Georgia! What the hell?

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Damon's POV

These last few weeks have been slightly depressing. Since the night that I hijacked Liv in her bedroom, she has been putting all of her energy into ignoring me.
Mornings, lunches, dinner....even when I'm trying to talk to her- she's been bluntly ignoring my presence.

It's really starting to get to me. I know that I upset her that night, but now, I wanna know what's going on more than ever! I told Elijah about her weird mood, but he just said,

'I'll inform Niklaus about her behavior and then confide on Scott and Margaret.'

Who knows how long that's gonna take!

Apparently I spoke too soon, cause when I walked past the study, I saw Elijah beckon me inside.

"Close the door. " I heard a feminine voice.


I closed the door and walked into the room. Rebekah, Elijah, Klaus, Scott and Maggie were all seated on the suite.

I smirked and walked in the room, choosing to stand behind the couch with Scott and Maggie.

Elijah smiled at me from the opposite couch, "Thank you for coming, Damon. "

I smirked, "What's this about? Are we in the Mikaelson detention class? " I joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

He smiled, "We want to know what is going on with Olivia. Damon mentioned that she has been acting out of character. " he explained, looking at Scott and Maggie.

I looked at them too, but saw them staring at their laps. I raised an amused eyebrow at them and smirked.

"C'mon! It's time to finally fess up! " I teased them.

They both turned to glare harshly at me, but I ignored it. This is about finding out what the hell's been going on with Liv.

Rebekah sat forward and sighed, "You're not going to get out of this. Might as well just tell us what happened. " she shrugged.

Klaus smirked at them, "She's right, you know. " he said leaning back on the couch.

They weren't gonna get out of this.

It was silent for a long time. Scott and Maggie exchanged a few unsure glances, while Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah and I just stared at them, not caring how long it took to get information out of them.

Klaus sighed, "Ready when you two are. We are quite curious about this particular subject. " he smirked.

I moved around to sit on a chair in the middle of the couches, giving the pair my full attention. 

I smirked and sat back, still looking at them, "I have nothin' to do today.... " I shrugged.

Scott groaned and sat forward, "We promised her that we wouldn't tell anybody! " Scott sighed out.

I got that he was talking about Olivia. I sat forward and scoffed.

"Well, that's obviously not working out for her. " I snapped.

Maggie took a deep breath and we all looked at her.

"'re right. Something awful did happen to Olivia, but she would prefer that we rather not tell you. " she directed this at the Originals.

I rolled my eyes, "Then tell me! " I argued.

Their heads snapped around to look at me and they narrowed their eyes.

"She barely knows you! " Scott exclaimed.

He wasn't wrong. Liv and I weren't as close as the Originals were to her, but I thought that we had developed a pretty good friendship.

I sighed exasperated.

Elijah sat forward, "We have to know. It isn't negotiable. " he replied calmly.

Klaus and Rebekah nodded in agreement and I watched Scott and Maggie exchange looks of guilt and regret.

Maggie looked between us and took a deep breath, "I'm sorry. You're gonna have to ask her yourselves. " she whispered and both Scott and her hurried out of the study.

We sat in silence. Not a word or glance was exchanged. O think that we were all worried about Liv. We had no idea what she had been through and were anxious to find out.

If we could find out.

I got an idea and looked at the trio who were still deep in thought. I cleared my throat abruptly and their heads snapped up to look at me.

"What if I tried to get it out of her? " I volunteered.

"Haven't you already tried that? " Rebekah snapped, glaring at me.

She turned to look at her brothers.

"Why is he even here? "

Elijah sighed, "He's the one who informed me of Olivia's mood. I thought it was only right to include him". He explained calmly to his dumb little sister.

Klaus got up and walked over to the alcohol table, pouring some bourbon for himself.

"And how exactly do you plan on getting information out of our little sister, Damon? " he asked, ignoring Rebekah and Elijah's conversation.

His back was still turned to me and I smirked.

"Do you trust me? "I asked them.

Rebekah scoffed, "Just about as much as I trusted my murderous father, you retard. " she snarled.

I rolled my eyes, " then? " I asked her sarcastically.

She didn't say anything. Just smirked and lounged on the couch again.

I looked at Elijah, "Do you trust me enough to get the truth from her? " I asked him seriously.

He looked at me thoughtfully and then sighed heavily. He stared at me some more, contemplating his answer, before taking a deep breath.

"Just try not to do anything stupid. " he agreed and I smirked.

Rebekah whipped around and gaped at him, "Brother, you can't be serious!" She yelled in protest.

He shrugged, "When you have a better idea, let me know. " he said then disappeared from the room.

I smirked and left the room.

This is gonna be fun.


I couldn't find Liv in the house, so I decided to try Beacon Bar. I walked inside and saw Kevin sitting at a booth, alone. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

Why is he sitting alone?

I looked around and saw Liv talking to that mutt; Troy at the bar. I growled lowly and was about to walk over there and beat him up, but then I remembered the reason I came here and changed course to Kevin's table.

"She already got sick of you? Let me're too clingy? " I asked sitting across from him with a smirk.

He groaned and rolled his eyes, but then smirked, "Sorry. I haven't pulled a 'Damon' just yet..... " he fired back.

I clenched my jaw at his cockiness.


I rolled my eyes and turned around to look at Liv at the bar. She was still talking to the werewolf, so I turned around and gave Kevin a pointed look.

"I need your help. " I told him seriously.

He laughed wholeheartedly and smirked, "Oh really, now? " he teased me.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out a small tube of white dust. I held it out in a fist in front of me and looked around to see if there were any unwanted eavesdroppers. When I was sure that noone was looking, I opened my hand and pointed to the tube in my palm.

"I need you to slip this into Liv's drink. " I informed him.

When he saw what it was, his eyes widened and he looked at me, baffled. His jaw dropped and he just stared at me until he eventually exploded.

"What the hell is wrong with y-" he yelled.

I cut him off by slapping my hand over his mouth and growling lowly at him in warning. He stared at me with wide eyes, but got the hint and gave me a small, reassuring nod. I narrowed my eyes at him and slowly removed my hand from his gaping mouth. I sat back and watched him take several deep breaths to calm himself down. I just stared at him and waited until he was breathing normally and his heart rate had slowed a bit.

"Relax. " I said, my voice smooth and velvety.

"They're just crushed sleeping pills. Nothing to worry about. "

He still stared at me incredulous, "You want me to drug her? " he whisper\yelled.

I nodded and sat forward again, "Don't worry. It's for her own good... " I shrugged.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "How exactly? " he questioned confused.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged sitting back against the leather backrest.

"That's not important. " I shook my head.

His eyes hardened and he glared at me, "So, you want me to drug my girlfriend for no reason...?! " he growled out.

I smirked and shrugged, "As I've said, you don't need to know. " I replied nonchalant.

He rolled his eyes and glared back at me, "Tell me. " he demanded.

I narrowed my eyes and looked around to see if anyone was looking, before looking back at him; leaning in. I vamped out and growled lowly. I saw his face change from challenging to fear and I smirked.

"You, are in no place to make demands........human. " I spat.

He gulped nervously and stared at me in fear. After a moment her took a deep, shaky breath and looked straight into my eyes.

"I just wanna know if there's something wrong with her. She's my girlfriend. " he pleaded, fear and concern evident in his wide, brown eyes.

My face changed back to normal and I smirked.

"Sorry, man. You can't. " I teased him, "If you want to know what's going're gonna have to do this one simple thing for me, so that we can all find out. " I said simply.

He frowned, "Wait, so you don't know what's wrong with her? " he deduced.

He blinked rapidly and scowled, "So how do you know that something is wrong? " he rolled his eyes.

I sighed, "She's been acting weird...and so has her brother and aunt and I plan to find out what the hell's going on with your sweet girlfriend. "

I slid the tube of crushed pills to him and smirked.

"So get to work, Romeo. " I ordered and walked away, just when Liv came back to their table.


Olivia's POV

I just came back from talking to Troy. He apologised for being so rude and inconsiderate. We were cool now and I was happy, since he was dating my best friend now and we would be seeing a lot of each other.

When we were done with our talk, I walked back to where I had left Kevin, but when I did, I saw Damon get up and walk out of the Bar.

I furrowed my brows and sat across from my boyfriend, who I had finally went to the next level with...

Wink, wink, nudge, nudge...

It was really amazing and Kevin was really considerate. He took it slow and didn't try to force me to do anything I didn't want to.

A true gentleman.

I looked at him, "Was that Damon? " I asked, already knowing the answer.

He nodded with a sigh, "Yup. " he said in a bored tone.

I knew that they didn't really like each other.

"What did he want? " I tried sounding casual.

He rolled his eyes and sighed, "He wanted to know what my blood type was so that he knew what to tell the doctor when he eventually tries to eat me! " he replied sarcastically.

At least I think so...

"I'm serious! "I exclaimed with an eye roll.

He groaned and looked at me for a moment, contemplating something it seemed. He sighed.

"Why have you been avoiding him? " he asked suddenly.

I rolled my eyes, sighing, "Because Damon is an ass. " I replied.

Truth was, I was avoiding him because I was really embarrassed of the way I had acted on that night....
I couldn't even look him in the eyes.

He looked unconvinced, but shrugged.

"Okay. Here's your water. " he pushed a glass of still water to me.

I smiled, "Thanks for ordering. " I said, genuinely.

He shrugged, "No prob. "

I saw him look out the window of the bar and glare at something. When I followed his gaze, there was nothing there- just the parking lot.

I furrowed my brows and looked at him confused, "Everything okay? " I asked him, a bit worried.

He just looked back at me and smiled, "Nope. Let's just finish up our drinks and get outta here. " he shrugged.

I smiled and nodded, "Sure. "

I took my glass of water and brought it to my lips. I looked across from me to see Kevin staring at me intensely. I was confused, but downed the water and put the glass down, looking at the coffee that he had also just finished. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Let's go! " I said cheerfully.

He nodded and we both got out of the booth and walked out the door.

As I was walking towards my car, I started to feel drowsy. I halted in my steps and held my heavy head. Kevin was instantly at my side.

"Hey, babe! You okay? "

I could hear the worry in his voice, but I couldn't respond. My eyelids felt like there was sand in them and I started to feel dizzy.

"Kev.... "

I tried asking for help, but my voice came out barely audible. I felt my legs give out from under me and my breathing increased. I felt a pair of strong arms go around me, but when I tiredly lifted my head to see who it was, Kevin was standing a couple feet in front of me. I started to panic.

Who the hell is holding me up, then?!

I drooped to the floor, but then felt myself being lifted my the mystery guy. I fought to open my eyes and when I did, all I saw was a black, leather jacket.

After that, everything went black.


I sucked in a sharp breath. I opened my heavy eyes, expecting to see my white and purple bedroom, but instead I found myself staring out of a car window, watching trees race by.

Everything that had happened cane rushing back. We were leaving Beacon Bar and I suddenly got drowsy and fell. Kevin was there, but he didn't do anything.....

Oh god! Did he drug me?

I started to panic when I remembered the mysterious arms wrapped around my body. I whipped around, but instantly regretted it when my head pounded. I opened my eyes again to see Damon smirking at me.

I furrowed my brows in confusion and blinked a few times to make sure that I wasn't dreaming.

But I wasn't. Damon chuckled and smiled teasingly at me.

"Morning, sleepy head! " he said loudly.

I winced at the loud noise and sucked on a shaky breath.

"Damon? " I asked, but it came out a hiss.

He smirked, "Howdy! "

I looked at him confused, "Where are we? "

He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel to make a drum roll and then smirked at me.

"Georgia. " he replied with a happy smile.

My head was still pounding and I furrowed my brows, totally confused.

" " I denied shaking my head.

"Where are we? " I demanded again.

He gave my a sheepish look and smirked.

"Uh...I'm not lying. We're in Georgia. " he said nodding.

I took a while to process this and took a deep breath.

Georgia? I can't be in Georgia!

"Damon, we have to go back. Now! " I demanded seriously.

He shook his head, "Nope. "

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Why not?" I asked, bewildered.

He shrugged, "We've already come this far. You really wanna go back, now? "

I rolled my eyes, "Yes! " I exclaimed, but winced at my own tone of voice.

"Well....... " he drawled and turned to smirk at me, "I don't " he shrugged.

I didn't have time to argue, because my stomach suddenly twisted and it felt like my head was about to explode.

"Please, stop the car! " I cried, desperate to make the feeling go away.

He rolled his eyes, "Nah... "

My breathing increased, "Damon! Stop the car! "

He ignored me and kept looking at the road.

"Damon! " I yelled.

He groaned and started to pull over, "Oh, you were so much more fun when you were asleep! " he droned.

When the car stopped, I immediately got out and sighed in relief when my stomach finally stopped twisting. The pain in my head was still there though. I closed the door, but stumbled a bit at the force. I was going to fall, but then I felt someone pull me back up. I looked to see Damon's concerned eyes and flinched slightly when I saw how close he was.

"You okay? " he asked me worried.

I breathed out a shaky breath and nodded. He smiled cockily and pushed me up against his Camaro.

"Good. You were probably just car sick. " he concluded and shrugged.

I sighed in annoyance, "Does anyone know we're here? " I asked tiredly.

He raised an eyebrow at me, "Do I count? " he asked.

I groaned, "No! Of course not! I meant my brothers........and my aunt! " I stammered, bewildered.

I sighed and crossed his strong arms over his chest.

"Well Nobody knows we're here. " he shrugged.

I groaned on frustration and rubbed my tired eyes.

How the hell did this happen to me?

Then I remembered something. I passed out! How the hell did that happen?

I gasped and looked at Damon, bewildered, "Did you drug me? " I accused him angrily.

He bit his lip nervously and made a weighing gesture with his hands. There was an annoying sheepish smirk on his face.

"Well...technically, your boyfriend did." He revealed.

My eyes went wide and I gaped at him, "Kevin drugged me? " I asked, shocked out of my mind.

By now, the pounding in my head had stopped and all I could think about was Kevin drugging me; and that I was in Georgia!

He clicked his tongue and sighed, "Okay....technically, I made him. " he mumbled quietly.

I scoffed, "Of course! " I exclaimed.

There's no way Kevin would done that to me, willingly!

Damon glared at me and stepped closer. I could feel a shiver go down my spine and my heart skipped a beat.

"Look, we can go back and you can return to all of your family and love life problems.....or we could keep going and have a good time. " he shrugged.

He raised an eyebrow and smirked, "So what's it gonna be, Sunshine? "

I thought about his offer. He was right. I would rather much just be away from everything right now; especially when everyone has been reminding me of my past.

I swallowed thickly and nodded.

He smirked, "That's my girl. "

My heart fluttered when he said that and I sighed.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "And then we go back? " I questioned him, seriously.

He nodded, "Then we go back. " he confirmed.

Another question came to mind and I raised another eyebrow in question.

"Am I going to be safe with you? "

"Yes. "

I narrowed my eyes at him when another very important question came to mind.

"Can I trust you? "

He looked at me for a moment. I returned his glare and after a while, he nodded his head to the car.

"Get in. " he ordered ignoring the question.

I sighed, now extremely worried and regretting agreeing to this road trip.


We got out of the car and I followed Damon toward a isolated bar.

"You brought me to a bar? " I questioned in disbelief.

He turned his head to me and smirked, nodding, "Yip. Don't worry. You're old enough. " he reassured, slyly.

I sighed and didn't say anything else. I just followed him in. The bar was almost completely empty and I looked around, confused.

Why would Damon bring me here.....?

I turned to look at him, furrowing my brows. He just smirked at me and walked over to the bar. I reluctantly followed suit and sat down on a bar stool.

"Damon, why are we here? " I sighed out.

He looked at me with a small smile. Not his annoying smirk, but a genuine smile. I noticed how his icy blue eyes twinkled in the dimly lit restaurant and almost stopped breathing when he leaned towards me until we were just inches apart.

"This place is a fun hotspot. Lots of people to mingle with. " he returned to smirking.


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