First Day Back, Part Two

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Korra's Pov-

Asami has been acting weird all day, and has been for a couple weeks now. Earlier today, when I smiled at her, she got all red and looked away. Am I doing something different than usual? 

"Partners?" I asked her. She looked startled for a second, but then smiled and nodded. I don't know why she acted all jumpy, maybe I was being loud? Or maybe it was the hand I had on her thigh. Shit. As if I couldn't be more obvious I had a crush on her. Asami and I have always been close, but recently I've been making small gestures hinting towards my feelings. Like kissing her on the cheek goodbye, or hugging her by her waist, but she always seems to neglect my actions. She probably still likes Mako. They had a short "thing", as Asami likes to call it, during the summer after freshman year. That didn't last very long though, but Asami never told me what happened. My dating life is pretty lame as well, I've only ever been with Bolin, Mako's brother and my best friend, aside from Asami of course. Bolin asked me on a date a while back, and it was fun, right up until he told me he knew I liked Asami. Ever since, Bo's been super supportive of it and always tells me we'll get together one day. I guess it worked out though, he ended up seeing Opal, and boy does he seem way happier than before. I can't even imagine myself telling Asami my real feelings, she'd probably laugh thinking it's a joke. No, she wouldn't, she'd just say 'okay' and distance herself from me. I don't want to think about life without her, she's my everything.


"Alright class dismissed!" Lin said from the front of the classroom. Asami got up and held out her hand for me. I gladly took it and stood up with her. She didn't let go of my hand, instead just walked with our fingers interlaced. Not like I'm complaining, it's just not like her.

"'Sami you're walking too fast! Slow down would ya'," I told her.

"Oh come on, you're the jock here! Follow me, I want to show you something," she said, letting go of my hand. It made me a little sad but I sucked it up and followed her to a hallway.

"Uhh 'Sami?" She shushed me and pointed around the corner. I peeped my head passed her, confused, until I saw Wu and Mako making out.

"Holy shit! No way," I started, but was cut off by a certain someone's hand over my mouth. I blushed, then whispered 'Sorry' to her. She giggled and pulled me away from the hallway. Once we were too far for Mako or Wu to hear, we burst into laughter.

"Did we really just see that?" Asami laughed at me and nodded.

"I guess we did," she laughed more and we started walking to lunch. Wu and Mako, I mean it makes sense, but Asami didn't seem hurt at all that Mako had moved on. I guess she doesn't still like him.

"Over here!" Kai shouted across the cafeteria. Asami and I waved, then walked over to him and the rest of our friends. Asami, Bo, Mako, Wu, Opal and I are seniors, but Jinora and Kai are juniors. Good thing we all have lunch together though. The guys and I all play football, and all the girls plus Wu are cheerleaders. I know, cliche. The quarterback and the cheer captain, a real high school love story. As if she'd go for me. Asami is and always has been the most stunning girl in my life. Her hair is long, dark and wavy, and her eyes are a gorgeous emerald green. She's slender, but you can tell through her clothes she has curves. Wow, I am so in love with this girl.

"What'cha thinking about?" I heard someone say. I snapped out of my thoughts to see Asami smiling at me.

"Oh uh, it's nothing," I replied with a smile. She shrugged and went back to talking with her cheerleaders, and I tuned into the guys' convo.

"What? Dude how can you not like any of the cheerleaders?" Bolin asked Mako.

"I don't know dude, I'm just not into them." He looked over to Wu and smiled. Wu winked at him and turned back to the girls, and Mako blushed. 

"Dude?" Mako snapped his head back to Bolin and sunk into his seat. "Oh. My. God! You and Wu, Wu and you!"

"Shut up Bo," Mako mumbled. Bolin raised his hands in defeat and ate some food.

"What about you Korra? Anyone got your eye," Kai asked me. I looked over to Asami, who was giggling about something Opal said. I quickly turned my head back to Kai, but by then he'd already noticed my glance.

"No way! You like Asami?" He whisper-shouted. I shushed him and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess I do, I just don't think she sees me like that," I told them sadly. Mako started laughing to himself and I snapped at him.

"What's so funny?" He calmed himself down before responding.

"Oh nothing, but you should just make a move on her." I looked at him a little confused, then asked how I would go about it.

"I have an idea!" Bolin said, "Sleepover at mine!" The table looked at him and nodded or said a variation of sure. Puzzled, I leaned over the table to whisper something.

"What are you doing?" He smirked a little mischievously, then whispered back.

"Just trust me Kor, you'll thank me later." I sat back down in my seat, and Asami leaned her head on my shoulder. 

"I'll come get you after tryouts, then we can head to Bo's okay?" I nodded down at her and she smiled. This wasn't an unusual occurrence, Bolin and Mako often hosted sleepovers, as their parents were loaded and they had a huge house, perfect for our friend group. We finished lunch, and then the school day. Asami had cheer tryouts until four, so I had some time to kill. I watched a little bit of tryouts from the bleachers in the gym, but quickly got bored and decided to roam the school. I ended up at the office, and saw Kya and Lin kissing behind the counter. What is with everyone and kissing today, jeez. I minded my business and made my way back to the gym. Asami was just packing up when I entered.

"Ready to go?" She asked.

"Whenever you are," I waited for her to put away some equipment then walked out to her car. 

"How'd it go?" I said buckling my seatbelt.

"Really well actually, we got five new girls!" She exclaimed, which made me smile, because I knew how important this was to her. She went on about the girls as we drove to her house to get sleepover essentials, such as pajamas and a toothbrush. 

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