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Emma's POV
"What do you mean, I'm not going?"
Barry sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's too dangerous, Emma. We need you here to man the comms."
"You need all the help you can get," I argued. "Since Cisco and Caitlin aren't around to help, I should step in."
"Cisco did have a suit for her," Harry pointed out. Barry glared at him, but I sent him a grateful smile.
"I promise to do whatever you tell me to. I have enough control over my powers that I won't kill anyone. Please."
Barry sighed again. "Fine. But you have to do exactly what I tell you."
I nodded eagerly. "Of course."
"Come on," Harry said to me. "Let's get you in your suit."
I smiled widely and followed him out of the Cortex.
Oliver's POV
My meeting with the Central City mayor was at two in the afternoon. We planned to go for Cisco, Felicity, and Caitlin shortly before sunrise, giving us about an hour to get ready.
I bumped into Barry in the Cortex. "What's the plan?" I asked him. Barry ran a hand over his face.
"I don't know. I don't. We don't have a few to suppress Killer Frost, or neutralize the people Brainwave brainwashed. I'm at a lost."
"Actually," Harry said, entering the Cortex, "we do."
"What?" Oliver and I said at the same time.
"Before she turned Frosty, Caitlin helped me come up with a serum to counteract Brainwave's helmet. I've managed to perfect it, but it's not tested."
"Great," Barry said. "That solves one problem."
"Cisco also helped me engineer a metahuman cure for Caitlin. I believe that solves both the problems."
I couldn't help it; I was a little impressed. "Great. Let's get to work on the plan."
Felicity's POV
It'd been a while since I last saw anyone. After KF's rather abrupt exit, no one had come to check on me.
Not that I minded. Their absence provided me plenty of opportunity to find a way to escape. I wish there was a computer or something in the room that I could use to send a message, but it's never that easy.
I had just sat down to allow my leg to rest when the door opened and Electra stepped in.
"What do you want?" I said. I was proud of the irritation in my voice until Electra stepped forward with electricity in her hand.
"I'd mind my manners if I were you Miss Smoak," Electra said threateningly. I took an involuntary step backward. Electra smirked and let the electricity disappear. "The boss wants you. If you try to run again, you'll wish you were dead. Capuche?"
Too scared to say anything, I just nodded. Electra smiled victoriously, grabbed my arm, and forced me out of the room.
I found myself lost once again. Electra waltzed confidently behind me, one hand on my shoulder to stop me from running. I didn't even think of running. I couldn't escape if I was injured even more than I already was.
I lost track of how long we walked, but it couldn't have been more than five minutes. The room I was lead to was large and monitors hung from the walls. Brainwave stood with his back to me, probably staring at the screens. I focused on them too and nearly jumped with surprise.
The screens showed multiple rooms over S.T.A.R Labs. Right now, it showed Iris in the med bay and Barry, Oliver, and Harry in the Cortex, talking.
"It seems your friends have figured out where we are, " Brainwave said without turning around. "I believe they are going to attempt a rescue."
I felt my stomach drop. If they tried to save us without the element of surprise, there was no way they'd win.
"They'll stop you," I said with a confidence I didn't actually feel.
Brainwave turned around and walked toward me until we were inches apart. "I admire your bravery," he said, "but bravery only gets you so far."
He turned back towards the monitors. "Inform Subject One to escort Miss West to me when she arrives. If Team Flash wants a war, that's what we'll give them."
Cisco's POV
I tugged on the ropes, but they were too tight. I was so afraid. Afraid the tracker wouldn't work. Afraid we were in over our heads. Afraid some of us might not make it out alive.
I pushed those feelings away and returned my attention to escaping. If I could roam around free, it would give the team an extra advantage and we need whatever we can get.
A door opened and I froze. I could hear high heels clicking against the cement floor and a feeling of dread swirled in my stomach. Killer Frost stepped into the light.
"I'd say it's nice to see you, but it's not," I said before she could even open her mouth.
"Don't be rude Cisco," KF said with a smirk. "Is that any way to greet an old friend?"
"You are not my friend. Caitlin would never do this. You may look like her and sound like her, but you're not her."
KF's smirk turned into a snarl. "I'm more like Caitlin than you think," KF said. "I haven't killed you yet, have I?"
"Only because you're not in control of your actions. You're a puppet for Brainwave, Frost. You have to realize that." Indecision flickered across her face. Cisco watched her hopefully until her gaze hardened.
"It's gonna take more than that Cisco. I came here to let you know that we know about your tracker and the rescue mission. "
I felt my mouth drop open. KF noticed and her smirk returned. "I wouldn't hold out for a hero if I were you."
With that, KF turned and left the way she came.
A/N: I'm switching to third person POV because the next few chapters are going to switch character POVs rapidly. So, on with the story!
The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon when the team took their places.
"Alright everyone," Barry said quietly. "Don't go in until Iris gives the signal. Stay quiet and out of sight. Try not to hurt these people too much. They're innocents."
There was a chorus of agreement and then silence.
Iris, meanwhile, walked down the street towards the warehouse. She hadn't been there before, but the plan was to convince Brainwave that Electra had given her the new address. It wasn't foolproof, but it was all they had.
Iris approached the warehouse cautiously. She didn't know what security Brainwave had, but she wasn't taking any chances.
Just as she reached a side door, Professor Bradley Stuart, Invisible Man, appeared before her. He was wearing all black.
"What are you doing here?" he asked aggressively. "Brainwave has not contacted you for a meeting."
"I have some information," Iris said, trying to sound cool and collected. "Electra gave me this address."
Stuart stared at her for a long moment. Barry tensed, ready to rush in if things went wrong.
"Fine," Stuart finally said. "I'll take you to Brainwave."
Iris said a little prayer and followed Stuart into the warehouse.
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