Get Smashed! Then Get Stupid!

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Olivia's POV

I raced down the stairs with Matt hot on my heels. Just as I reached the ground, I heard the door slam closed and Caroline went storming past me. Elena came a few moments after, looking tired.

"Hey. " she greeted softly with a gentle smile.

I didn't return it; instead I frowned.

"Scott and Justin are gone. " I spoke urgently, my eyes wide with fear.

I then realized that I didn't even ask what was wrong, but I'm sure that the two of them will work it out.

Elena paused as she neared the kitchen's entrance and turned back to me; a confused look washed over her features.

"What....? " she shook her head as if to clear it and came back to me, "How? " her voice took on a much more serious tone.

I shook my head and sighed, "I don't know. I'm not sure if Scott took Justin or if Justin took Scott. " I ran my fingers through my hair and groaned.

I'm betting on the former.

Seriously, sometimes being the only useless human in the house can really suck.

Elena stepped closer to me and took my hands in hers so that I would stop harassing my already messy hair, "We'll find them. We'll just - get Bonnie and Maggie to do a locater spell. "

I gently pried my hands out of her grip and put them on my waist instead, "I don't know.....they've already exhausted themselves trying to find Tina..." I sighed once more, "And it's getting dark. "

"We should call everyone back. It's stupid to go looking for Tina and the hunter at night. " Matt's voice sounded behind me.

I mulled that over for a second. 

Ugh! He's right. We'll have to keep looking tomorrow.

I took my phone out of my pocket, debating on trying to call my brother again, but quickly stopped myself and called Damon.

He picked up on the second ring.

"Liv! What gives me the
honour? " he spoke, humour
clear in his words.

Before I could say anything, he spoke again.

"Two phone calls in one
day? Christmas is over, already. "

I looked to my left and saw Elena staring at the ground with a scrutinizing frown on her face. I felt my heart deflate, but quickly looked away and answered him.

"The first one didn't count.
That was Alaric. " I shrugged
even though he couldn't see
me, "Where are you guys? It's
getting late? "

"Out... " his voice sounded
far off and I frowned, "Busy. "
he finished.

I shook my head in
frustration and sighed,
"I think Scott took
Justin from the shed. I-
I didn't find him in the
house. "I said and I cursed
myself in my head when
my voice came out shaky.

There was a long pause on the other end.

"Yuuup. Well, that certainly
makes a lot more sense. "
he sighed.

I shook my head and turned around to look at Matt. He gave me a slow nod, his mouth set into a grim line.

I sighed and shifted uncomfortably
from foot to foot, "Y-you guys
should come back now. It's
dangerous this time of the day.
We'll....look tomorrow. "

"Uh.... okay. Don't
freak out; but we've
got a problem..... "

I couldn't contain the
groan that ripped through
my throat, "No! Please, tell
me that you're joking? "

What now?!

"Trust me, I wish
I was, Liv. " he said,
completely serious.

I sighed and took a few
moments to accept that
everything was falling apart
before I said anything, "Okay,
okay. Just.....say it. " I gritted
through my teeth.

I spun so that I was facing Elena and Matt. Elena was staring between the phone and I, concerned; while Matt looked confused.

"Um.... " there was
a long pause and I
had to check if he and
I were still connected.

"Damon? " I asked, worried.

There was another pause before I heard his voice.

"Stefan and Katherine are gone.
Poof! Gonzo! Bibidee Bobidee Boo! "

My eyes widened and immediately went to Elena. She was gaping in shock and I'm sure that I looked the same.

"Gone? What do you
mean? T-they can't just
be gone! " my voice was
shrill with fear.

Matt seemed to catch on and his eyes widened as well. I wrapped an arm around myself. I felt like just going to bed and putting this horrible day behind me.

"It-I... "

He didn't finish and I frowned.

"Damon? What's wrong?
Do you know where they
are? " I asked quickly.

If he knew where they were, we would go and get them right now and take down whoever the heck took them; no questions asked.

"Katherine took him....somewhere. "

That made my frown deepen and I shook my head.

No, she wouldn't do that...

"But....she knows that she's
supposed to help us bring
Tina back...and Dr Lester. "
my voice trailed off as I
thought about Scott
as well.

So many people are gone now, and we have no clue where they are.....and there's also a huge danger of the hunter. This can't be happening!

I heard him scoff, "It's Katherine
we're talking about. She wasn't
planning to help us....ever. "

I huffed out a breath and
shook my head, "You don't
know that. " I denied, even
though the evidence was

"No, I don't. " he agreed and
I felt like he was patronizing me,
"But, I do know Katherine. Sh-shee
doesn't take care of anyone but
hers-self. "

Before anything more could be said, the phone was being snatched out of my hand.

"Are you drunk?! " a voice
snapped and it took me a
second to realize that Elena
took my phone.

When I heard what she said, I frowned.

You have got to be kidding me!

"Proba-bably. "

That was the last thing I heard, because by then, Elena had stomped right out of the door with my phone and slammed it shut. I could hear her yelling and pacing on the porch so I just sighed and shook my head.

"Hey. It's gonna be alright. " Matt's soothing voice came from next to me.

I turned to him and gave him a sad smile. I don't know what's going to happen anymore. Justin, my brother, Stefan and Katherine are gone. Damon isn't here yet and the last I had heard from Candy and Troy, they were searching for Tina at campus.

I'm not sure what they expected to find; maybe Tina going about normally with her studies and making cheesy jokes. I couldn't bring myself to say anything, so I let them go and see what they could find. Or maybe a tiny piece of me was hoping that she'd be there too; that all of this was just one giant nightmare.

I looked over at Matt and gave him a small smile, "Can I use your phone? " I asked, sheepishly.

Matt frowned but complied and took his phone out of his jeans pocket to give it to me.

"Uh, yeah. Why? "

I shrugged, "I have to tell Candy to come back......Brian too. He's been out there for a while now. I should've called him back sooner. "

He smiled at me and nodded before jogging back upstairs.

It took me several minutes before I remembered Candy's number and I quickly dialed it in. It went straight to voicemail and I frowned, annoyed. I tried dialing Troy's number, but it went to voicemail as well.

I sighed and shook my head. Now, I've got no idea what's happening on their end. I hate all this not knowing! It's making me worry myself out of my mind!

I glanced over at Elena or rather Elena's silhouette on the porch. She'd quieted down a lot and she was standing still and had the phone to her ear. Of course, now the whole house couldn't hear her scolding Damon for getting drunk for whatever reason he decided to get wasted.

But maybe getting wasted isn't such a bad idea.

I looked back at Matt's phone and realized that I didn't even know Brian's number. I don't think I even had his number in my cell phone. Guess there's a first time for everything.

I went to the kitchen and entered to see Caroline, Bonnie, Alaric and aunt Maggie sitting around the counter.

"Hey. " I greeted, distractedly.

Only Alaric and my aunt said it back, but I didn't care. I had something to do.

I looked at my aunt, "Can I call Brian on your cell? " I asked, walking over to the counter and going to stand next to Caroline even if she wasn't happy with it.

My aunt and Alaric exchanged a look and looked at me with confusion, "Why? " they asked at the same time.

My eyes widened when I realized that I still hadn't told them about Scott being gone.

"'s just that I don't think that he needs to be looking for Justin anymore. "

Alaric scoffed and my head snapped up to meet his gaze, "He's a hunter son whose following orders from his hunter dad. You don't think that we need to be looking for him? " he asked with amusement.

I sighed and shook my head, "Justin gone is a problem......but Scott gone is an even bigger problem... " I revealed, my head drooping.

Alaric and aunt Maggie stiffened at the news and my aunt leant down over the counter to look me in the eyes.

"You're not serious, are you? " she spoke lowly.

I sighed and nodded my head. My aunt threw her head back and groaned loudly at the news. Alaric scoffed and rolled his eyes, not even bothering to hide his annoyance and disgust.

"There's more...... "

My aunt groaned, "He took that boy didn't he? Gosh! I'm sure that we taught him better! " she scowled at her hands that were braced against the counter.

My heart pounded and the bad feeling that was settled in my stomach all day was making itself abundantly known.

"More than that... " I trailed off, letting her know that I thought that was exactly the case.

My aunt Maggie looked at me with disbelief and Alaric groaned this time.

"Okay, what the hell is going on with everyone? " I heard Caroline's high pitched voice exclaim.

I looked next to me, surprised that she actually said anything. Bonnie looked perplexed as well and I could completely understand.

I sighed, knowing that I wasn't going to help their situation anymore, "The other thing was that......Katherine, I don't know......stole Stefan? " it came out as more of a question and even I hated the uncertainty in my voice.

The two girls shot up out of their chairs at that.

"Seriously?! " Caroline threw her hands up.

"I knew we couldn't trust her! " Bonnie fumed and they went stomping toward the door.

I can't just let them go!

Also.....they brought someone to my home that even they don't trust! Who does that?

I quickly put myself between them and the door, obviously not earning me any brownie points.

"Wait! " the both of them scowled at me, unimpressed.

Bonnie stepped forward before I could get another word out, "If you tell me to hunker down and find Christina or your brother again, you're gonna wish that you were the one missing. It's bad enough that Elena keeps begging us to stay." she practically growled out before shoving me out of the way and exiting the kitchen.

Caroline inched her way around me as well and stormed after her friend.

I looked to my aunt Maggie or Alaric for help, but they just shrugged, innocent looks on their faces. I growled lowly and quickly followed after Bonnie and Caroline to the living room before they got a chance to leave.

"Wait.....just hold on! " I called when I spotted them halfway to the door.

The both of them swiveled around and Caroline's hair whipped her in her face with the force of the quick movement. They leveled a glare at me and I sped up my pace so that I didn't have to yell at them from across the room.

Then I've really blew any chance of befriending them, but I mean......I'm trying!

"We should go and look for them tomorrow. It's getting really late- " I gestured to the dark sky outside the only living room window, "I don't want anyone else to go missing.....or get hurt. We can look for them first thing in the mor- "

Bonnie scoffed incredulously, "What? " she snapped, "So, when it's your friends and family that are missing, then everyone should drop what they're doing and help out, but when it's us; we leave it for tomorrow?! "

She inched closer to me, her eyes flashing with contempt, a stiffness to her movements. I sighed and slowly dropped both of my hands to my sides.

I'm not getting angry.

"I just don't want anybody else to get hurt. Besides you and Maggie have already exhausted yourselves trying to find- "

"Your friend! " she finished, taking a threatening step closer to me.

I shook my head, "I had no idea that all this was going to happen; if I did, I never would've let them help. I swear. "

Caroline finally found her voice behind Bonnie and she came to get up in my face, "Well then, good luck finding them yourself.  We're going to find Stefan. " she spoke lowly, before and turning and dragging herself and Bonnie out the door.

I stood there, feeling even more worse than I had this morning.

And then I realized.

"I totally forgot to call Brian......" I muttered lowly before I returned to the kitchen.

I hope they make it back okay.

Damon's POV

"Damon......what are you doing? " I heard Liv's voice say.

I turned around in my bar stool to see someone else that looked a lot like Liv, staring at me with pursed lips, a nervous look on her face.

Oh. Not Liv.

I turned back around and took another long drink of bourbon. There was a temp filling in for the blonde girl that the conniving bitch ate - he probably had no idea that sometime tomorrow, he would be the new official bartender. That's if they found that girl's body by then. I sure as hell couldn't.

Couldn't find Stefan either.

I scowled at that depressing thought and gestured for the temp to top me up. The guy looked unsure about giving me another glass, so I quickly leaned over the counter to compel him. He had that dazed look that all of the sorry ass humans have when I compel them, before he quickly filled my glass to the brim.

I grabbed the glass and drank it halfway, before leaning my head on the palm of my hand and sighing.

I'm a terrible brother.

In a few more hours, the deal would've expired. I called Bonnie to try and ask her about her mom's spellbook, but she and Caroline were too busy running around town and looking for Stefan and Katherine; it was hopeless now. I should've just told the truth, but now everyone's going missing and getting hurt and I'm here drowning myself in liquor.

Sure, I could just tell Bonnie the truth, but then I risk having Bonnie and Caroline more pissed off at Liv than ever. After all, she is the one who told them that Katherine took Stefan.

And it's all because of what I told her.

Even though Liv would probably be pissed off if I told her the truth, I still couldn't help but want her here with me. Drinking, talking.......hell I'd even take her yelling at me at this point.

And then she did.

"Do you have any idea how worried everyone is? Katherine and Stefan are gone! We have to find them before Katherine tries to, I dunno.....brainwash him or something! "

I turned my head, only to see Elena again. Why does she sound so much like Liv?

Oh, right. Twins.....doppelgangers.


She didn't even get Liv's hair right.

I ignored her ranting and downed my glass. The burning in my throat soothed me slightly and distracted me from the overwhelming feelings of guilt and regret.

I miss my car.

Liv's robot double came to sit on the stool next to me. I scowled at her and shook my head with squinted eyes.

"Giiive it up al-eady. Yoouu.....are not Liv. You don't fooool meee, stupid rob-bot double. " I slurred with almost every word.

I'm more far gone than I thought.

The robot scoffed and pulled the empty glass out of my hand.

"I'm not a robot, Damon. C'mon. We've gotta go. Katherine and Stefan are probably long gone from Beacon Hills by now. " she spoke with an annoying matter-of-fact tone.

Liv never sounds that annoying.

I nodded my head drunkenly, "That they p-probably are, Robotgirl. "

She nodded, "Yeah, so let's go. " she coaxed and stood to her feet.

She grabbed my arm to get me out of the stool, but I shook her off.

"No waaay. I'm staying here. You can go and save them, crazy robot lady. "

She squinted her eyes at me and groaned lowly.

I didn't know robots could do that.

She looked really annoyed for some reason, but then her back suddenly straightened and she looked at me with calculating eyes. Me being the drunken piece of Salvatore shit that I was, mimicked her and straightened as well.  I narrowed my eyes, mocking her pissed off facial expression.

"Damon.....what do you mean by 'save them'? " she asked, sounding suspicious as hell.

I sat there for a few moments, not having registered her words. As soon as they finally came together in my alcohol soaked brain, I jumped up from my seat and I was instantly a bit sobered up.

"N-nothing, nothing. " I shook my head, way too quickly.

Snap out of it, Salvatore! This is no time to be a dumbass.

I definitely do not wanna get caught lying by a robot!

Robotgirl came up to me and narrowed her eyes. I blinked too fast and she raised an expectant brow.

"Damon? You said that Katherine took Stefan and she wouldn't hurt him, so why do we have to save the both of them? "

Keep it together, Salvatore. Don't give her anything. You got this!

I breathed in sharply and quickly pushed past her to get out of the buzzing restaurant with people even more drunk than I was. I made my way to the door, stumbling over a few tables and chairs that I swore got in my way, before I got outside.

As soon as I felt the cold air outside, I immediately felt a bit better and less like a drunk fool. I took in a deep breath of the cool air and I could immediately acknowledge that Robotgirl wasn't Liv's double or any crazy shit like that; it was Elena.

Wow. It wore off faster than I thought it would. I thought I was completely smashed.

I took in another gulp of air and sighed when I realized that I'd have to run home.


When the hell did I start referring to the Mikaelson mansion as home? It's not home. Mystic Falls is home, the boarding house is home, even if the town is a piece of trash, it's still Stefan and I's home.

I have to set myself straight and man up already.

"Damon-! "

I whipped around and my head swam with the movement. I squinted at the figure running at me through the door.


"Where the hell are you going? " she frowned at me in confusion.

She held me by the shoulders, probably thinking that I had gone insane and I was gonna run off at any moment.

"Home. " I spoke, without hesitation.

Ugh! Why am I still using that word? We're in Beacon - freaking - Hills!

She shook her head and her frown

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