"Is everyone okay," our teacher, Ms. Wilson, called out. One by one kids said their names, letting her know we were all okay. Everyone was accounted for. Slowly the class walked towards where she was.
"Okay, did anyone else hear growling," she asked. we all nodded. "Mhm. Okay so, I know it was dark for a while, but did anyone see anything strange? Maybe when the lights came on?"
I looked at Nik who shook his head. "No one would believe us anyway," he whispered.
"No buts. I just have a feeling about this. Trust me."
No one else said anything. That confused me. Did no one else hear those two boys, I thought, They probably thought it was two of our classmates.
"Well," our teacher began, "if no one saw anything-"
"Ain't you gonna go tell the principal about the growling," Kamrun asked obnoxiously.
"That's what I was going to say," Ms. Wilson deadpanned. "Anyway, let's go back to class.
They let all schools out early due to the safety concerns and so the police could investigate. Security on all of the buses were increased as well. I waited on Nik and his six year old sister Nyah before boarding the bus home.
"So KaliKitten," Nik began a little while into the ride, "have you decided what you're doing tomorrow?"
"Um, sleeping," I answered.
He frowned, "You do realize what tomorrow is, right?"
"First, tomorrow's Saturday. Second, it's your birthday!"
"Okay," I said as the bits ride continues. The two of us were quiet for the rest of the day. I know I was thinking about what happened in the gym. I wonder if that's what ge thought about, too.. "What about it?"
"You're turning 14! That's, like, 70 in Wolf years. You're practically an adult!"
"Actually it's 98 in Wolf years," I said as we walked off the bus. "And let's not talk about anything having to do with a Wolf right now."
He rolled his eyes and tightly held Nyah's hand. "Whatever, can't worry about that now," Nik began, but I cut him off.
"Yes, we can! We should!"
"Rylee, trust me on this. I don't know why, but I just have a feeling we shouldn't be concerned. Just forget about what happened for the time being, okay? It'll be alright; I promise." Reluctantly, I agree to this.
The two of us started talking about random stuff until he started cracking jokes I hope Nyah didn't understand. That's when I noticed said first grader staring at me. She had a sweet smile on her face.
"What is it Nyah?"
"Rylee, is Nik your boyfriend," she asked innocently.
We stopped and were silent before Nik burst into laughter.
"What's wrong Rylee? Can't handle all this~," he said shaking his hips side to side.
I rolled my eyes and tried not laugh. "Whatever Nik. You wish you could have me. And no Nyah. Nik is not my boyfriend."
"Oh..." she said sounding disappointed.
As we got close to my house, we separated. "Bye Kalikitten," Nik yelled as he and Nyah crossed the street to continue to their house.
Once I entered my house, I went straight to the kitchen where the rest of my family most likely was.
"Hey Rylee," my mom and sister said. My brother, Brayden, nodded my way.
"You were supposed to drive me home," I said to him.
"I was supposed to do a lot of things," was his response.
I looked for my little sister. She had stayed home with a cold. That's when I spotted her curly dark brown hair in the kitchen. "Kaysee, I need to talk to you."
"Okay," she said and jumped from the stool she was on. " About what?"
I took her hand and led her to the living room. Then in a quiet voice said: "About what happened when the lights went out." They'd called to tell the students' parents, so I was sure she knew.
She looked confused. "What about it?"
I told her the whole story. She smiled when I told her about Nik's indifference to the situation.
"Well, I think I have to agree with him on this," she said once I was finished, " Your birthday is tomorrow. Relax. Get some sleep."
I pushed her off the couch. "Can't count on you to be serious either, can I?"
"Nope! Now sleep!"
"It's, like, 1 o'clock."
And against my better judgement, I went to sleep. But I couldn't help the strange feeling I got when I did. I felt it all of the time, the feeling of someone watching me. They always said it was normal, but in my case, it was anything but.
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