Part 5

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Today was my first day of senior year and after a funny morning of finding out my mom was asked out my Kirk, I for once had to take the bus to school. After I get off I see Rachel waiting for me, "I'll see you later Rory." She nods and then gets pulled away by Paris. I've grown to like Paris in a weird way I guess. "Tina, I thought you might need someone this morning." I nod, "I had to take the bus, I had no one to call me to pick me up. I miss them already and the day just started." She wraps her arm me, "we can do this together. I mean I miss Colin but with you by my side I'll be fine."

We walk to my locker and I turn to her, "yeah, you never did tell me how Colin finally asked you out." She rolls her eyes, "well, we're not dating, dating. We haven't done labels because he went off to collage I thought it would be best to have an open relationship." I nod, "well for me, it was more they're going to go to collage cut all ties with them. You know how that ended. Collage is why I didn't try with Logan." She pouts, "I ship you two so much, but at the same time Finn still likes you." I laugh, "tell that to the redhead in his bed." She shakes her head, "how are things with Jay?" I nod, "good, we love all the same things. The only problem is that he lives in Manhattan. Come on we have to get to class."

We walk into class and I lean over to Rory, "Twiny?" She turns around, "what do you want." I pout, "why would you think I want something." She give me a 'really' look, "because you only call me that when I'm upset or you're upset, but mostly when you want something." I sigh, "fine, after you're sworn in and have your first official meet can you please tell Paris about my proposal. I will have it written up by the end of the day." She shakes her head, "I'll tell her for you." I smile and lean back, "thanks you're the best Ror."

It's been awhile since the ceremony and I walk up to Rory at school, "have you talked to Paris yet." Rory sighs, "not yet, we haven't had our first proper meeting yet." I huff, "fine, I guess I'll go to the myself." I then find Paris at her locker, "hey, Paris." She turns around, "hey Chris." I cringe at the name, "actually, I go by Christina now." She nods, "sorry, so what can I do for you." I hand her the folder, "as you might know I am now head of the textile and fashion club, this club brings in big sponsors such as Tim Gunn himself. The only problem is in our room we only have five sewing machines and only two of them work. I guess you can see the problem yourself, but I would like to request some more funding." She nods, "I see where your coming from. I'll look into what I can do, thanks for coming to me." I nod, "who else would I go to, see ya Paris."

It was once again Friday night dinner and I had just got a call from Paris to tell me the motion went through and I should have a meeting with headmaster Charleston on Monday. After I got ready I sat down and watch mom and Rory run around talking. (outfit above.) "I'm not going." Rory sighs, "you are going." Mom shakes her head, "she has done this for the last time. From now on, I'm not giving her an information about my life." I nod, "as opposed to all the detail heaped in the past." Mom ignores my comment and picks up her keys, "I can't believe she called Christopher. She has no respect for my privacy and my feelings."

Rory shakes her head, "she thought she was helping." Mom asks Rory, "you do know there isn't a Santa Claus don't you?" We follow mom to the mirror and Rory says, "please just try to forget this." As you can guess she doesn't listen to Rory and soon we leave and go to dinner with grandma.

Turns out grandma doesn't have the smartest maid so grandma is drinking a lot of wine tonight. Soon after we sit down and have our drinks in hand the maid walks in, "dinner's ready." Grandma puts on a fake smile, "Sarah, one minute, please. We eat dinner at 7:00. And right now, it's 6:30. Therefore, one could conclude that maybe it's just a tad early for dinner." Then maid then says, "I'm sorry. I--" Grandma interrupts her, "we want to eat at 7:00!" The maid smiles, "but the foods ready now." Grandma then puts back on her smile, "okay. Never mind. We'll eat. We're eating. up, up. Let's go. It's fine. It's better. The we could all be in bed by 9:00. Sit down."

We walk into the dining room and sit and mom says, "mom, tell us what is up." Grandma sits and asks, "what is up with what?" Mom then explains, "with you and her. You and her." Grandma sighs, "well, she's new Lorelai. She's only been here three days. She's still getting the hang of things. I think it's only fair to give the women a chance. Why are you staring at me?" Mom continues to stare, "mom, you've had maids deported who were better than her. Talk."

Grandma looks down, "your father made a crack about my not being able to keep a maid. Of course it's a gross exaggeration. Yes, I've had maids I haven't liked, but I've also had maids I've loved." Mom nods, "name one." She pauses before says, "Daiha." Mom pulls a face, "who?" She smiles, "you remember, she took you shopping once." Mom sighs, "how old was I?" She shrugs, "I don't know. 4,5." The Sarah walks in with the salad, "ok, salad." Grandma nods, "thank you, Sarah." The door bell rings and she walks off with the food, "oops. Big bell." Grandma tries to call her back but it doesn't work. "pass the wine, Lorelai."

Then dad walks in, "Lor, we need to talk." Mom looks at him in shock, "Chris. What are you doing here?" He raises his voice, "you're not returning my calls." Mom then looks at grandma, "did you do this?" Grandma shakes her head, "I did not do this." Dad shrugs, "you gave me no choice." Mom ignore him and yells at grandma, "after I said to stay out of it." Grandma insists, "I did not do this." Mom stands up and looks at dad, "you have to go." He shakes his head, "I'm not going until you talk to me." They walk into the hallway and me and Rory look down and listen in and I hear, "why won't you call me back?" I kind of block it out not wanting to listen.

We then walk in when we hear him say, "my daughters have always called me back until now." I let Rory yell at him first, "I didn't call you back because I didn't want to. Me. Mom had nothing to do with it." Mom tries to calm her down and I just keep glaring at dad, "honey calm down." She keep going, "you promised us at Sookie's wedding, this was going to work, that you were going to be there." Dad tries to explain, "honey, please understand." She shakes her head, "no. I always understand, and I don't want to understand. I don't want to talk about this. I've got mom and Christina. That's all I need. Go be somebody else's dad." He shakes his head, "don't say that." She then goes upstairs, "call me when he's gone."

Dad turns to me, "Chris--" I shake my head, "never call me that again. I warned on the day of the wedding. All or nothing, you ended up picking nothing, I just hope you love your new family enough to follow your heart. Don't call me ever, and don't come to nationals. I never want to see you ever again I can't have any toxic people in my life right now. This is me cutting you out, maybe not forever, but for now at least. Goodbye dad." I then follow Rory upstairs and wait for him to gone in my room.

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