Part 39

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I wake up the next morning and put sunglasses on. I turn to Rachel, "my head is killing me. Can you get the aspirin from my bag." She nods and puts her sunglasses on and we then both take an aspirin and get dressed. (swimsuit above.) We wake up the boys and head down to the motel Rory's staying at. They all go to get drinks and I see her with Paris, Madeline, and Louise by the pool on the phone.

"Hey twiny, my head is killing me. Is that mom?" Rory nods, "yep, take the phone." I take the phone, "hey mom." "Hey hunny! How was the first day and night." I groan, "mom please, whisper." She laughs, "that good huh? So where did you end up in the morning?" I roll my eyes, "in my bed, alone with Rachel in the bed beside me." She sighs, "thank God, look if you feel like you're ready don't let me stop you. Just warn me before, please." I roll my eyes, "yeah okay mom. I love bye and I promise." I see Rory is gone and all the girls had left me by the pool. I hang up the phone and find Rory by the drinks.

"Here is your phone." Rory nods, "thanks, I'm gotta go find Paris before she kills someone." I nod, "you go I see the guys and Rach." Rory nods and leave me as I join everyone else. "So what did I miss." Logan gives me a kiss, "just planning today. What are you thinking?" I shrug, "well other then checking to see if Colin brought any clubs last night, I think we should take a boat ride." Colin pouts, "I remember last night, Rachel stopped me every time. How rude is that." We all laugh and down the rest of the drinks and go to find a boat to take.

We have a boat and a driver, the boys said they could do it but we told them we are too young to die today. We have champagne and music blasting as we dace around laughing. After that we all sit down and start to tell stories, "do you remember that time Colin brought that Salsa club because he didn't like the dance. Then demanded they change it to the Tango because it is more sexy." We all laugh and Colin says, "I gave the deed of it back the next day. Come on Chris must have one embarrassing story." Logan smirks, "she called me at her mom's bachelorette party when everyone left to call their partners." Finn then adds, "and this one time she was talking to this boy from school and then was so drunk called me over to dance and fell asleep on me."

Noah then says, "I have one about the first time she was drunk on founders day punch." I glare, "no you don't Noah." He smirks, "but I do, she stole Taylor's megaphone from him and as he chased her she climbed on top of Miss Patty's studio and hissed at him through the megaphone and said, 'bite me bitch! I just wanted to say I love you Stars Hollow and I--' then she was cut off by being sick." They all laugh and I hit Noah round the head, "you are the worst person ever." Noah just laughs, "you were the talk of the town. The whole week everyone ran up to you trying guess what you were going to say and you never told anyone."

Madeline and Louise messaged us the hot spot of the night and we got ready. (Outfit above.) We walk into the clubs and show the guy our fake IDs and then walked straight in. Finn walks over to the bar with Noah to order drinks and find a girl. Noah is choosing this time to distract himself in any way he can. I once again drag Logan to the dance floor and we start to dance. Out of the corner of my eye I see blonde twins cheeking him out and I glare at them, "oi, get your own man thing one and thing two." They scoff and I turn back to Logan and he is smirking, "you're hot when you're jealous." He starts to kiss my neck and it sends shivers down my spine, "Logan, I need to tell that I'm a--" He stops and cuts me off, "a virgin, I know. I mean unless you gave it to Camron then--" I cut him off, "I didn't I just thought you should know. I don't want to rush it." he kisses me, "I would never in my life rush you. You know that right." I nod and kiss him, "I know."

We go over to the bar and meet up with everyone else and Finn hands us shots, "to the best spring break ever." We all cheers and down them in one, then I order a vodka and coke and Rachel joins me, "so what was all that with Logan before." I shrug, "I told him I was a virgin and he said he knew and would never rush me." Rachel smiles, "that's good, right? The Logan Huntzberger is going to wait for you." I nod, "yeah, I feel kind of bad about it though." She shakes her head, "you should never feel bad for not being ready. I gotta and I may not be in the room in the morning." She sends me a wink and goes over to Colin.

Later that night Logan wraps his arms around me, "come back to my room tonight. Please?" I turn to him, "Logan." He laughs, "not for that dummy. We can eat junk food, drink beer, and watch a movie you like. How about Newsies, I'll be Spot Colin." I nod, "sure, why not." On the way home we buy the movie and he has all the food and beer in his room. We get there and I take my shoes and coat off laying down. He lays next to me and we play the movie cuddling.

A/N: Hey guys so she didn't loose her virginity to him over spring break but she did have fun. I hope you enjoyed the spring break parts and comment what you thought of them.

Xoxo Maddie.

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