Caitlin's POV
I slowly became aware of the pain in my body. Every muscle felt like it was on fire. Every movement increased the agony I felt.
Bit by bit, the pain faded, allowing me to open my eyes.
Joe was sitting at my desk, monitoring my vitals. He jumped up when he saw me awake.
"Hey Caitlin. How you feeling?"
"Like I was slammed into a wall," I groaned. He smiled at my attempt at humor.
"I'm gonna go get Iris and Barry. Don't move alright?"
"Where would I go?" I called after him, but he didn't answer.
I tried to sit up, but pain shot through my abdomen. Abandoning the attempts, I instead tried to make myself as comfortable as possible.
It wasn't long before Joe came back, this time with Iris and Barry. They were holding hands.
I knew that Barry and Iris were dating, but it still hurt every time I saw them together.
"Hey Cait. Do you remember what happened?"
I had just entered the Cortex when the lights turned off. Barry started to generate lightning, giving us a small bit of light.
"Everyone okay?" Barry started to say just as something hit, sending me flying. My head hit something hard and I blacked out.
When I came to, I was lying on the ground in the Speed Lab. In front of me, Cisco and Alex were fighting Electra and another man. The man turned invisble, confusing Alex. Suddenly she doubled over in pain before collapsing to the ground, unconscious.
I turned my attention to Cisco. I wanted to help, but I had a splitting headache. Cisco went flying as the invisible man hit him. Cisco hit the ground hard unconscious.
"Tie them up, Invisible Man." Electra ordered him. The man appeared in front of Alex holding a rope. He bound her hands and feet together before propping her against the wall. Electra did the same with Cisco.
I stayed perfectly still, hoping they wouldn't notice me.
"What about this one?" the man asked. I hadn't noticed him come over.
Electra bent in front of me, seeing my open eyes. "Tie her up too, but keep her awake."
The man did as she said, tying me up and setting me down beside Cisco. I tried to wake him, but couldn't. Electra left us with the Invisible Man, but soon returned.
"The Master wants Subjects Ten and Eleven. We're supposed to leave Subject Fifteen."
She came close and knelt down in front of me. "You got lucky this time," she said softly. She nodded to the Invisible Man and everything disappeared.
Barry listened intently throughout my explaination. "Do you know why they would leave you and take just Cisco and Alex? And what's "Subject Fifteen"?"
"I don't know," I admitted. "I think I'm Subject Fifteen. And Alex and Cisco are Ten and Eleven."
"We'll let you rest," Barry told me, even though I didn't feel the least bit tired. Everyone filed out just as Harry entered the Cortex.
"What'd I miss?" He noticed me. "You're awake!"
Barry filled him in as they all left.
I wasn't really comfortable staying in S.T.A.R Labs alone. I forced myself out of bed, ignoring the pain it caused.
I settled at the main desk in the Cortex, and started to work.
Barry's POV
I went to Jitters with Iris, but I didn't really enjoy myself. Joe was filling in Harry, Caitlin was resting, and that left me with Iris.
Don't get me wrong, I love her a lot. But now my feelings seem more brotherly than before. I find that ever time we kiss or hug it lacks the spark that used to flare.
"Barry? Are you there?" I snapped back to attention. Iris had been talking and I had completely spaced out.
"Yeah, I'm here."
"You've been kinda distant all day and I think I know why."
"You do?" I immediately felt guilty and a bit on edge.
"Yes. I know that you're worried about Cisco and Alex, but you can't blame yourself."
"Yeah that's it," I lied. "It doesn't feel right getting coffee while our friends could be suffering."
Iris nodded in agreement and began to say something else, but my phone rang. It was Caitlin.
I answered quickly. "Hey Cait is something wrong?"
"No Barry," Caitlin said. "There's a meta attack at CC Bank."
"I'm on my way." I hung up and looked at Iris apologetically. She gave me a slight smile.
"Go save the city, Flash."
I raced away.
Turns out, the meta had nothing to do with Brainwave. It was just another meta robbing a bank. I left him with CCPD and ran back to S.T.A.R Labs.
While grabbing my suit, I noticed Caitlin at the desk, but was in too big of a hurry to say anything. Now, however, I have plenty of time.
"Caitlin, you should be resting," I said after changing out of my suit. She gave no sign that she heard me. "Caitlin!"
She continued to ignore me, leaving the Cortex and going to the med bay. I followed. "Caitlin are you there?"
By this point I was slightly worried. Only a few people or things could make Caitlin unresponsive. I grabbed her arm and made her face me. Her eyes lit up when they saw me. Her tense posture relaxed.
"Hey Barry. What's up?" She acted as though nothing was wrong.
"Nothing, I guess. You should be resting though."
"I feel fine," Caitlin assured me, but I could see her wince with every step and every time she moved.
I sighed but didn't push it. I knew just how stubborn Caitlin Snow could be.
General POV
Alex stood, tensed and ready for a fight. "What do you want with us? Let us leave," she ordered, doing her best to push the thought into his head.
Brainwave just laughed. "Your mind powers don't work on me. I have found a way to repel your attacks." He pressed his finger to his temple, sending a ringing sound into her ear. She dropped to her knees, trying to pull her head from his mind.
"Fight him Alex!" Cisco called to her. Alex forced herself to her feet and ran at Brainwave. The meta easily countered her attacks, but he seemed reluctant to hurt her.
"Stop fighting." Brainwave pulled out his whip and flung it at her. It wrapped around her legs, tripping her. "Alex, join me. Your powers are too good to waste. Join my cause and live in a free world where you don't have to hide."
"I won't join you," Alex spat. "I will never join you." Brainwave backed up a bit, lowering his hood. Alex gasped at the marred face. "Dad?"
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