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Damon's POV

Ugh! Liv hates my guts! I really don't know what I was thinking when I killed her brother. I guess that's the problem; I don't think! Today, we are gonna go to the next town to go to the 'Light Fest'. I have no idea what that is, but when I heard that Liv wanted to go, I volunteered. Except....just seconds ago, I heard that her dumbass boyfriend, or whatever the hell he is, is coming with us. I honestly thought that Liv had only gone out with him to make me jealous.......but she says that she really likes him, so I have no clue how I'm gonna act on this trip.

"Have you packed all that you need?" Elijah asked all of us, while we were packing our bags into the minivan that my friends and I came to Beacon Hills in.

I groaned, "Yes! For the two thousandth time! " I told him, sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes, "Well, I apologize for my concern. " he shot back at me.

I saw Liv poke her head out of the minivan. "We should go. " she said, annoyed with our argument.

I saw Elijah nod and he got into the drivers seat. I got in the back with everyone else and sat down between Elena and........ Kevin! I glared at him. Why the hell was he even coming on this trip?!

Liv was sitting next to him and she turned her head away from him, looking out the window. When she did, Kevin turned around and glared right back at me! He gave me a hard stare and I stared back with just as much hatred. If this guy didn't come into the picture, Liv and I would've been fine!

He put on a sickly sweet smile and spoke, "Can I help you with something? " he asked me tilting head to the side.

I just wanted to grab him and choke the hell out of him. Lots of death scenarios ran through my mind as I continued to glare at him. Instead of telling him off, or killing him like I usually would've, I just gave him the same smile that he gave me.

"Yes, actually. I would like your head on a silver platter. " I remarked, while smirking.

He looked back at Liv to see if she had heard that and so did I; but she was still staring out the window. He turned back to me with a confused expression on his face.

He took a deep breath, "Okay dude, seriously? What is your problem with me? " he asked me, confusion evident in his voice.

My eyes hardened, "You're my problem! " I shot back, narrowing my eyes.

He sighed, "Why, because I'm with Liv? " he inquired, confused.

I shrugged, but didn't say anything. Liv turned back around and looked at Kevin.

"Have you been to a Light Fest before?" She asked him with a bright smile.

He smiled back, "Yeah, but I was 9 years old the last time that I went. " he explained with a shrug.

She nodded and looked at me. Her face twisted up in confusion. She was probably wondering why I was sitting next to Kevin, since I pretty much despise him.
She didn't say anything.....she just turned back around to face the window and stared out of it, once more.

I hate that she hates me!


We arrived at the hotel that we were going to spend the night in. We walked in through the classy french doors and went to the reception desk. Elijah smiled at the woman behind it and stepped forward.

"Good afternoon.......Tracy. " he said, reading the name tag pinned to her red vest.

She looked up at him. She looked over all of us. Specifically, Elijah, Scott, Kevin and I. I had to admit, we were extremely attractive guys, so it didn't come as a surprise to me when she was checking us out. I smirked. It should be easy to get a room, now.

I saw Elijah smirk. He must've seen her eyes looking us up and down too, so he decided to turn on the charm.

"We would like to acquire a suite, please? Hopefully one that can accompany all of us. " he smiled, brightly at the woman and I smirked at his ability to woo her.

She blushed crimson, "Of course. What's your name, sir? " she asked, smiling at him flirty.

He smirked, "Elijah Mikaelson. " he stated with a curt nod.

She smiled again, "Well, there is a suite suited for ten people. " she suggested.

He nodded with a smile, "Good. Thank you, Tracy. " he smiled.

She flushed and handed him the key. He took it from her and started walking towards the stairs. We followed him and climbed the stairs. We came to a long hallway and walked until we got to room 19. Elijah unlocked the door and we flooded into the suite.

It was pretty big. I was surprised that we didn't have to use compulsion to get it, but a little charming seemed to do the trick. There were doors around the room. We were only eight people, so we all calmly walked to our rooms and set our stuff down.

I walked back out but when I did, I saw Liv grab Kevin's hand and drag him outside. Everyone else had already left, so like the pathetic, lovestruck puppy that I am, I followed them. I saw them walking down the hall to the stairs, so I quickly used my vamp speed to get closer to them.

"Hey, kids. " I smirked.

They whipped around with wide eyes like they had been caught doing something wrong. When they saw me, they relaxed, but still looked wary. I smirked.

Liv took a deep breath, "Damon. What are you doing? " she asked me with furrowed brows.

I tilted my head with a smirk on my face, "Hanging out with you guys, of course. " I smiled, menacingly.

I was not gonna let them go that easy.

She rolled her eyes, "Why? Can't you go and find yourself something else to do? I'm sure there is a gift shop or something around here with a chew toy for you. " she shot back.

I only smirked, "Liv, if I wanted a chew toy, I don't think I would have to go that far. " I said, lowly and threatening.

I glanced at Kevin. Every muscle in my body wanted to rip him to shreds. She followed my gaze and her eyes widened with fear. She glared back at me, giving me a warning look.

"We're going to go and enjoy the Light Fest. " she said, still glaring at me.

I smirked, "Sure. " I said with a shrug.

She looked at me for a moment and then grabbed Kevin's hand again, who looked really confused. They hurried down the steps and I smirked.

Maybe today won't be so horrible.


I was walking around the carnival. It was already late in the evening, but a lot of people were still here. The Fest was actually pretty cool and I wondered why I had never heard of it.

As I was looking at some of the rides, I heard Liv's angelic voice talking in the distance. I hadn't seen her that much, so I followed the sound of her before I finally found her outside the gate of the park that the event was being held at.

When I saw her, I stopped in my tracks.

There she was; standing on the pavement, lip locked with Kevin. My heart dropped in my chest. I held my breath and just stared at them. When they finally pulled away from each other, they smiled happily and Kevin got into a taxi that was waiting for him, to take him home.

As they drove away, Liv turned around with a small smile on her lips. She started walking back to the park. When she got to the gate, her eyes snapped up to look at me. I still wore the heartbroken expression on my face. I didn't think things were that serious between her and Kevin.

"Damon... " she breathed in shock.

My jaw clenched and I gave her a hard stare, "Olivia. " I addressed her, coldly.

Her brows furrowed in confusion. I never called her by her full name. It came as a shock to her. I kept my stare hard. She took a careful step towards me.

"Olivia....? " she asked in confusion.

I rolled my eyes, "Yip. " I shrugged.

Her frown deepened, "Damon...what's wrong? " she asked, shakily.

I shrugged again, "Well.... " I started rolling my eyes, "I told this girl that I loved her; and when I broke up with her psychotic, twin sister, I thought that we had a chance to be together. " I paused and looked at her. She was looking down at the ground, "But then, she went out with this other guy and claimed to be head over heels for him..... " I explained waving my hands dramatically in the air, "And then, I found them making out when he clearly was not the right person for her. " I finished off, bitterly.

I wasn't planning on telling her that, but at least she knows how I feel now. She just stared at me for a minute, but then she took a step forward and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, Damon. " she sighed.

I scoffed. She really wasn't getting the big picture here. I didn't want her to go out with Kevin. I wanted to be with her!

"Damon....look, I don't want things to be tense between us, but I can't forgive you. You hurt Scott! " she argued.

I sighed heavily and walked until I was standing in front of her. We needed to get this out of the way. If we didn't, we will never be able to move forward.

"Liv, c'mon! I apologised for that! " I argued, tiredly.

She narrowed her eyes at me, "No! You didn't! " she denied, angrily.

"Yes, I did! "

"No, you didn't! When you did it, you told me that he deserved it! You never apologised to Scott, either! " she argued.

I thought about this for a moment. She was right. I never apologised to Scott or her for what I did. Ugh! I'm such an ass! How could I not apologize. I might as well try it.

I sighed, "Okay....your right. I'm really sorry for what I did to Scott. I was mad. I didn't mean to do it. It just happened. " I apologised. It was genuine, too.

She looked at the ground and licked her gorgeous lips, nervously. She took a deep breath, and looked back up at me with sorrow in her eyes. She swallowed thickly before speaking.

"Thank you, Damon; for apologizing, but it still changes nothing. " she explained exasperated.

I swallowed thickly and took a step closer to her so that we were face to face. I looked straight into her eyes.

"Liv, please. Just give me a chance. I'm sorry for what I did...don't punish me further for it. " I asked her, sadly.

She shook her head, "It'll never be the same, Damon. " she took a deep breath, "I don't want to fight with you anymore. " she finished, tiredly.

I frowned, "Please-"

She cut me off, holding up her hand. She took deep breaths and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down. She opened her eyes again and looked at me.

"It's never going to be the same again, Damon. " she started. I quickly shook my head and tried to argue, but she cut me off,"I can't forgive you for what you did to Scott. " she said, strongly shaking her head.

My eyes saddened, "Liv....c'mon. Are we still talking about this? " I asked her, frustrated.

She took a deep breath and looked down. She stared at the ground, unsure of what to say. When she finally gathered her thoughts, she looked up at me.

"We won't work, Damon. " she started, she took a deep breath, "You can't control yourself! You killed my brother for goodness sake! " she exclaimed, angrily.

I looked at her with sorrow. I know what I did was stupid and selfish, but I didn't want this to affect us. It's pointless really. I can't really blame her for hating me.

"I'm sorry, Damon. I'm not going to try to be your friend, or enemy. I don't want to talk to you and I don't want you to interfere in my relationship with Kevin. " she told me, strongly.

My face hardened. What the hell?

"So....this is about Kevin, huh? " I spat. "You want me to leave you alone, so that you can play with your new boy toy. "

She rolled her eyes and groaned. She threw her arms in the air.

"Ugh! I may as well be talking to a wall! " she exclaimed, turning away from me.

I shrugged, "Nothing to be ashamed of. I play with people too, from time to time. " I smirked.

I don't know why I was acting like this, but I hated that she wanted to be with Kevin!

She ran a frustrated hand through her hair. She turned back around to face me and her expression turned cold.

"Stay away from me, Damon. " she said with no emotion.

I smirked and leaned in close to her ear. I could smell her amazing scent and strawberry shampoo in her hair. I looked into her eyes.

"Sorry, sweetie; but your not gonna get away from me that easily. "

I smirked and walked away from her. I heard her sharp intake of breath and my smirk widened.

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