walking over to his closet to put a jacket away. Just as he came back to his seat, the door opened to reveal Luke and Lorelai.

The mother and daughter stared at each other for a moment, not sure what to say. "Sorry to barge in," Lorelai said after a brief pause.

"No problem," replied Jess as he sat down. "What was that about a toy?"

"Your uncle Luke is getting one if he's a good boy," the mother of two called over her shoulder as she approached the man's closet.

"Can we make this more demeaning?" Luke said, sarcasm dripping off his words.

Frankie giggled as she watched Lorelai go back and forth with Luke, bantering him about his affection for Jimmy Buffet.

"Sing 'Margaritaville'," Lorelai teased, reaching into his closet to look for a shirt.


"That attitude is gonna lose you that toy," Jess called out. Frankie snorted and covered her mouth to keep from cackling. Jess sent her a goofy grin and a wink, knowing that she always enjoyed listening to the uncle and nephew argue.

Lorelai picked out a shirt, handing it to Luke. He took it and went to the bathroom to change.

"Lose the baseball cap, too!"

"You run the risk of his head falling off without it," Jess said as he turned around in the chair to face Lorelai.

"I think he'll be okay," she retorted, a fake smile plastered on her face.

An awkward silence fell over the room as they all waited for Luke to change.

"So," Frankie said, drawing out the word. "Where are you two going?"

"We're speaking to some students at the school about business."

Before Frankie could respond to her mother, Luke came out of the bathroom. "Happy?"

"Thrilled, now a tie with that would be just great."

"We're leaving." Luke picked up a coat from the back of the chair Jess was sitting in. "And it's gotta be something I don't have to put together."

"What?" Lorelai asked as they walked out the door.

"My toy."

Frankie cackled as the adults exited the apartment, leaving Frankie and Jess alone again.

The couple stayed in the apartment until they got bored, then wandered around Stars Hollow together. They eventually passed by Lane and Rory, with Rory giving them a death glare as they passed on the sidewalk.

"Hey, Lane," Frankie said with a smile, ignoring her sister.

"I dyed my hair!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Really? Looks normal to me."

"I dyed it back, but it was purple."

"That's awesome! Stick it to the man," the younger twin joked, turning around and walking away with Jess. "Oh, and save me some tickets for your first show!" she called over her shoulder about Lane's band, earning a huge smile from the drummer in response.

It was now October in Stars Hollow, and the town was filled with pumpkins and hay bales. The weather was getting colder and the days were getting shorter, but it was one of Frankie's favorite times of year in the small town. She loved the atmosphere that October brought with it.

As the town meeting adjourned one night, the Gilmore's and Luke walked out of Ms. Patty's studio, only to see Jess driving by in a beat-up car.

"Wow. Look who's back behind the wheel. Lovely," Lorelai stated sarcastically, earning a scoff and an eye roll from Frankie as she walked away to go talk to Jess.

"Hey. Nice ride," she said with a smile, leaning against the side of the vehicle as Jess messed around with something at the front of it.

"Thanks," he replied, struggling with his task.

Just then, Luke came up and greeted Jess, taking in the car's appearance. "So, you got a car."

"Motor Trend's not gonna be giving it any awards, but it'll get me from point A to point B."

"Yeah, I guess it'll get you around. So, uh, where'd you get the money for it?"

"Mugged an old lady."

"Jess," Luke scolded with a warning tone.

"It didn't cost that much," Jess retorted, getting up and walking around to the back.

"What's 'not much'?"

"Less than 'a lot'."

Luke and Jess went back and forth as Frankie watched, concerned by how nonchalant Jess was being. He was very vague about the car and the money for it, and she didn't like it. She felt like he was keeping something from her.

As Luke signed the registration, he and Frankie made eye contact, and her expression was all he needed to know that Jess was keeping something from them both.

"You didn't know, huh?" he asked the girl quietly as they watched Jess walk away.

"No idea," she replied. Kicking a loose pebble in the street, she looked back up at Luke. "I should head home. See you tomorrow, Luke."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow, Frankie."

When she got home, Lorelai handed her a letter. In it was an invitation to Sherry's baby shower. She took it to her room and stared at it. The thought of going was stressful, but it would be in Boston, and she missed the city. It had been her home for a while and she would like to go back and visit. Concluding that she would go, she stuck the invitation in her mirror and got ready for bed.

The next morning, Frankie walked into Luke's just as Jess was leaving. "Hey!"

"Hey, sorry, gotta run," he said hurriedly, pecking her lips before stuffing a donut in his mouth. "Catch you later?"

"Wait!" Before she could say anything else, Jess was gone. "I love you," she muttered, turning back to the counter.

"Need something, Frankie?"

"Coffee, please."

Luke looked up from his order pad, hearing Frankie's tired and sad tone. "What's wrong?"

The girl sighed, leaning her head on her hand. "Jess has been weird."

The diner owner scoffed, shaking his head. "Tell me about it."

"I'm just worried, you know? We don't keep things from each other, but I think he's keeping something from me and I don't like it."

Luke leaned against the counter, processing Frankie's words. "You really didn't know anything about the car?"

She shook her head. "Nothing, I swear."

He nodded, thinking, then walked out of the diner.

"Wait! What about my –" she was cut off by the sound of the diner door shutting behind him. "– coffee."

That Sunday, the three Gilmore girls drove up to Boston for Sherry's baby shower. Just as the twins were about to get out of the car, Sherry popped up out of nowhere, insisting that Lorelai also come in. She finally relented after some convincing from Sherry, and the four women headed up to the apartment.

It was completely different from how Frankie remembered it. Sherry had it redone, and it looked good, but the girl couldn't find a single piece of her father anywhere in the décor. It made her sad, thinking about all the fun times the father and daughter had in the apartment that used to be his oasis.

Sherry's friends were nice, but they were weirded out by Lorelai's presence. The atmosphere shifted as soon as they walked into the room.

Games were played, songs were sung, and words were exchanged between Sherry and Lorelai. Frankie overheard Sherry saying how involved Christopher was with the new baby, and she could tell it was bothering her mother. There wasn't much Frankie could do, though. They were guests in Sherry's home, at a party for her, and she was having Frankie and Rory's half-sister. Ruffling feathers would be a bad move for everyone.

When they got back to Stars Hollow that night, Rory and Lorelai needed to blow off steam and decided to egg Jess' car with the deviled eggs Sherry had sent them home with.

"I'm not involved in this," Frankie said, hopping out of the Jeep and walking home. As much as she wanted to go see Jess, his recent distance had made her anxious. She was going to let him come to her when he was ready. She just hoped that whatever it was, whatever he was hiding, wasn't something they couldn't come back from. She loved him too much, but couldn't stop thinking up different scenarios as she drifted off to sleep.

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