Introduction: That One Night

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Alex bit her lip, focusing intently on her laptop screen. This essay was due tomorrow and she was only halfway finished.

A loud crack of thunder made her jump. Alex snapped out of her trance and went to her window. In the distance, she could see S.T.A.R Labs. Narrowing her eyes, she leaned closer until her nose was almost touching the window.

Rising out of S.T.A.R Labs' roof was an orange beam of light that seemed to connect with the sky. Alex watched, entranced. She was so focused that she didn't see the water rise out of her cup next to the laptop. She also didn't see the lights flicker, or her laptop turn off. She watched as some of the orange light broke off and flooded towards her. 

She felt a small stab of panic as the light went through the window and her body. The glass shattered and she was thrown back. The wind was howling but Alex could barely hear it. Her mind seemed to be drifting... Going farther and farther... Until she was lost to a darkness.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! There are a few things I need to tell you. 

Harry is the Wells helping Team Flash

Currently no evil archenemy (Zoom, Reverse Flash, etc.) is fighting Flash.

Iris and Barry are dating, but not too far into the relationship.

There may be more in the future, but for now that's all I got.

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