Part 15

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Grandpa and grandma are back together and renewing their vows. Grandma had chosen mom as her maid of honor and me as her bridesmaid. I didn't stay round mom's the night before because I was at Logan's so I missed the party I didn't know we were having for Grandma. On the bright side me and Logan arrived to the venue early and I helped Grandma with her hair and calmed her down as she was panicking about everything going wrong. When mom and Rory got here grandma left to greet them and check on things and I went to get ready myself. (Dress above.)

As the music plays mom walks out first and once she gets to the front I walk out after her and I see Logan looking at me with the biggest smile on his face. I send him a quick smirk and he winks back as I stand next to mom. I send Rory a smile and then see her look out into the crowd and follow her gaze to Ryan and one of their family friends. I'm placing my bets on them dating and it not ending well. Then the music changes and grandma walks out and she looks absolutely stunning, everyone is standing up and when she reaches the front they all sit down. The judge doing the ceremony then starts, "I have known Emily and Richard Gilmore for 20 years. I know them to be of the most formidable opponents the world has ever seen. They compliment each other. They defend each other. They were made for each other. And today, in front of friends and family, Richard and Emily have chosen once again to say to each other, 'I choose you'."

When he says this I see dad walk in the back and I have a feeling this is not going to end very well. I then look at Logan and he says mouth, 'you okay?' I just nod and the judge continues, "how many of us in a lifetime get chosen even once for something we really want? Richard and Emily, will you please face each other? Please repeat after me. I Richard Gilmore..." Grandpa then says, "I Richard Gilmore.."

It was now the afterparty thing and I was sitting with Logan and I say, "you see that lady in the red, that's my mom's aunt Totsy, if she hugs we will smell like her for week." He nods, "got it, I will watch out for her. So drink?" I nod, "yes, just get me a glass of champagne." He nods, "coming right up." He gives me a kiss and leaves. Ryan then awes, "aren't you two just adorable. You have him wrapped around your finger. I'm never going to be like that." I roll my eyes, "you gonna have to be if you want a chance with my sister." After Logan gives me my drink we go over to our table with Luke, mom, and Rory.

After grandpa's romantic speech and their first dance we are told we can join them. I send Logan a smirk, "Logan--" He cuts me off, "no way." I pout, "but even Luke's dancing. Please!" I give him my puppy dog eyes and he then puts on a fake smile and asks, "would you like to dance Queeny." I take his hand, "I would love to Charming." We get to the dance floor he says, "I hate you for this." I shake my head, "one, no you don't you love, two I thought you wanted to learn how to dance so me and you could dance together." He nods, "you're right, now I have dance practice with you and Noah teaching us two times a week. It kills me every time." I smirk, "you poor baby. We'll dance the slow ones, yeah?" I put my head on his shoulder as he says, "yes please."

I see Rory talking to Ryan and say, "I bet you a twenty, my sister will try no strings attached and end up hating it and they end up dating, like boyfriend and girlfriend." He smirks, "you are so on, I know my cousin he would never." I kiss him, "just like you thought you would never. I guess bringing that family friend Jill played off, I mean that was to make my sister jealous right?" He shrugs, "how should I know?" I see them dancing and shake my head, "it's not gonna end well, one is bound to get hurt more then once. I don't want to see my friend or Twiny get hurt." He kisses me, "have some faith."

The rest of the night was eventful, I overheard my mom and Luke getting in a fight because of my dad. Then when we took the group photo my mom told grandma they were done. After mom walked out I go over to dad, "I thought I told you not to mess with them." He sighs, "I know I was wrong to do it that way kid." I shake my head, "you shouldn't have done that in the first place, also I am not a kid anymore. You know I was going to introduce you to my boyfriend tonight. I think instead I need to cool off. I'll call you next week as normal dad, grandma shouldn't have taken advantage of you but you should have also of had some common sense." I kiss his cheek and leave him to think as I get my bag and coat and Logan drives me back to the dorm.

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