19 - Gifts are Gifts

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"You can sit beside the window if you like."

Seokjin simply nodded and settled down. They were using a local bus, it would take them about 40 minutes to reach back. Taehyung sat beside him taking his earphones out as he plugged them in.

"Do you like Coldplay?"

He asked as Seokjin's eyes widened, a smile formed on his lips as he spoke up excitedly.

"I love them. Do you too-?"


And this little moment made him like Taehyung even more. Taehyung plugged one of the earbuds in Seokjin's ears. 

Viva La Vida? 

Seokjin thought as the song played. The serene and tranquil atmosphere created by the soft, silvery light evoked a sense of solace and comfort for him. The sky being irradiated by the diamond like scintillating stars, the moon's soft radiance illuminating the sky. The night was transforming into a mesmerizing display of peace. There was a magical quality to this night, a sense of wonder and fascination that filled the air.

  Comfort, Seokjin found comfort in Taehyung's presence. He put his head on Seokjin's shoulders, eyes closed as they both calmly listened to the music playing. 


Taehyung sat impatiently, spinning his pen around. Seokjin wasn't in the hall, he'd usually reach much earlier. Jimin entered, raising his eyebrows at the sight of a completely bored and uneasy Taehyung. The hall soon filled. No sight of Seokjin.

"Something wrong?"

Jimin asked as Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Everything is wrong with me apparently."

 Except that Seokjin only saw good in him, he believed Taehyung had a good heart, even though his company was clearly awful yet he somewhere believed Taehyung would like him back and wouldn't judge him like everyone else. Though he clearly knew a thing between them simply could never exist, yet he saw hope in Taehyung's eyes. He couldn't help it. He liked someone for the first time, he was happy for the first time. Those little interactions and touches made his day, though they probably meant nothing in Taehyung's eyes. Or that's what Seokjin thought at least. He was being petty but at least he was happy.

"Were you aware HyeJin held a party for you yesterday?"

Was Jimin smiling him? Was he mocking Taehyung? Or was he happy about Taehyung not going? Maybe everything. Jimin didn't blend well with Jungkook's friends at all anyways.

"I was busy."

"Oh, that's new."

What surprised him was Jimin's excited tone.

"I believe you should tell her at least what you were busy with, or with whom. All her hard work went in vain. You must be really busy, really."

The hard work sounded cocky. Jimin was tough to understand. Did he dislike HyeJin? Taehyung wasn't sure but there was nothing to dislike about her. Jimin and HyeJin, they never talked. They were simply there but never talked.

"Got something to say?"

"A lot."

This was the most irritating his friend has ever been. What was that weird smile and excitement for? 

"Can you give me your phone once?"

"Sure lover boy."

"Don't call me that."

Taehyung scrolled through his phone log stumbling on a specific person. seokjinie. Jimin refused, or simply lied about not having his number. Were they close? Didn't seem so, he never found them talking or hanging around. Either it was someone else or it was some real ancient mystery he should be figuring out.

He decided to call him. Something he shouldn't but still needed to.

"H-hello. Jimin- are you- fine? I never expected you'd call me again- everything f-fine?"

It was Seokjin, Definitely him. His voice was like honey, so sweet and warm. It wouldn't take more than a word to recognise it was him.

"I-Is it about Jungkook or H-hyunchul? You can talk to me, if you want."

Taehyung hung the call. Jungkook? What about him? And hyunchul was the priest's son. Were they friends? Everything confused him. He'd rather confront to Seokjin. Jimin was scaring him at this point.


The eerie smile didn't leave Jimin's face as Taehyung nodded handing him over the phone.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You can always, it's upto me if I answer or not."

Jimin was being annoying.

"What happened to the priest's son? Why is Seokjin treated like an outcast? Why has Jungkook turned out like this?"

"That's a lot."

Jimin said thinking for a moment, then answering.

"I don't really care about other questions but Seokjin. He's kind so everyone hates him."

"That doesn't even make sense."

"It will. Soon enough. And Jungkook? You aren't aware but since you left, him and Hyunchul were almost inseparable, they were  close."

Taehyung's eyes widened.


"Yeah. Its difficult to imagine. Hyunchul and him were the polar opposites. He never judged him you know? He was a good kid."

"Then why did he do it?"


"Ki-lling himself?"

"Who said he killed himself?"

Taehyung couldn't tell if Jimin was pranking him because if that was so, it definitely was the worst one someone could come up with.

"But that's what everyone says."

Taehyung whispered making sure no one else heard.

"You really love going along with people don't you? They are all rich freaks who lack basic decency. If you are really interested, I don't know just do your research."


"Trust me when I say this, you're surrounded by all the people who know him the best. If you're curious, try. But this time I won't be there to clean your mess this time, lover boy!"

"Atleast tell me some-"

Jimin left.

The truth was, whenever Taehyung created a mess, Jimin would clean it up. That was what he was expecting him to do right now as well. Jimin would've sorted out the matter between him and Jungkook. But he didn't.

Since it involved Jungkook, Taehyung was curious as well.


Seokjin said diverting his attention. He stood with his hands on his back, holding something.


Taehyung said flashing a boxy smile melting Seokjin's heart.

"I got you something."

Seokjin said presenting a beautifully decorated box infront, it even had some hello kitty stickers. Cute Taehyung thought.

"Chocolates, they're from Switzerland. I wanted to thank you for hanging out with me."

Seokjin said pushing the box forward surprising Taehyung. It had a label, Taehyung's eyes widened seeing it. The box costed him 250$. It was completely sealed, did Seokjin just gift him such an expensive chocolate box for simply treating him those fishcakes? Or did he forgot to read the label?

"250 dollars- for chocolates? Seokjin-"

"Don't like it?"

"N-o It's just, they are too expensiv-"

"But gifts are gifts."


His tone was soft as Seokjin rolled his eyes playfully.

"Did your parents visit Switzerland?"

"Yeah. Dad threw the last chocolate box at me, he said "Eat it you pig" and I just said Thank You because I really wanted some chocolates. But chocolate reminded me of your eyes, so I thought it'd be a good idea. Y-ou don't hate me right?"

That was a lot to digest. What surprised Taehyung was how easily those harsh phrases escaped his mouth.

"Why would your dad say that?"

His tone was dead serious.

"Because I eat a lot. Mom says it's embarassing to take me out at dinner. The last family dinner which included me was 4-5 years back. I'm thankful they don't take me out."

Taehyung had no responce. Seokjin said those words as if they were nothing. His tone was cheerful and rather normal. Was he used to it? He did remember the glare Seokjin's dad gave when he talked to the latter. The vibes that man radiates were really off and uneasy. Taehyung didn't like him at all.

"Will you come again? Today?"

Taehyung asked changing the topic as Seokjin sighed.

"Can't today. Got scolded for being late. I'll come tomorrow."

"But you're nineteen? You can go out as and when you like."

"Our house has some rules for me Taehyung. I can't go as and when I like all the time."

His household was sure unusual than normal houses. Seokjin revealing his family facts just kept on surprising Taehyung.

"Hey I brought you som- fuck nevermind."

HyeJin rolled her eyes. She had a box, much smaller than Seokjin's in her hand. It was of the same company, except that she had handpicked the chocolates unlike Seokjin who gifted him the new box.


Taehyung had nothing much to say.

"Seokjin are you trying to copy her or something? Or did you steal? It's not working anyways."

Yongsun commented as Jimin stepped in.

"I don't think you're sure about who's copying whom."

"Jimin you keep switching sides. You're a snake."

"The hottest snake alive."

Yongsun rolled at Jimin's words. His mood swings were the worst.

"Thank you Seokjin, I- no we both will enjoy this together at my house okay?"

Taehyung said holding Seokjin's hands who nodded. He could feel all the eyes on him, but it didn't matter much. Taehyung was with him.

"We will."

Yongsun's mouth fell wide open. For the first time, Taehyung saw that expression on HyeJin's face, disgust.


"Seokjin, you shouldn't have gifted such an expensive box, baby. No, that's being to-"

"But he's my friend."

Nara sighed. The younger handed over the only chocolate box his father threw at his face to a stranger - a friend Seokjin called him.

"That was the only one you had. You should've tasted one piece."

"He said we'll eat together."

Nara chuckled seeing the younger blushing.

"Alright. Be a little less selfless? Your parents had so many things yet they threw the cheapest one at their son. That's so bad."

"Nara 250 dollars isn't cheap."

"For you baby it is. You deserve better, just like how everyone else is treated in this house. You deserve to be admired and loved."

It was one of those days Nara was a little too caring and loving, one of those days when she missed her son a little too much. She treated Seokjin like her own son, something his parents failed to do.

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