Chapter 20: The end is nigh? Part 1

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Time skip 10 minutes, location Diadem of Light

Musashi strolled along the one of the pathways on the Diadem of Light. She was carrying a cardboard box filled with all sorts of different looking artifacts.

The Diadem had all sorts of different shrines, in the style of Shinto shrines. Though most were old and collapsed, with nature starting to take them over. Musashi could tell they were dedicated to beings she had never heard of before.

She stopped at one shrine one on one of the smaller five islands that was still standing. It was quite big compared to the other shrines.

It seemed that each island had multiple shrines, some bigger than others, but most were destroyed and being reclaimed by nature. But as she made her way to the central island, a massive building in the shape of an octagon, with a garden in the center of it and a grand hall in the center of that, was built on the island.

She cautiously crossed the bridge, though found that it was sturdy. She looked around as she got closer to the building and at least from where she was it seemed almost completely fine, besides a bit of faded paint, which was a dark red now.

She passed through the massive gates and found herself inside a massive beautiful hall. The hall was mostly dark inside as the only light was coming from the outside. She looked around confused as she wasn't sure where to go, as she didn't know of the central garden.

She just wandered around using her aura to light the dark area around her. Though her aura wasn't that bright and only lit a meter or so around her. But now she came to an area that was bright and saw part of the roof had caved in. She wandered around that area for a while since she could see the area much better compared to other places.

But she didn't find anything that could help her and went into another area. She wandered for a long time and found that the octagon shaped building circled around the island, which she hadn't known. But now after a while she finally found her way into the central garden and immediately noticed the great hall at the center.

As she got closer she could see that it had to be at least fifty meters long, ten meters wide, and fifteen meters tall at the tallest. But it didn't even fill half the diameter of the central garden.

She got closer and saw that one end of the great hall was collapsed with moss starting to over take the building. The wood looked old, yet as she now tested to see if the wood could hold her weight, it felt solid. She made her way in and found the inside could possibly hold hundreds if needed.

She set her box down and now started to take out the artifacts. There were several dozen in different forms, but most could mistakenly be seen as simple trinkets. But one major artifact was much more clear that it wasn't normal.

At first it seemed like a normal rock, about the size of a man's fist. But it glistened a beautiful navy blue, and the surface seemed to have a thin layer that moved like ocean waves.

Musashi seemed to look at the rock for a moment before muttering "hopefully this watatsumi actually works. Otherwise..." though now she shook her head "stop that Musashi! This will work... it has to work" She continued on, setting up the artifacts for the ritual she had planned to do.


Location 7,000 kilometers west of San Diego

Now what looked to be a relatively small fleet of modern ships could be seen. Only the USS Ronald Reagan, USS Laboon, USS Ramage, USS Benfold, USS Hopper, USS Chafee, and Edith Mærsk could be seen. But in actuality there were a massive amount of ship girls that were stowing their riggings on the ships there, so that it was harder for them to be detected, and so they could go faster. They were deep in Abyss Empire territory and communication with anyone else was cut off.

Sunshine could be seen on the bridge of the Edith Mærsk. She was alone currently as she propelled the vessel onward. It wouldn't be long until the battle begun maybe an hour or three. They were still a few minutes from when she'd go on alone.

As soon as she'd split off she'd attempt to send a message to Southern Yamato or at least the Abyss Empire that she was coming towards the Dragon Union. She knew that with how she was, news of her coming would get to her mother quickly.

Though she fantasized almost endlessly of what she'd do. Some were more dark than others, some were brighter, but she tried to memorize what she was supposed to do. She had multiple disruptors, modified so the only way to disable them once activated was to destroy them. Though... there was a bit of doubt in her.

While she had told Admiral Falcon and the others that she'd go through with her plan, she had some doubts that she could actually do so. She wondered how her mother would react. Southern Yamato always seemed pleased to be with her. But with how things were going she didn't know if her mother would be happy to see her or angry, or indifferent.

Though now as she leaned against one of the computers in the bridges, she heard footsteps behind her. She glanced back and now saw Sunken Shinano in the entrance doorway of the bridge. She was surprised and said "A-Aunt Sunken why are you?"

Sunken seemed to have a look of remorse as she said "I figured you needed some company before going off alone" though now she chuckled a bit as she walked closer "you were always such an energetic girl. But now, you're forced to be like your mother"

Sunshine smiled at Sunken though now she asked "Oh, have you and Uncle Pat decided what you're going to name your kid?"

"Patrick wants to name them Theresa if they're a girl, and Joseph if they're a boy. Though I want a bit more Japanese names compared to him"

"How much longer do you suppose before it's time?"

"Hmm, should be another week or two" though now she seemed to have a bit of a sad face as she said "I hope Patrick will be awake to be there. Considering how fast ship girls' children age, it will fly by. I mean only a year ago, you barely came up to Yammy's chest, and now you're such a big girl"

Sunshine seemed to hesitate slightly before asking "Do... Do you think mother really attacked the Azur Lane? I- I have my doubts but... either way, she's hurting innocent people"

"The reason I fight and why Enterprise fights are different, yet similar. Enterprise believes Yammy attacked, she was there at San Francisco. But she also fights so that there may be peace, so that her nation can thrive, and so she can possibly even make a family with her husband. I don't believe Yammy attacked. She isn't one to do such a thing. But... yet..." Now she let out a heavy sigh "I don't want my children to grow up in a war zone. Where the very next moment your life could be robbed. That's what almost happened to Patrick"

"Will he be fine?" Sunshine asked.

"The doctors said yes, but it will take time. Unlike you or me, he is a human. His wounds can't be healed in mere moments. Yet... you're similar to a human, technically you aren't a pure Abyssal but part human" now she let out a laugh and said "I remember Yammy telling about when she first met you. You had hugged her, and despite her not knowing you she took you in"

Sunshine frowned "how do you think mother will react to seeing me? Like again in a few hours"

"Hmm, she'll probably be overjoyed. She hasn't seen you in about a month. Though it's sad in a way... Even if she isn't your birth mother, she still truly loves you"

"Sh- last time I saw her she said she'd love me even if I hated her" Sunshine said.

"And she'll follow through on that. You've seen how she's treated people so far, with forgiving them" now she chuckled "it's a bit of a weakness of her yet... she wasn't always like that"

"What do you mean?"

"I saw only a part of it, because she started to change soon after I was summoned but..." now her face turned grim "she found pleasure in the pain of people. She was a sadist. I heard that sometimes... though rare, because they were rare encounters, she'd purposefully kill testers slowly when she could, because she enjoyed it. But then a close friend of hers called Yahagi sank. After that she started to change for the better. Though that was just the Yammy in her, Southern always just seemed to be a sweetheart"

Sunshine stared at her for a moment and was about to speak when both could hear a voice over the radio "We've reached the place. Sunshine are you ready to depart?" The voice was Enterprise's.

Sunshine seemed to hesitate as she liked talking with her Sunken. She had a conflicted look as she stared at Sunken, but sunken nodded and said "we can talk later" now she reached out and head patted Sunshine for a moment.

Sunshine grinned as her head was patted, but now as Sunken drew her hand back she nodded and smiled. "Yeah I'm ready" she responded to Enterprise"

"Good, I'm going to summon a portal for you to go ahead of the fleet" Enterprise said.

Now Sunken smiled before stepping away, through a portal to what looked to be the deck of a carrier. Sunshine stared a bit remorseful in the direction Sunken just was. But now she turned and saw a massive portal that she was sailing towards. She sighed as in just a few moments the Edith Maersk started to pass through the portal.

On the other side Sunshine could immediately see that the sun was a bit lower to the west. But also she saw that the ocean was completely empty. No other ships followed her through.

She turned to go to the side of the bridge and looked back at where the portal was. But the portal was shrinking rapidly after the Edith Maersk cleared it, and then after a moment the portal disappeared completely. Immediately it hit her that she was alone.

As she walked back to the main bridge she hesitated whether or not she should immediately broadcast her presence or not. But she let out a heavy sigh and spoke over the radio "this is Sunshine Princess broadcasting my position. I'm several kilometers away from Wake Island. Currently I'm aboard the container ship Edith Maersk, and on route to Hong Kong"


Silence... There was just silence after she spoke. She began to worry that no one was listening... a few minutes passed in silence as there was just silence but then...

"Sunshine? That you? Haha" Raffel could be heard saying over the radio.

"Y-Yes!" Sunshine exclaimed.

"I thought you joined the Red Merchant Fleet? Are they with you?" Raffel asked "though she muttered "Southern's probably going reward them for bringing you"

"N-no" Sunshine said "I'm alone right now"

"Wait, so you crossed three-fourths of the Pacific alone? How long have you been traveling?"

Sunshine hesitated as she thought of how long it would've taken her. Then a moment after she just guessed and said "about four days" She made sure that she sounded confident so she sounded truthful.

"Well, Southern Yamato will definitely be happy. Though don't worry, it shouldn't be too much longer until Southern finds out. Do you know your exact position?"

"I believe I'm 200 kilometers north of Wake Island and sailing towards Hong Kong"

"Hmm, then it'll probably be like three hours until Southern Yamato can get out to you, unless Eima or Eiki is with her, then it'll be sooner. Well that's what I'm guessing. She'll probably want to see you as soon as she can. So don't worry! She'll be there soon" Raffel exclaimed.


Time skip 4 minutes, location Hong Kong

There were groups of ships now docked at Lantau naval base. Since the Dragon Union had conquered all of the Dragon Empery while in the chaos of not having leader, the war against them was over. But now the troops and tanks had to move to the Azur lane nations nearby in case they tried invading. Though at least for the ship girls and Abyssals this was just a momentary rest before they went to the frontlines.

But now Southern Yamato, Yahagi, Maya. Ranna, Ramka, and Java could be seen in what looked to be a war room. They seemed to be drawing up possible plans for an invasion of the Sakura Empire. Southern Yamato was going to keep her promise to the Sakura Empire on what she was going to do, since they ignored her ultimatum.

The plan so far seemed to focus on using teleportors to send troops first near Sasebo and take out the base there, before retaliation could follow. Then to swing up northwards and land on the main island, taking out naval bases so they don't need to worry about ship girls.

Though that was the basic plan. The number of men, tanks, aircraft, and ships they needed were yet to be calculated. So the plan was just in the beginning phases.

But now there was a knock on the door "you can come in" Ranna said.

Now an Ei-class came in and gave a salute. "I have a message from the naval base on Guam" the Ei-class said.

"What is it?" Southern Yamato asked, as she seemed to lean against the table as she look at the map of the Sakura Empire they had.

"Sunshine Princess has broadcasted her position and Raffel spoke with her" the Ei-class said.

Southern Yamato, as soon as she heard Sunshine's name, looked at the Ei-class "What?" She said in bewilderment. "Where is she?" She raised her voice, though wasn't yelling.

"They said 200 kilometers north of Wake Island. They also said she's alone and is aboard the Edith Maersk"

Southern Yamato seemed to stared ahead as she thought. But now she stood up and walked around the table. Though she was soon followed by Yahagi.

"Master" Ranna said, which caused Southern Yamato to stop near the doorway, with the Ei-class stepping out of Southern Yamato's way. "You can't just go alone"

Southern Yamato stayed silent for a moment before saying "then we'll end this meeting for now. Ranna, you're in charge while I'm gone. Maya, Ramka, come with me. We're going out to meet Sunshine"

"Can I come?" Yahagi asked.

Southern Yamato looked to her and nodded and said "yes" though now she looked at the others and said "Come on, let's go" Maya, Ramka, and Yahagi followed Southern Yamato out as the others put the plans away.


Time skip 1½ hours, location 300 kilometers northwest of Wake Island

Sunshine sighed heavily as she leaned against the railing of the bridge. An hour and half had passed, and nothing had happened. And there was no one to talk to. She couldn't talk with Raffel, because Raffel had her own work to do.

But then something caught her attention. Several kilometers ahead she saw a portal that was starting to expand and it started expanding rapidly. She readied herself but now felt small as she saw Southern Yamato's ship could be seen. Even if the Edith Maersk easily dwarfed Southern Yamato's ship, her ship was still intimidating.

She watched as Southern Yamato's ship sailed through the portal, with Maya's ship following through. Maya's ship appeared similar to Eiki's ship. Sunshine thought she saw Ramka's monster following through as well, though she wasn't fully sure.

But now she heard over the radio "Sunshine? Is that you? Where are you?" It was Southern Yamato's voice.

Sunshine hesitated before saying "yes... I'm in the bridge"

Immediately a portal opened up behind her. She could heard the splashing waves from behind her. She turned around and saw that the portal led through to Southern Yamato's ship, and that Southern Yamato was only a few meters away.

Sunshine hesitated before running towards Southern Yamato. Southern Yamato opened her arms and Sunshine hugged her, and Southern Yamato hugged her back

"Sunshine" Southern Yamato exclaimed happily, as she hugged her tightly.

"Mother" Sunshine said.

The two stayed quiet for a moment before Southern Yamato released Sunshine, but she still held onto her. She was crying tears of joy as she looked happily at her "you returned. Oh, I was worried I couldn't hug you again"

Sunshine wanted to laugh happily, but she couldn't because she knew what she was going to do. She just tried smiling so it at least didn't seem odd.

Sunshine didn't notice it, but Yahagi and Ramka were nearby. But the two let them have their moment, since Ramka knew how much Southern Yamato cared about Sunshine, and Yahagi could guess what she was feeling.

But... Sunshine hid a few disruptors in her hands. She wanted to place them but she hesitated as Southern Yamato pulled her into another hug. She seemed so happy, and part of Sunshine didn't want to shatter that.

Though Southern Yamato wasn't stupid, she knew Sunshine and could tell something was wrong. She pulled back for a moment and while she was still crying she asked in a worried voice "Sunshine? Is... is something wrong?" Sunshine just lowered her head like she had done something shamefully, but didn't answer. Though now Southern Yamato put a hand on her head and said "it's alright you can tell me what's wrong"

Sunshine gulped nervously as she now suddenly stepped forward. For a moment Southern Yamato thought she was going to hug her, but instead she said "I'm sorry... mother"

Before Southern Yamato could ask why she was apologizing, Sunshine slapped four disruptors onto her, two on her right, two on her left. Immediately Southern Yamato felt her strength leaving her, she didn't feel in control of her ship. She didn't know what was fully happening in the moment but she knew something was wrong.

Sunshine stepped back for a moment as Southern Yamato looked at her confused "Sunshine... w-why?" She reached out to grab onto her, but Sunshine now ran away "Sunshine! W-Wait!" Southern Yamato exclaimed as she stumbled forward, for a moment.

"Master!" Ramka yelled "What's wron-" she stopped in her tracks as she saw the disruptors, and now looked confusedly at Sunshine.

But the words that Sunshine now yelled as she jumped off the ship sent chills through the three's spines. "Enterprise... now! Attack now!" Before they could stop her, she disappeared underwater.

But then a myriad of portals appeared around and in front of Southern Yamato's ships. Ship girls started coming through enmasse, with the modern ships following behind them.

"It's a trap!" Ramka yelled "Eima, we need to defend Southern! Yahagi, get those disruptors o-" before she continued a mass of explosions went off, and hundreds of shells landed nearby.

Southern Yamato now screamed in pain, as she had no way to prevent the shells from hitting her. She immediately tried grabbing one of the disrupters, but it shocked her so badly that it burnt the tips of her fingers. Yahagi immediately tried to grab two off, but she pulled back in pain, as she was shocked as well. She screamed in pain and looked down at the palm of her hand which was burnt.

"Shit" Ramka cursed to herself seeing what happened.

But now as she looked at the ship girl fleet she saw at least sixty or seventy ship girls. But then she saw the ship girls firing, and now they didn't stop firing. She flinched as she expected to get hit by the shells, but that didn't come as she saw portals around Southern Yamato.

Now Ramka growled in anger and her monster surfaced before launching her aircraft. But she didn't expect the entire sky to be filled with jets, mainly F-8 Crusaders, but Enterprise had F-15s in the air. But Ramka saw a new terrifying sight. The entire ship girl fleet had auras, most had green, but a few like New Jersey had silver

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