You're bipolar!

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Olivia's POV

Ugh! I'm so sick of Elena's whining! There are more important things in life than her insecurities. I know I overreacted a little bit, but I'll apologize later. I have to find my brother.

So, I called the two people who could mist likely help me with that. My best friends. I would've called Maggie, but she's on a date with this guy named, Brian. I hope she's having a better day than I am!

"Liv! We're here! " I heard Candice announce from the living room. I walked out of the study to see her and Christina standing there.

Tina held up a small vial of red liquid, "Don't judge me, but I hunted Grant down and stole some of his blood for the locater spell. " she explained, sheepishly.

I nodded, "Doesn't matter. He deserved it. " I said quickly and she relaxed. "Do you need anything else? "

"A map. " I pointed to the already spread out map on the coffee table, "Okay....then nothing. "

Candice loomed at me, "I dropped Bonnie, Matt and Caroline here, but then they said that they wanted to go to town square, where a guy, Alaric was? " she said confused.

I nodded, "Thanks. It's their friend. " she nodded her head in understanding.

"Got it! " I heard Tina say. That was fast.

"You found him? " I asked her, not believing it.

"Yup. He's somewhere on Shell Beach."

I thought for a moment, "We always went there in the summer, mostly with Maggie.... "

"He must be up there to clear his head. The whole dad thing hit him hard. " Candice said gently, rubbing my arm. She was right. We only found out about Grant 3 weeks ago.

"Yeah....I'll tell Nik where he is. " I said pulling out my phone .

"Ok. " Tina sighed, getting up from her place on the couch. "We'll be upstairs in your room. We have to tell you something exciting. " she said with a grin.

I nodded with a smile on my face and called to her, "Thanks, Tina! "

"Don't mention it! " she yelled back. I laughed lightly and texted Nik.

'We found Scott. He's at Shell Beach'

'What? Where the bloody hell is that? '

'Out of town. On the N19'

'Okay. We'll find him and get him back. '

'Actually, I was wondering if
you guys would stay up there
with him. '

'What? '

'He's not in a good place
right now. We'll talk when
his head is clear. '

'Okay. Are you alright? '

I had to think about this for a moment. No I wasn't. I wanted to know what was wrong with my brother.

"I'm fine. Just take care
of Scott. '

'Very well. Fine. '

I needed to make sure Scott was okay. He's never been like this. He's never ran off! This thing with his dad was really screwing with him and I had no clue on how to help him.
I figured that the only person that could understand what he was going through was Niklaus. His father, Mikael resented him for centuries. It was horrible, and I heard that he killed Mikael last year or so, but for years, Nik coped with it and didn't let it get to him. He stayed strong. I wanted that for Scott. Maybe with Nik's help he'll be able to get through this.

I saw Elena come from the kitchen into the room. I took careful steps towards her.

"Elena, I'm sorry for snapping at you. I was worried about Scott, but we found him. He's at a beach house that we used to go to as kids. " I apologized.

She glared at me, "I don't care. That doesn't give you the right to talk to me like that. " she growled.

I took a deep breath and put my phone in my back pocket.

"I know and I'm really sorry. I wasn't myself. "

"Whatever. " she snapped.

My brows furrowed. What the hell was her problem?

"I know tha-that you're upset but, I- I just thought that we could put this behind us. " I stammered. She was being so difficult!

"No! " really? 

"Why not? " why was she acting like this?

"Because-" What?!

"What's wrong,  Elena? " I asked, a little pissed that she was like this right now, after I just apologized.

"Nothing. " she told me angrily.

I clenched my jaw and threw my hands in the air, "What the hell is going on with you, Elena? I'm just trying to make peace with you and you're going off at me! "

Elena looked shocked, speechless even. She just stared at me, her mouth gawking.

I sighed and held my hands in front of me, "I'm sorry, Elena. That was uncalled for. I'll just go. "

I tried to walk past her, but she grabbed my arm and spun me back around. I gave her a questioning look.

All of the sudden, she looked really angry, "What the hell is wrong with you, Liv!? " Huh? Me?

When I stayed quiet, she took a few angry steps closer to me and continued.

"It's like you're bipolar, or something! First, it's all rainbows and cupcakes, then it's like you wanna bite my head off! "Ohh!

People often say this about me. I think it's because I grew up with vampires. They have the ability to turn their humanity off aka their emotions. They suddenly don't care about anything. It's a switch in their minds. One time, Rebekah got super pissed off at Nik and Elijah. She returned 3 days later having slaughtered two and a half towns. She didn't care in the slightest, until she turned it back on. She felt really guilty about it.

Sometimes, I can control my emotions too. It's just something I grew up with. I never thought it was a bad thing, but apparently Elena can't stand it.

"It's just something that I do! You're gonna have to deal with it, Elena." I sighed exasperated. It's been a really long day.

She rolled her eyes and didn't say anything going upstairs.

I sighed. She can be a real pain sometimes. My mood brightened when Damon walked into the living room from the kitchen. He smiled softly at me and I returned it. We hadn't known each other for even a month, but I already felt so comfortable around him. It was weird. Especially for me.

"Hi. " he smirked. He always did that!

I smiled, "Hey. Where's Stefan......Katherine? "I asked looking behind him.

He shrugged one of his shoulders and replied with a smirk, "Beats me. Probably off wrestling or something.... " he joked, or at least I thought it was.

I laughed and just shook my head at him. He smiled.

"You wanna go out and do something? I think Beacon Bar is still open? " he asked me hopefully.

"Sure!" I replied without thinking. He beamed. "No, wait! Candice and Tina are upstairs waiting for me.....sorry! " I said completely embarrassed that I just forgot my best friends.

His face dropped, but he nodded, "Sure, Liv. Maybe we could hang out later. " he replied.

I smiled and nodded my head. He could be so understanding when he wanted to be.

"Sure, see you later. " I smiled and quickly ran up the stairs.

I ran into my room and Candice and Christina were sitting on my bed.

Tina looked at me, "Spill! " she told me sternly. Huh?

Candice aka Candy, saw my confusion and clarified, "Who was that guy, when is your first date and does he have a brother?! " she said quickly.

I stared at the two of them in slight amusement. Of course!

"His name is Damon Salvatore. We're just friends and yes; he does have a brother, Stefan Salvatore. "

"Is he hot? " she asked with her cheeks a slight tint of pink.

I smirked. She's so cute! "Very hot! Almost hotter than Damon. " I said suggestively, joining them on the bed.

Tina pouted, "Awh man! There isn't one for me! " we all giggled loudly.

"Hey, ladies. " we heard a voice from the door and our heads snapped up to look who it was. I was about to scold whoever came into my room, uninvited, but blushed when I saw it was Damon.

Did he hear what I said about him and Stefan? My question was answered when I looked at him again and he was smirking right at me. Dang it!

"Hey, Damon! " Tina said, bumping shoulders with me teasingly. My face grew hotter. Ugh!  Why did she have to be so obvious!?

"Yeah! " Candice joined in, "Hey, Damon! " she said smirking at me. I pulled my tongue at her. Then I got an idea.

"I wonder where Stefan is. " I wondered out loud, smirking at Candice who gawked at me.

"Uuuugggghhhhh!!! "

All of us laughed. I looked back at Damon to see that he was already looking at me.

"Is something wrong? "I asked, concerned.

He shrugged and pushed himself off the door frame.

"Nah! " he smirked, "Just wanted to meet your friends. " he shrugged.

Tina pretended to cough, "Ehm-creep!"

I looked at her wide eyed. Damon looked amused. Candice just covered her mouth trying to hide her smile.

"It's nice to meet you too, Christina. " Damon smirked.

Christina smacked her hand on her chest and gasped, "Please! The pleasure is all mine! " she said returning his smirk, not backing down.

Damon looked at me, "You have great friends, Liv." He walked towards the door but then paused and leaned down to whisper in my ear, "We'll talk later. "

I just kept a neutral expression. Didn't he know that they both had vampire hearing?! He continued to walk out the door and closed it behind him. I heard him go down the steps and a few seconds later, the front door closed. As soon as it did, Tina and Candy squealed.

"Yaaaassss!!!!! "

I just laughed at them. I wonder what we'll talk about.


Elijah and Rebekah came back after finding Scott. Of course, him and Nik stayed behind to talk things out. Aunt Maggie came back from her long date. She said that she really likes Brian and they'll be going on another date. Good for her.

All of Elena's friends were back and we had dinner together. It was really quiet. Nobody spoke. Damon and I exchanged a few glances, but that was all. With everything that's been happening, I couldn't believe that I just met these people three days ago. Weird.

After dinner, everyone went to bed and I was relieved that the day was over. Elena and I still haven't spoken since this afternoon, but I did call Scott and made sure that he was okay.

I walked tiredly into my room and straight to the bathroom. I took a 2 minute shower, letting the hot water release the tension in my body. Yip. I was really tired and ready to go to bed. I put on my pajamas and tied up my hair into a thick ponytail.

I sighed and walked back into my room, but gasped when I saw Damon sitting on the edge of my bed.
He looked my pajamas up and down. I glanced at my short shorts and long sleeve T-shirt. Why was he here?

He saw my confusion, "Our talk remember? We didn't spend time together today. " he smirked.

"O- oh. Right. " I stammered. I felt my cheeks getting hot. Why does he always do this to me?

His smirk widened when he saw my reaction. Ugh!

"So, let's talk." He raised his brows.

"About what? " I said, trying to keep my face as normal as possible.

He shrugged and stood up, "Anything..... You..... Me.... Us? " he said looking down.

It was my turn to smirk, "Us? What about us, Damon? " I asked innocently.

He looked at me,"C'mon!  You know. "

"No, I don't." I shook my head.

"Seriously? "

"What? "

"You're really gonna make me say it? "

"I have no idea what you're talking about. " At this point,  I really had no clue what he meant. Was it an inside joke or something?

I looked at him, confusion etched onto my face.

"C'mon, Liv! " he said in frustration.

"What?! " I laughed.

He sighed and was quiet for a moment.

"Do you wanna go out with me tomorrow? " he asked me.

What? "

He face palmed himself. "Really? " he groaned.

I frowned.

"Uh... No. " I answered him.

He removed his hand from his face and looked at me confused.

"What do you mean? I thought we were getting pretty close. " he sounded so disappointed. It broke my heart!

I shook my head. This wasn't right.

Damon was still technically with Elena. She was in his roomless than a week ago. Things weren't over between them.

He cleared his throat, "I don't understand. " he said, slowly shaking his head. He just couldn't comprehend why I wouldn't want to go out with him.

I sighed, "Damon-" he looked into my eyes. "We can't! You're with Elena! "

His features twisted in confusion, "What are you talking about? " he asked me genuinely confused.

I wasn't gonna buy it.

I walked to my door and twisted the knob, pulling it open, and gesturing outside. "Goodnight. "

"But-" he tried to protest.

I cut him off, "Goodnight, Damon. " I opened the door wider. He sighed and gave up trying to talk to me.

He got up and walked out of my room, reluctantly. I closed my door, leaning against it and taking deep, reassuring breaths. I walked to my bed, climbing under the covers. I instantly fell asleep. This has really been a long day!

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