Felicity's POV
I stared out the train window, doing my best to avoid Oliver's glare. He wasn't happy when he came to check on me at the loft and found me packing for Central City. After a brief argument, Oliver agreed to go.
Now, however, I think Oliver was regretting the decision. We didn't talk at all throughout the trip.
I heaved a sigh of relief as the train pulled into the station. I grabbed onto my suitcase, while Oliver grabbed his. We left the train and came out onto the platform.
We'd barely even touched the ground when someone came up to us. A woman I didn't recognize came up to us. She had red hair and really light blue eyes.
"Oliver Queen?"
"Yes," Oliver responded, immediately tensing up as though prepared for a fight. I often referred to it as the "Arrow Stance".
"I'm Jessica. I joined S.T.A.R Labs a month ago. Barry Allen sent me to pick you up."
Oliver relaxed slightly. "Right. Lead the way."
Caitlin's POV
I walked into the train station just in time to see the train pull up. I stood on tiptoe to look for Oliver and Felicity.
My heart stopped when I found them.
Oliver, Felicity, and Electra, of all people, were heading towards the entrance. Electra fell a little bit behind and I just caught the electricity the arced between her fingers.
"Get down!" I yelled. Thankfully, Oliver saw me and didn't stop to ask questions. He tackled Felicity to the ground just as Electra released a blast of lightning that hit right where Felicity stood.
Electra turned towards me, her smile spreading. "Hello, Caity. Care to join your friends?" She sent a bolt of electricity that I dived to avoid, landing near Oliver, who was protecting Felicity's body with his own.
I stumbled to my feet. "Leave them alone."
"You brought them into this," Electra reminded me. "You're the one to blame."
For a brief moment I considered removing my bracelets and letting Killer Frost take over, but before I could act Electra pulled out a small detonator and pressed a button. Immediately, pain raced through my body. I let out a scream and dropped the ground. By now the station was almost empty and sirens could be heard racing along the street.
I felt a gust of wind and the pain stopped. Barry stood before us wearing his Flash suit. Electra rolled her eyes. "Always have to make a dramatic entrance, huh, Flash? Be careful, or Caity's pain will get worse."
Barry glanced back at me. By the time he looked back at Electra she was gone and I was unconscious.
Barry's POV
I bent down beside Caitlin. I had no idea how this serum had gotten into her system, but it was the perfect way to stop me and the rest of the team from capturing any of Brainwave's disciples.
After making sure Caitlin's pulse was strong, I turned to Oliver and Felicity. Both seemed uninjured. Oliver helped Felicity to her feet. "You guys okay?"
"Fine," Felicity gasped. "I guess I just expected a more welcoming arrival."
The sounds of a helicopter arriving jolted me to reality. "We need to go. It won't be good for people to see the Flash talking to the Mayor of Star City." I scooped up Caitlin and handed Oliver her keys. "Can you drive?"
Oliver nodded in response, so I ran back to S.T.A.R Labs. Cisco was standing in the middle of the Cortex. "I saw you rush out, Barry, what happened? Did someone-" He stopped when he noticed Caitlin.
I explained to him what happened while taking Caitlin into the med bay. She started stirring before I could get her fully laid down.
"What's going on?" she asked drowsily. Then what happened came back to her and she leapt off the gurney.
"Relax, Cait, no one got hurt," I said soothingly. Cisco left to give us some time alone, which was odd since he didn't know we were together. "The only thing we lost is the element of surprise. It's okay."
Cait relaxed her stance and took a deep breath. Just then, Oliver and Felicity came into the Cortex. "What just happened?" Oliver demanded to know. He was breathing heavily and his jaw was clenched. Felicity forehead was creased and she kept her gaze on the ground.
I told them everything that had happened in the past few weeks, ending with the attack. "We've tried to find out what Electra gave to Caitlin and when, but so far we've hit dead ends."
Oliver nodded along, his face blank. Before I could ask him what's wrong, Joe, Cisco, and Harry walked into the Cortex. Greetings were exchanged and then everyone looked to me and Oliver for a plan.
"Alright," I said taking slow breath. "Felicity, can you monitor the city and tell me if anything weird pops up?"
"Yep," she replied, popping the 'p'.
"Cisco, take a look at mine and Oliver's suit, see if you can make any improvements. Caitlin, prep the med bay just in case we get hurt during this or Iris needs medical attention. Joe, Harry, you'll be our backup. If something goes wrong, we need you guys there. Any questions?"
Everyone shook their heads and left to do their jobs, leaving me alone with Oliver. "We need a game plan," I said to him. Oliver nodded in agreement.
"It's your turf so what's the plan?" Oliver asked.
I thought for a moment. "I'll take on Brainwave. I've fought him before, I know how he works. Can you take out any guards he may have and get Iris?"
Oliver nodded again. "What do we do until it's time?" he asked.
I let myself grin. "We train."
Caitlin's POV
I left the Cortex to go to the med bay. I knew Barry had given me this job for a few reasons: one because I'm the only doctor and two because he wants me safe.
I set up everything I would need if someone gets injured. Then, after making sure everyone had left the Cortex, I took off my power dampening bracelets. The white ice streamed from my hands. I felt Killer Frost pushing against the wall I'd created to keep her away.
I quickly put my power dampening bracelets back on. Barry and Oliver were very good at what they did, but if anything went wrong, I wanted to be ready. Even if that meant letting Killer Frost take over.
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