chepter 4: the friendship festival

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outside the royal castle an pegasus pony named rainbow dash was cleaning the sky as she finished in ten second flat

rainbow: the sky is clear and ready for the festival
While a blue hedgehog named sonic was cleaning the square by his superspeed

Sonic: the square is clear and ready for the festival
Then an earth pony named pinkie pie and with her is a member of the tmnt named Michael Angelo (Mikey for short) was set the balloons ready

But it flew away as it headed to a pegasus pony named fluttershy and a yellow fox named tails

Mikey: hey pinkie wait!
Tails: look out you two!!
Fluttershy: I don't think the balloon is out of control pinkie pie
Then an earth pony named applejack and with her is an red echidna named knuckles was both buying the apple ciber

Applejack: hey y'all.... Is anypony order a fizzy apple ciber
Then rainbow dash hears that she likes the apple fiber even sonic
Sonic: oh I like the apple ciber!
Then both rainbow dash and sonic speeds right to applejack and knuckles
Rainbow dash & sonic: thank you!..... You're welcome
Then an unicorn named rarity was decorating the stage while Donatello was set the headlights ready

Then applejack and knuckles came
Applejack: hey rarity
Rarity: perfect Donny is the Headlights ready?
Donny: yeah rarity
Rarity: anyway what is it applejack?
Applejack: Is it all ready?
Rarity: yes, it is all Ready darling until I finish the decoration
Rainbow: the decoration takes forever! But awesome
Then rainbow dash speeds around the stage as she hit fluttershy as she finished
Rainbow: I've decorated the stage in ten seconds flat
Sonic: that's dashie I know her
Rainbow: *blushing* thanks sonic
Rarity: oh no no no don't you dare rainbow dash it looks reckless!
Then the decorated stage was actually messed up
Rainbow: come on... It's fine!
Rarity: if you raised in a barn! Ow sorry for that applejack
Applejack: it's okay ah didn't raised in a barn mah family didn't raised in a barn when ah was born my family had an old barn before it demolished
Rainbow: *speeding through applejack* you raised in a barn
Knuckles: especially sonic and me was born to be heroes not like what ponies used to live in a barn
Then twilight, spike and Leo came as twilight was checking the list
Twilight: the headlights check! The decoration check! Hi guys!
The tmnt, sonic team and the mane 5: hey twilight!
Spike: hi rarity *blushing*
Applejack: how's goin' with the other princesses?
Spike: great!
Then twilight turned upset as she remembered her boyfriend in the human world (I mean Ben)
Leo: what's wrong twilight?
Twilight: (sigh) I wish Ben was here for the festival
Leo: twilight, if Ben was here maybe he still loves you
Twilight: you know what Leo? I see you as a kind
Leo: thanks twilight *winking at her*
Twilight: *blushing* heheheh
Leo: heheheh
Applejack: so twilight are you ready for the festival?
Twilight: I don't know but what if I've failed?
Then pinkie pie catches her
Pinkie: twilight! Look at me! This is the most friendship festival that equestria has ever seen! As a princess of friendship you cannot fail! Maybe it'll gonna wanna Freck the whole party!!! AHHHH!!!!!!
Then the ponies looked at her
Mikey: yeah she's right!
Pinkie: but you have us! only who can help you
Then the mane 5, the tmnt, and sonic team nodded as the they started to sing

Applejack: it's time to show'em what you've got
Rarity: it's time to go and get things done
Fluttershy: but you don't have to do it on your own
Pinkie: 'cause you've got friends right here to make it fun
Mane 6/tmnt/sonic team: we got this
You got this
We got this together
Rainbow: sometimes the pressure gets you down
And the clouds are dark and grey
Just kick them and let the sunshine through
As it scary as it seems
More help is on the way
Cuz friends have that wanna help too
All: we got this
You got this
We got this together
It's the festival of friendship
And we can get it done
A festival that they won't never forget
A party to be proud of
A day of games and fun
Just you wait and see
A magic in perfect harmony
Fluttershy: you got this
Bird: (whistles melody)
Fluttershy: we got this together
Applejack: with friends and family you are never done
If you need help
We've got you back
You can be honest let your problem be known
Applejack and crowd: 'cause you got us to pick up the slack!
We got this
Big Mac: eyup!
All: we got this together
Rarity: pay attention to the details every gem even spaced
Spike: takin' one or two to taste
Rarity: inside out and beautiful throughout
Generosity is what we're all about
Spike: (mouth full) you got this
Rarity: you got this
Rarity & spike: we got this together
Twilight: today needs to be perfect
It all come down to me
I don't know if I'm ready
For all the things they need me to be
I am the princess of friendship
But that is more than just a crown
It's a promise to bring ponies together
And never let anypony down
Pinkie: we got an awful lot to bake
Each pony needs a peace of cake
Oh wait, there's something better we can do
We're gonna need some more supplies
She'll be so shocked, she's sure to love it too!
You've got this!
We got this!
We got this together!
All: it's the festival of friendship
Together we are one
A day we will never forget
And now everything is ready
So when the day is done
Rainbow: the weather
Applejack: the banquet
Rarity: the style
Fluttershy: the music
All: all will be in perfect harmony!
As the music ended a canon launched a giant cake as Leonardo warned her
Leo: twilight look out!
Then twilight looked up as the cake hit her as couple parts of the cake hit her again and again as twilight get herself out as she knows that pinkie is responsible
Twilight: pinkie?!
Pinkie: oopsie, guess that cake will gonna hit you as I didn't know
Then she shuts the candle's fire as...
???: well well well that was unexpected to visit twilight
Twilight: wait I know that voice *blushing* is that....
Then she looks behind the mane 6 as Ben and rook appeared
Rook: not just me
Twilight: oh my BEN!!
Then she hugs him as Ben broke the hug
Twilight: it's been a long time to see you Ben
Ben: me too I can't wait to see my sweetheart to shows her friendship to anybody
Then they all shocked
Applejack: sweetheart?
Twilight: *blushing* oh well
Rainbow: looks like he wants you to hangout with you
Twilight: oh well he....
Rarity: oh that's adorable when he called you a sweetheart
Pinkie: maybe twilight has a secrets we didn't knew it
Ben: okay I think that's enough with that
Sonic: why? Don't you call her "babe" or something
All: WHAT?!
Then their arguments was cut off as the ponies looked at pegasus pony named songbird serenade and behind her is a member of the tmnt known as Raphael

Random pony 1: is that... Songbird serenade? It is! it is!
Songbird: hiya! I'm looking for the pony in charge, I need to set up for myself
Raph: *very tired* sorry for my late I was....
Then Mikey catches him
Mikey: raph? Where've you been? You missed the best festival ever!
Raph: and I want to tell something, shut! Up!
Twilight: songbird serenade?, I'm twilight sparkle don't mind me for this mess
Then she throw a little part of the cake from her coat to songbird serenade as the ponies gasped
Songbird: *going happy* cake in cake?
Twilight: yeah it was for the festival
Bodyguard 1: you have visual bottle cleaner?
Bodyguard 2: yeah visual bottle cleaner, going to clean
Then songbird's bodyguard gets the part of the cake off from her coat as the storm clouds appeared as the ponies looked up as Ben noticed this
Ben: uh rook? Shouldn't the storm clouds appeared in the summer?
To be continued

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