Four Thanksgivings

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"Four Thanksgivings?!"

Frankie had just arrived home from teaching a ballet class, and had been informed by Lorelai that the Gilmore girls would be attending four Thanksgiving dinners the following day: the Kim's, Sookie's, Luke's, and Emily and Richard's.

"How the hell are we gonna do that?" she asked, eyes wide in shock.

"We have stomachs of steel. We'll manage. Plus, we'll skip the rolls," Lorelai encouraged, a wide smile on her face.

Frankie was at a loss for words. "I are we...what?" the girl stuttered, still trying to grasp the turn of events.

"We got this, don't worry." Lorelai patted her daughter's back, then turned and left the living room.

The following morning, the twins walked with their mother into town to get flowers for all four hosts, and cranberry sauce for the Kim's. Rory insisted on getting Tums, and Frankie wholeheartedly agreed. There would be far too much food, and their stomachs would be dying by the end of the night.

"I'll do the flowers," she said, pointing to the flower stand that stood in front of them.

"We'll do Doose's," Lorelai replied, gesturing for Rory to follow her.

As Frankie looked over the selection, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. "Hey there."

"Hey." She smiled and turned around, kissing Jess on the lips.

"You coming to Luke's later?"

Frankie nodded. "We'll see you there."

Jess gave her a goofy grin, then pecked her lips one last time. "Love you," he called out as he walked away.

"Love you, too!"

Frankie paid for the flowers just as Lorelai and Rory exited the market.

"Oh, pretty!" Lorelai cooed, walking up to her youngest.

"Yeah, I thought so," Frankie replied, gazing down at the flowers in her hand.

"Can we go eat now?" asked Rory, an aggravated tone lacing her words.

Frankie rolled her eyes and proceeded to walk over to the Kim's. Mrs. Kim answered the door and ushered them into the house. Lorelai and the gruff woman went back and forth briefly, then Mrs. Kim left to go put the flowers, cranberry sauce, and chocolate turkey in the kitchen.

"Oh, my God, that's Lane's Dave!" Frankie exclaimed, watching as the boy played guitar in the living room.

Dave Rygalski was the guitarist in Lane's band. He was a very sweet boy, but Frankie didn't know him all that well. She only knew what Lane had told her, which wasn't much. All she knew was that Lane was head over heels for him, so he was alright in Frankie's book.

The girls finally left the Kim's after food was eaten and hymns were played by Dave. They made their way to Sookie's after eating tofurkey, handing the flowers to the very stressed looking chef.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" they all cheered as they approached the table that was set up on Sookie's lawn.

"Thank you," Sookie said as she took the flowers from Frankie. "Thank God, civilization has arrived."

"What's wrong?" asked Lorelai as the girls sat down.

"What's wrong? Uh, do you not see what's going on here?" she questioned sarcastically, pointing to a pot set up by the front door.

"What's that?" Lorelai mused.

"That is a vat of boiling oil," Sookie answered, unamused. She went on to explain that Jackson was deep-frying the turkey, which intrigued the Gilmore's. They had never had deep-fried turkey before. Sookie was upset about the turn of events, mainly because she wasn't in control of the cooking, but Frankie was excited to see how things played out.

Jackson's family was rowdy, to say the least, and Sookie seemed exhausted by the whole affair. Lorelai passed Sookie a beer from the cooler behind her, which the chef took gratefully.

"And, keep 'em coming," she said, cracking open the top and taking a long swig of the alcoholic beverage.

The Gilmore girls eventually made it to Luke's, walking in to see Babette and Morey at a table by the front door.

"Happy Thanksgiving," Lorelai greeted the diner, a large smile on her face.

Frankie handed Luke a bouquet of flowers as he approached, which he took, confused. "What's this?"

"Flowers," the girl stated, furrowing her brows.

"What do I do with them?" He turned the flowers over, examining them like they were a foreign object and he had to figure out how to put it together.

"Oh, not this again," Lorelai exclaimed, exasperated.

"Put them in a vase of water," Frankie stated.

Luke scoffed slightly. "I don't have a vase."

"You do this every year!" cried Lorelai.

"I don't have vases."

"Buy a vase!"

"But I don't 'cause I never have flowers."

"Except when we bring you flowers every year at Thanksgiving. Buy a vase!"

"Stop bringing me flowers," the pair said in unison. Luke was serious, but Lorelai was mocking him, which made Frankie giggle.

"I knew you were going to say that because you say the same thing. We have the same exact conversation every year."

"And every year you point that out."

As they went back and forth by the door, Frankie walked over to the counter.



The best friends hugged excitedly, sitting down at the counter.

"So, how's your day going?" Kayla asked, leaning her head in her hand.

Frankie sighed dramatically. "This is our third stop. We still have to go to Hartford."

Kayla gasped. "You're kidding."


"How are you surviving?"

"We don't eat the rolls."

Kayla laughed just as her mother called her back to the table. "Keep me posted!" she called over her shoulder, making her way back to her family.

Frankie walked over to the table her mother and sister were sitting at when Jess walked up. "Hey."

"Hey," she replied with a smile.

He leaned in and kissed her, then turned to her family. "Hi."

"Hi. Happy Thanksgiving," Lorelai greeted, trying to be as nice as possible.

Rory just waved, looking anywhere but at the couple.

"So, are you joining us?" the mother of two asked as she sat down.

"Uh, sure, if that's okay," Jess replied, grabbing the seat next to Frankie. "God, I'm starved."

"You could've eaten," Luke said monotonously, giving Jess a glare.

"You kept telling me not to."

"I did not," the diner owner stated defensively.

"You did to, you said we were waiting for them."

"Awe, you didn't have to wait for us," said Lorelai.

"Oh, I wasn't waiting for you. It just worked out this way," Luke explained, setting the plates down in front of everyone.

"Right," Jess mused, a slight smirk on his face.

As everyone started eating, Luke stopped them. "Shouldn't we give thanks first?"

"Thanks for what?" Jess asked, fork in hand.

"Well, that we're not Native Americans who got their land stolen in exchange for small-pox infested blankets."

"Amen," Lorelai stated, then dug into her food.

"So, where are you guys in your day?"

"We hit the Kim's, we hit Sookie's, and we go to the grandparent's from here," Rory said, taking a bite of her food.

"Full day," Lorelai agreed.

"You can skip eating this one if you want. Just have Coke's or something. It's no big deal," Luke muttered.

Frankie could tell that he was trying to make their lives easier, but it would hurt him if they agreed to his statement, so she took a huge bite of mashed potatoes. "I still have some room in my stomach."

Luke grinned. "Good, good."

Once they were done at Luke's, the Gilmore's made their way to Hartford. When the front door opened, Frankie handed the flowers to Emily, who took them appreciatively, and they were ushered inside and into the living room.

"Ah, happy Thanksgiving, Rory," Richard said, embracing his granddaughter.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Grandpa," Rory replied, returning his embrace awkwardly. They hadn't spoken since the fiasco at Yale, and the tension was palpable.

"Frankie, happy Thanksgiving," the man said, reaching out for his second granddaughter.

"Happy Thanksgiving." Frankie hugged him more securely, but the tension was still in the air.

He went around introducing the other guests to his family, and then they all sat down to enjoy drinks.

Conversation turned to college as dinner began, with Richard and Emily's guests questioning the twins about their school choices and if they had applied yet. Frankie explained her situation, and that she had applied but was waiting to hear if she would get an audition from one more school, and that auditions would be taking place in the next few weeks. Lorelai was shocked when she found out that Rory had applied to other schools besides Harvard. When Rory mentioned Yale, Lorelai became upset, and began arguing with her father at the table. She eventually stormed away from the table, and Emily followed her, leaving the twins and their grandfather with the Gilmore's guests.

The Stars Hollow Gilmore's eventually found themselves back home, and made their way to Sookie's to check on her. Jackson's relatives were drunk and deep-frying everything they could get their hands on. Sookie was wasted, too, still sitting in the same spot they had left her.

Once they were certain that Sookie was okay, they went to Luke's for coffee. Jess was taking the trash out, so Frankie ran after him. "Hey!"

Jess turned around, a smile gracing his lips. "Hey."

She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him close, kissing him gently. "I missed you."

"We just saw each other a few hours ago," he said with a chuckle.

She shrugged. "So?"

Jess smiled and kissed her again. "I missed you, too." He tossed the trash into the dumpster, then grabbed her hand as they made their way back to the diner. "How were the four Thanksgiving's?"

"Good, up until my grandparent's. We didn't eat there."


"There was an argument."

"Ah." Jess opened the door to the diner and stepped through it, turning around to face Frankie. "You coming?"

She shook her head, then stood on her toes to kiss him. "Gotta go sleep off this food coma. Love you."

"Love you, too. See you tomorrow?"

Frankie spun around, walking backwards down the sidewalk, a grin on her face. "Of course. Where else would I be?"

Jess chuckled, watching as she strolled down the road and into the darkness.

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