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Classes are officially done for the day, Hyewon’s meeting up with Eunbi, Chaeyeon has things to do with her class, Yuri’s included with that,

Wonyoung and Yujin went home together, Hitomi and Nako went out to a café and here’s Yena third wheeling Chaewon and Minju.

She didn’t know that these two were going out on a Tuesday night so here she is in the back seat looking at wherever her eyes lands on as Minju and Chaewon were right up front,

Chaewon agreed on dropping her off by their house as she and Minju are indeed going on the same direction,

Minju even insisted that she could come with them after Yena herself got shy at the thought of third wheeling them for a while.

“Unnie be honest with me”

Chaewon suddenly blurted out as she looked at Yena with her rear view mirror,

They were at a stop light so it wasn’t that much of a big deal if she’s not looking on the road.


“You like Yuri, right?”

Chaewon asked that even left Minju thinking, no one really thought of it when Yena’s always going out or meeting up with Yuri,

She just looked like the annoying sunbae you have to experience once in college, but to think about it more, maybe Chaewon is right,

Maybe Yena does like Yuri, maybe that’s why Minju always sees her staring at Yena or is asking her if Chaewon’s with her, Minju’s finally connecting the dots.

“Oh you’re right”

Minju said as she kept agreeing with Chaewon, she sees her point and she can’t help but to make it much more stronger,

Yena had no other choice as she was indeed between the two and she knows they could both start flooding her with questions until she explodes,

But even Yena herself isn’t sure with her answer, she planned on asking her later if she is as indeed the person she heard back then before deciding if she does like her or not,

I mean it’s her way of determining her actions so let’s respect that, there's still that girl she heard at the supermarket in her heart.

“I’m not really sure”

“Unnie just please don’t break my friend’s heart if you do”

Minju said out of nowhere that left Yena hanging, hanging to tons of questions as to what did Minju mean?

Did someone already break her heart?

Did something happen with Yuri back then?

Does Yena really know Yuri?

They never even talked about their pasts and it’s suddenly making Yena worried,

They’ve been friends for a month now yet their foundation with each other isn’t as strong as it looks like.


“I said don’t hurt Yuri again”

“What do you mean again?”

“I think you need to ask Yuri herself on what I mean”

Minju sternly said as she looked at Yena, their eyes meeting as both of them didn’t want this to happen, no one really wanted a tensed car ride to wherever they need to be.

“Kim Minju I’m sorry but you already spoke earlier than her might as well spill it now”

Yena whispered that was loud enough for both Minju and Chaewon to hear,

Chaewon knew that she was starting to get heated up and she doesn’t want her girlfriend and her best friend to fight right now,

Because if they are going to fight, it needs to be a much more controversial topic.

“Okay chill, no one’s going to fight inside my car”

Chaewon said to finally stop all of this sudden chaos, she was turning into the corner near Yena’s stop so she knows this may end either good or bad.

“Sorry unnie but you need to hear it from Yuri herself, not me”

Minju had a worried look on her face, she’s scared that she may have triggered something she’s not supposed to and Yuri may get angry about it.

“It’s fine, I’m sorry for being harsh, also calling your full name”

“It’s fine, I’m used to it, Yuri’s like that too”

Minju said as a smile grew on her face, remembering her friend by a simple act already makes her smile,

Yuri’s too precious for her so she can’t betray her this easily, even on a topic others may think is shallow,

Minju could never, because for Yuri, this is a major part of her past.

Since she came earlier than she was supposed to, Yena’s laying inside her room as her parents were right outside her door,

Her mom was cooking dinner as her dad was trying to help her with what she needs help at,

Here’s one thing women doesn’t need when they are focused, people suddenly trying to help you.

It might just be me and my family but whenever someone’s doing something on their own,

No one really helps them as they might destroy the flow they were having, but we do help each other once someone asks so, it’s still a win win.

Yena’s been thinking about Minju said earlier, and to go back through the month that has been with Yuri in her life,

No one between them really tried to talk about each other’s past.

Yena only knows up to Yuri’s hometown and her family, other than that, she has never really said anything more,

It sounds weird but Yena does want to know her more, to know her deeper and learn her past as if she’s a test she needs to take by the end of the month,

She wants to get to know her more because as of now,

Yena’s sure she wants Yuri by her side until the future because within a month and a few days,

She already shown herself to her and she already secured a place in Yena’s life.


Yuri was just walking home as she recently went down the bus, she and one of her guy classmates suddenly went out to eat dinner,

Yuri wasn’t really sure in the first place why he invited her to go out as she was sure he had no feelings for her,

They weren’t really friends and more like acquaintances as they don’t even talk on a normal daily basis so she was really weirded out when he asked her earlier before they went on their separate ways.

Eating on a nearby Japanese restaurant as she quickly told Nayeon that she’ll be eating out, Yuri was relieved to hear the reason why he wanted to talk to her.

“I know you’re a writer too and I just wanted to get your opinion on this, your honest opinion if it's okay”

Holding the usb he gave him earlier, Yuri felt happy and contented when he asked her to give her own opinions about the story inside the usb,

He said it was his first time and he knew that Yuri writes base on the notepad she always keeps with her,

It may sound weird but when author’s usually get approached in this way, we feel really flattered and happy as a person recognized their own work and even wanted help with theirs,

It feels like someone is idolizing you and it makes your heart feel light and giddy.

Yuri walked in to see her Nayeon unnie by their table with some files and her laptop in front of her,

Her head rested on her hand as it looks like balancing work and studies during this time of the year keeps getting harder every year,

Nayeon knows she can quit her job anytime now but the girl wouldn’t back down, even if Jeongyeon asks her too,

She will never let go of her work, they’re not even sure where her salary is going to since other than their monthly food and money for dates,

Nayeon rarely buys something that exceeds 80,000,000 won.

“I’m here”

“Hm, you ate already right?”

“Nae, I bought you something”

Yuri said as she went through her bag, Nayeon who was surprised that Yuri actually spent money on her, wasn’t expecting anything other than some snacks,

And to see her pulling what looked like chips out of her bag, Nayeon felt happy and excited, at least she knew that her unnie would always have room for chips.

“Remember eating these when we were younger unnie?”

Pulling a familiar purple packaged chips out of her messy bag, Nayeons eyes grew by themselves,

She misses eating these and she doesn’t know how Yuri got hold of them.

“Where did you find Cheese Rings?!”

“The place we ate at had that by the cashier so I thought I would buy you- I mean us some”

Yuri calmly said as she placed her bag on one of the chairs near them, removing her id as she opened a few buttons on her shirt,

She sat down near Nayeon who was still amazed to see her favorite childhood chips.

“Are you going to open it or we’re just going to stare at it until it expires?”

Yuri came out of her room with a new pair of clothes on her body,

The t-shirt she wore earlier saved her from getting a sun burn when all of them agreed on eating by the field which they regretted since the sun was in total disagreement with them,

Coming out as soon as all of them laid their food by the improvised blanket they had, pulling their food to a nearby tree as it brought them shade,

Yuri was sitting in a place where the sun was shining on half of her body, not until Yena pulled her closer to her which did remove the hotness she was feeling,

And to think about it, Yena pulled her by her waist earlier, she did get flustered by her but to see her pure intentions towards her,

Yuri can’t help but to smile at what happened.

And speaking of Yena, her phone started ringing as the name popped up on her screen, it was 8 pm already so she wasn’t sure why she was calling


“Good, you answered me, I thought you were going to ignore me”

Hearing Yena’s voice at night somehow made Yuri feel lighter, it made her feel more relaxed, it made her feel like she was right there with her after all

“Why would I ignore you?”

Yuri said with giggles following her words, Yena can never really not make her laugh

“I dunno, anyways can I ask you something?”


Yuri knew she had no other choice but to say yes rather than getting irritated by her for the rest of the night, might as well answer her since she did take the initiative to call her

“You knew that Minju and Chaewon drove me here, right?”

“Yes? Why?”

“Minju mentioned something earlier”

The name of one of her closest friends yet again getting mentioned slightly made Yuri disturbed,

She knows Minju to her bones by now, she knows she will never tell anyone anything about her without Yuri nearby,

Especially when it is a ‘crucial’ part of it.

“What was it?”

“I should not hurt you again? Why again, Yuri?”

Yuri wasn’t that bothered with what Yena said, the topic itself isn’t that sensitive too,

It’s just a thing from the past that shook her up too much that she has only said it to some people,

A very specific handful of people and Minju’s one of them, she knew she could mention this sometime to other people when she gets closer to them,

She actually predicted that Chaewon would be the first one to know but for Yena herself to ask about it through their phones as she could clearly hear Yena breathing on the other side of the line,

Yuri couldn’t help but to smile, smile through the horrible past as she looked outside of her window to see the moon covered by clouds,

Her natural source of night at light is covered and that’s already a good enough sign for her that maybe telling Yena could help her open up to her,

She’s been trying really hard to open up to her since Yena always does it whenever they are together,

It’s just that she’s too scared to do it since she’s sensing where this is going,

They’re going to get close and it may end up like the past or something new up ahead,

Yuri should really stop watching up for signs and let herself go on her own, she feels for things to much and as Yena said back then,

When they were having fun in her comfort place, singing their hearts out as they weren’t scared if other people could hear them or hear they’re voices crack,

They weren’t going to feel embarrassed as they were with each other, and the smiles they had was something near the word irreplaceable.

“Love your fate”


“Uhm how much time do you have?”


Yena quickly asked as she finally heard Yuri’s voice after a good minute of hearing nothing but air coming out of what she assumed was her fan,

Yena wasn’t sure if what she asked is the exact same thing why Minju wanted her to ask Yuri herself,

It sunk into her that it may be that deep of a question and she may have bothered Yuri tonight,

She wished that she just texted her so they could avoid the awkward quietness but to hear her talk again,

Maybe it wasn’t that bad after all, maybe trying to reach out to her wasn’t that scary like how Minju said it would be,

Maybe Yena could even help her with what’s bothering her, it may all be 'maybe’s' but Yena’s sure that once it’s something pass a ‘maybe’ she’ll always try her best to make it happen.

“I tend to talk too long when it’s about serious stuff like this”

Yuri shyly said, as if Yena could see her, she could already imagine the girl turning a little red as she looks down a little,

Yuri’s always like that, she gets shy over little things yet when it’s about intimate things and skin ships,

She could always do it with a smug smile visible in her face.

Growing up with an unnie does make people quite clingy without them knowing

“It’s okay, I still have an hour and a half, I think, my brother’s not here yet and my parents said they wanted to chill for a while so, you could talk to me all you want”

“Really? I like that”

“Hehe, me too”

The two of them hearing each other’s chuckles as they had the exact same position on bed,

Their backs smushed against the mattress as they had their eyes up to the ceiling, playing with anything their hand touches,

The two looked the exact same yet they were so far from each other, a simple call making everything feel like they’re right beside each other, maybe technology isn’t that bad at all.

“Do you know that I write unnie?”

“Of course, you’re in college now why are you asking me that?”

“Not that kind of write, writing stories?”

“Oh, oh............You write stories?!”

Yena’s voice piercing through the other side of Yuri’s head, she knew that this will be a long talk with her so she comfortably laid down on her bed,

Grabbing one of her pillows as she saw Gamja walk out of her room, he may have left her but she still has Yena asking tons of questions on the other side of the call so,

It still feels like there’s still an energetic dog right beside her.

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net