Chapter 2: Run

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Alex's POV

On the news over the past couple of days, I had seen the Flash attempt to capture a meta-human who kidnapped other metas. Apparently, this new meta remained nameless.

Of course, I was careful to keep my powers on the down low. Didn't want a freak attacking Jitters while I was working my shift.

I should have known that even with caution, I was going to get caught.

After my shift at Jitters, I set out for my apartment. Unfortunately I didn't own a car and couldn't afford a taxi so I walked. 

About a block from Jitters, a small alley led to the street I lived on. I hesitated slightly before hurrying into the alley. 

I had almost reached the entrance when a blue and white gas looking thingy appeared before me. The man I had seen on the news jumped out of it. 

My breath caught in my throat as I stumbled backward. "What do you want?" I managed to choke out. No one was out on the streets. I was completely alone.

"I want you," the man said darkly. I turned to run, but he appeared before me again. I then turned the other way and he easily made his way in front of me, this time his hand closed around my throat. "Enough games." The man sounded angry. "You can't escape me."

A red blur rammed into meta. I dropped to the ground, coughing and gasping. I was vaguely aware of the Flash fighting the meta off to one side. 

Another blue gas thingy opened beside me. I knew this new arrival; Vibe, the hero that sometimes works with the Flash.

"Come on," Vibe said urgently. "We need to go." But at that moment, my attacker threw the Flash into the side of the building to my left. 

The meta pulled out his whip and cracked it towards Vibe. "Give me the girl, and I'll leave," the man said harshly. "I won't ask again."

Vibe opened his mouth to say something, but the Flash raced by the meta, picked me  up, and ran away, carrying me bridal style.

Everything blurred as he ran quickly, not stopping until we reached S.T.A.R Labs. He set me down in the main control room. 

"Are you alright?" He asked me, sounding concerned. His voice was a litlle funny, but I figured that was on purpose. 

"Yes, I'm fine." 

"Good." He relaxed slightly and gave a small smile. "Caitlin, how's Cis- Vibe?"

I turned around to see an auburn haired girl standing by the control desk. "He's coming now," the girl, Caitlin, replied. I noticed that her eyes didn't quite meet the Flashs'. 

"Good." He said again. Just then another person entered the room. This person I recognized as Iris West.



"You two know each other?" Caitlin asked, intrigued.

"Yeah from when I worked at Jitters," Iris answered. 

"What am I doing here?" I asked a little angry. Another person entered the room announcing, "man, breaching away from a psychopath was definitely not on my bucket list."  Then he noticed me. "Oh uh, hey girl," he said more cautiously. "How ya doing?"

"Really? You're Vibe?" I rolled my eyes as he stuttered protests. "Okay, okay. Two questions, who are you people and what am I doing here?"

"Well," Iris began. "This is Caitlin Snow MD. She's also a biochemist."

Caitlin gave me a small smile and wave, revealing a bracelet on her wrist. 

"This is Cisco Ramon," Iris continued. "He's our tech engineer."

"And he's Vibe," I added. Iris gave a slight nod. 

"Flash?" Iris turned her attention to him. The Flash nodded and began to remove his mask. 

"Wait," I said. The Flash stopped moving. "I want to guess on this one." 

The Flash smiled. "Alright, take your best guess."

I paused, pretending to consider it. "Barry Allen," I finally said. The Flash's smile vanished, Cisco's mouth fell open, and Caitlin looked surprised. I gave a wide grin.

"How...? How did you...?" The Flash or Barry stuttered in shock.

"Simple," I said. "Iris told me about the Flash visiting her on rooftops. I figured he must know her to be that concerned. Also, you wake up from a coma after nine months and then the Flash appears? Not a coincidence. My biggest clue, though, was at the coffee shop a few days ago."

The Flash nodded in understanding. "In your mind, I saw from your perspective that you were fighting Zoom. I guess I knew all along, but Iris being here kinda confirmed it."

I could see the shocked expressions on everyone's face. It was priceless. The Flash gave me a tiny smile before pulling back his mask, revealing Barry Allen.

"So...," he started, "you're a telepath?"


Twenty minutes later, I knew all about S.T.A.R Labs and the maniac who attacked me. "So, he's kidnapping metahumans, and doing....what?"

"We don't know," Caitlin answered. "But we're working on it."

"How many have gone missing?"

"Nine," Barry responded. "You would have made ten."

"What's going on?" Another voice cut in. A man who looked extraordinarily like Harrison Wells walked into the Cortex (their name not mine). 

"Hey Harry," Cisco said. "This is Alex, the Kidnapper's newest target."

"Why isn't she in the Pipeline?" I didn't like how rude Harry's tone was, but I bit my tongue. 

"We can trust her Harry," Barry said. "I've known her for a long time. She used to work with Iris."

Harry didn't look convinced, but dropped it. "Cisco, can I talk to you for a minute?" 

"Sure," Cisco said and the two walked out of the Cortex. 

"Alex, if you don't mind, I would like to run some tests to confirm your meta status and to make sure your healthy." Caitlin sounded professional, but I could see some tension in her stance and in Barry's.

"Okay," I said a little hesitant. Caitlin smiled reassuringly and led me to the "med bay". 

I sat on a stool as Caitlin bustled around setting tools on a cart beside me. She took my blood pressure and did some other tests I didn't recognize.

"You seem in full health," she said, staring at a tablet. "But... your dark matter levels seem to be higher than the usual meta."

"Dark matter?" 

"Dark matter is the substance that was released when the Particle Accelerator exploded. It's the substance that changed human genes into meta genes," Caitlin explained. I nodded in understanding, but she was no longer paying attention to me. She had turned to her desk. I watched as she scribbled something down on a notepad.

"Caitlin?" I said nervously.

"Hm," was the only response I got.

"Is something going on with you and Barry?" 

She stopped working and slowly turned to face me. "No, why would you think that?" Her voice was unnaturally high.

"Just...there seemed to be some know...between the two of you," I said uncomfortably. 

"Oh that." She turned away. "It's nothing, Alex. You can go."

I wasted no time in jumping off the stool and leaving the med bay. 

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