Word count: 1140
"You know that I'm bad, yet you're spending the night with me"
-Adventure Time
Third person:
It was the weekend and Y/N already had finished grading with Giyuu. They were both packing their things to go back home until someone spoke up.
"I'm kinda hungry, wanna go eat at that new Chinese place?" Giyuu asked not wanting the day to end.
"Sure, I was going to go there anyways," Y/N smiled at the boy as they both started heading out.
Giyuu had started to pick up Y/N all the time, since he feels bad that they can't afford to fix their car.
They both got into the car and were talking when they finally arrived. The place was a simple place with a neon sign saying "Chinese Delights".
(A/N: It's literally all I could come up with it sounds very basic and American😀)
Giyuu opened the door for Y/N as they walked into the place together. It was a filled with flowers and rocks. There were even fake leaves draping down the ceiling.
"This is gorgeous!" Y/N described being amazed at the view.
Giyuu was also surprised to the point where a speck of hope glistened in his eye.
"Hello! How may I help you today?" A waitress came to greet the two. Her long hair matched the color of the coffee brown tables. As her green eyes sparkled as well.
"Can we have a table for 2?" Giyuu asked as Y/N was still freaking out over the view.
"Well of course! Follow me" she smiled as she led the friends to a table.
The centerpiece had beautiful red roses mixed with white poppies. Both Y/N and Giyuu began to talk while they waited for their food as they soon realized what room they were in.
They saw many people kissing or holding hands as they both laughed at the awkward misunderstanding.
After an hour at waiting they finished eating, as they got fortune cookies reminding Y/N of a moon.
They both cracked them open, as they removed one piece getting a small paper. Once opened Y/N read theirs out loud.
"If you could talk to your soulmate telepathically what would you tell them?" They read.
"I thought these were meant to tell us our future?" Giyuu chipped in concerned.
"Me too, but if we're being honest I'll probably say my address or something" Y/N answered honestly.
"Hm fair. I'd probably say something along the lines of 'life's been tough and I wish I had you by my side'. Wow that sounds cheesy" he chuckled as Y/N stared at his gorgeous smile.
"Well what does yours say?" Y/N asked wanting to answer more interesting questions.
"If you could re-watch a movie 1000 times which would it be?" He asked.
"Hm I would say a kids movie to feel like a child again," Y/N smiled thinking back in their shitty childhood.
"Well I would probably do an avengers movie specifically end game cause it makes me feel some emotion," he stated.
"Hm I like these, hey Um can we have more fortune cookies? Sorry to bother" Y/N asked the waitress who came to give them their check.
"Of course!" She answered as she went to grab the cookies.
She came back with the famous tan cookies as the moment repeated of Y/N and Giyuu opening them.
"If you could warn your past self about 1 thing what would it be?" Giyuu read.
"To look out for my older sister who passed away in a car accident" he saddened with the question but remembered Y/N was in front of him.
"Oh um, how about you?" He asked getting the attention off of him.
"I'm sorry that happened but I'm always here if you need to talk. Um I would remind myself that things get better. As a teen I would always be in my room on my phone avoiding my parent, I was just hiding from the cruel world" Y/N answered.
"Anyways" Y/N said trying to change the subject as they rolled their eyes in anticipation.
"If you were a color, what color would you be and why?" They asked looking up at the gloomy man.
"I would say black. It's mysterious, and saddened yet it's calm with a sooth atmosphere," he explained.
Y/N hummed at the answer which was clearly thought through as they were thinking.
"I was going to say f/c since it's my favorite color but I would say grey. I feel like grey is a mix of both black which represents sadness and white which represents cheerfulness" Y/N answered.
Giyuu checked his watch seeing a message from a friend. "Sorry I have to go home but thank you for this by the way" he cupped Y/N's hand saying good bye as he ran out the door.
"Well how the fuck am I going to go home?" Y/N thought through as they called their best friend to pick them up.
"So that dick left you here by yourself! Ima tell Iguro to beat his ass!" The girl screamed.
"Calm down he was in a rush for something. Plus he payed for dinner making up for it" Y/N chipped defending Giyuu.
"Anyways how did the date go?" She asked happy seeing her single friend finally taking interest in someone.
"Ooh so it was good!" The girl turned moving her eyes facing Y/N blushing in front of her.
"Well he smiled every time I spoke!" Y/N cheered looking away from the shocked girl.
"Really?! I refuse to believe he knows how to smile" She denied.
"And I refuse to believe you have a boyfriend but here we are" Y/N laughed seeing Kanroji's eyebrows furrow as her eyes widened in shock.
"What?!" She screamed as the friends made it to their brown and black themed apartment entrence.
As they walked out the car they noticed their mail had something inside.
Y/N opened the metal mailbox causing a loud creak to be heard. It was a rose?
"Ooh I wonder from who" Kanroji teased hitting Y/N's shoulder with hers.
"Shut up!" Y/N said seriously trying to focus on the little note the flowers had.
"Thank you for listening to my problems and what not. I was going to text you then I realized I don't have your number. Anyways I hope to do that again soon with no interruptions, see you Monday.
-Giyuu Tomioka
Number: (###) ###-####
"You got his number!" Kanroji screamed jumping on top of her friends shoulder.
Y/N ran inside the apartment complex giving the pink girl a piggyback ride.
A/N: I want Y/N and Kanrojis friendship😩🙏🏼 heres official art that makes me happy all the time.
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