Chapter 11: The Meeting

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A/N: I haven't updated in a while and I'm really sorry about that. The thing is, I've gotten so busy and no one really comments on my stories so I don't really see the point in continuing. I might place this story on hold and I have already done so with my Dramione fanfic. Sorry! Also, I reedited the last chapter. The talk with Electra and Cisco never happened so go back and read the last part if you haven't already. 

Barry's POV

I raced into S.T.A.R Labs, expecting to see Electra and Cisco battling. Instead, I found that everything was dark. I moved cautiously, prepared to punch the first thing that moved. Suddenly the lights flickered on and a bunch of people yelled, "SURPRISE!"

My eyes slowly adjusted to the light and I could see all of my friends; Joe standing just below a large banner that read HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Cisco leaning across a table next to cake and other snacks; Harry, fiddling with something at the control center; Caitlin, looking a little pale, but smiling all the same, standing next to Cisco; and Iris, a large smile on her face as though our little meeting had never happened.

"How did you know it was my birthday?" I asked them as everyone crowded around me. 

"Iris told me," Cisco said. I turned to look at her.

"I didn't want anything this year, I told you that." 

"I couldn't let you celebrate your birthday all alone," Iris purred, linking her hands around my neck. Over her head, I saw Caitlin look down, biting her lip. 

"Well, thank you," I said pulling away. Her arms fell to her sides, but her smile never faded. "This seems a little inappropriate though, given all that's going on."

"We need something to keep our spirits up," Caitlin said, always the voice of reason. "It's a good idea."

I agreed.

We spent the next few hours talking, laughing, dancing and eating. At one point we played pin lightning on the Flash, which I thought was ridiculous. We also drank a lot, too, so I was designated superhero and/or driver. 

Finally, around midnight I flashed Caitlin and Cisco to Cisco's apartment. Joe drove home and Harry went down to his living quarters, leaving just me and Iris.

"I guess it's just us," Iris said.

"Guess so," I agreed. "Listen, about earlier..."

I thought I saw her smile flicker, but it was gone so quick I must have imagined it. "I was being ridiculous. Of course you love me," Iris said, her voice filled with confidence. I thought about what Alex had said before she turned all evil. You like Caitlin like you like Iris.

"Yeah," I agreed, "you were being a little ridiculous."

Iris' POV (While Barry was at CCPD)

I stayed in the Speed Lab long after Barry left. I couldn't believe that after all we had been through, Barry would lie to me. He still was pretending he loved me, even though I knew that he loved Caitlin.

Tears fell hot and thick. I allowed them to fall, and soon I was sobbing, every bit of pain and sadness bubbling out of me. Once my tears dried, I had only one feeling. Hatred for Caitlin Snow. 

I left S.T.A.R Labs but paused in the parking lot. I had the strangest feeling, as though someone was watching me. My hands clenched into fists and I set off at a brisk pace, eager to reach my car. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, prepared to hit whoever was sneaking up behind me. 

"Whoa don't shoot." My dad held up his hands in surrender. 

"Sorry," I said, relaxing my hands.

"It's alright." He studied me a little closer. "Are you okay? Your face is a little red."

"I'm fine," I said and pasted on what I hoped was a convincing smile.

"Okay. Are you going somewhere?"

I shrugged and tried to look casual. "Maybe Jitters. Not quite sure."

"Do you want some company?" He sounded so awkward, that a real, genuine smile came to my face. 

"No. But thank you." I said.

He nodded and went into the building. I watched him until he was out of sight and then I hurried to my car. 

I climbed in and started the car. I shifted into reverse and was about to pull out when I noticed the note tapped to my steering wheel.

My boss wants to meet you. Come alone. Be prepared to betray everyone. Even Barry Allen.

The note then listed an address in the warehouse district. Another smile came to my face. My true revenge was about to begin.

An hour later, I parked my car down the street from the warehouse. I was cautious, leaving my phone hidden outside of Jitters, so if anyone looked, it would seem I was there. Despite my precautions, I couldn't help glancing back as I headed toward the address left to me. I half expected Barry or Cisco to show up and ask what I was doing here. I wasn't sure how I would answer.

Fortunately, I made it to the warehouse and slipped inside. 

Shipping containers largely dominated the room. They were stacked on top of each other  so I couldn't really see the rest of the room. I stepped farther in and was surprised when Electra revealed herself.

"Ready?" She asked me. For once her face was serious, almost angry.

"Yeah," I said before tentatively adding, "Is everything okay?"

She gave me a hard glare. "Mind your own business," she snapped. Then, softening slightly, she added, "be careful. And never lie."

With that she turned towards a metal door. "He's in there."

I took a few steps forward, no longer as confident as I was on the street. I took a deep breath then opened the door. 

The room inside was dark, illuminated by a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling.  A man stood before me, facing the wall so his face was hidden from me. 

"Shut the door." His voice was low. I pulled the door shut and he turned to face me. I stifled a gasp. He was bald, his face burned beyond recognition. He smiled as though he knew what I was thinking. 

"So," he whispered, looking me up and down," you're the great Iris West."

I nodded mutely, unable to say a word. His appearance shocked me, and he didn't seem like the kind, loving father Alex had described when we worked together. 

"I need you to do something for me. Can you do that?" I nodded again. Brainwave explained what he wanted. It made me feel sick. No matter how much I hated Caitlin, I wasn't sure I could do this to her. To Barry.

Brainwave seemed to sense my hesitation. "Don't you want to get back at Barry and his new girlfriend?"

"Barry and Caitlin aren't dating," I protested. "They're just friends."

"Really?" Brainwave smirked. "Electra!" The door swung open. Electra stepped in, holding a tablet. She passed the tablet to Brainwave before leaving. "Come closer, Miss West."

Curiosity outweighing caution, I stepped up behind him, peering over his shoulder. A video had just started playing. The time stamp was from a few weeks ago, a few days after Brainwave's first attack. Caitlin was working on something in her office. Barry was with her. A few seconds later, they were kissing passionately. I couldn't bare to watch, so I looked away, tears forming in my eyes.

"Are you ready now?" 

I looked towards him, my sadness gone. Only one emotion remained. A burning desire, a passion. For revenge.

Third Person POV 

Electra found her master, leaning against the banister of the balcony that overlooked the ground floor of the warehouse. She stood beside him, gazing below.

"Did we do the right thing?" She asked after a few moments of silence. "Tricking Iris, I mean."

"Don't tell me you're having second thoughts?" Brainwave said snidely. "After everything I've done for you, everything I've given you, you want to turn back on me?"

"Of course not!" Electra exclaimed. "I just think that maybe we could have done this a different way."

"Our plans won't work unless we take out a few major players," Brainwave reminded her. "This must be done. For these people."

Brainwave gestured towards the ground floor. Electra looked. Cots were neatly lined up, each one carrying a person. Each person wore black pants and shirts. Each one lay perfectly still, the only sign of life, the gentle rising and falling of their chests.

"I know," Electra said softly. "I know."

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