the purge

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The volume within the containment facility was astronomically loud. Everyone was talking- panicking about the approaching deadline. If the proposed law wasn't overturned by 17:00, then the purge was to proceed as planned. It would be mandatory. Being in a containment facility specifically for holding omegas in preparation for the purge, a lot of chaos was underway.

Guards were posted at the doors, ready to execute. Omegas were in their locked rooms screaming, pleading, begging, and sobbing towards the guards. Clawing at the concrete walls, banging on the large steel doors, Omegas were fighting for their lives. Literally. The overhead speakers alerted everyone in the building of any updates, the countdown, and any direct orders from the government. For the omegas, it felt like the end of the world. In a sense, it was. The end of their world.

"GO!" A guard yelled, whacking his group of omegas with a baton to direct them back to their cell block. The lower ranks of government at least were able to mandate that the captured omegas were given basic necessities until the law passed, so until then, the guards who were in support of the purge had to abide by it and provide food, comfort, and showers to the omegas. So, they were delegated specific groups to be in charge of.

"Attention agents, the new law has not been overturned as of this moment. The purge is to commence in T-minus fifteen minutes."  Was announced through the PA system.

Shrieks and wails filled the hallways, the banging increased tenfold, terror palpable in the building.

The ting of a keycard opened one of the holding rooms at the back of the facility. Holding a finger up in front of his lips to 'shh', the guard motioned for the two boys to come with him. "Restroom, hurry up!" He yelled for good measure.

Felix and Hyunjin sprung from their beds, running to the door in just their socks. The guard nudged their backs, carefully leading them through the halls to a storage closet.

Once inside the storage closet, the guard hid them inside one of the linen carts and told them to stay still and silent. The two boys nodded. Felix curled up into Hyunjin's side, and they both shook from fear.

"Attention agents, the new law has not been overturned as of this moment. The purge is to commence in T-minus ten minutes. Please return the subjects to the dwelling quarters, and proceed to the nearest security station to receive your headgear."  The speakers announced. Every guard that had taken their set of Omegas out for the restroom or to eat began to round them up toward their rooms.

Hyunjin and Felix jumped when the storage closet door crashed open. Felix almost whimpered instinctively when someone began digging in the linen cart, until the last layer was lifted and they saw the guard who brought them in there to begin with. The guard lifted another boy, Changbin, into the cart, then another, Jeongin, who was smaller than the rest. He gave the same instructions to be quiet before leaving again.

"What happens if the gas doesn't take 'em all out?" One of the guards posted at a hallway door asked the other.

"What do you think we have guns for?"

The guard who collected the children heard the conversation, and sighed to himself. He turned down a different hallway, trying to blend in and not seem suspicious.

Blaring alarms rang for an announcement. "Hardlock on cell doors activating in sixty seconds."

There was no time left to be inconspicuous. The guard ran as fast as he could, he had one more room to get to. He keyed into the room and found the two boys crying, holding onto each other. "Climb on my back, Seungmin. Jisung, come here." He guided, having Seungmin hang on as if he were a backpack, then picked up Jisung and held him like a backpack in the front. The children's fear was noticeable, their little hearts were racing, and he could feel it as they were against him. Jisung was also shaking. Unable to act on his instincts to calm the little ones, the guard ran down the halls faster, despite knowing his shoes were squeaking loud on the floor. Bolting into the storage closet, he made quick work of getting the last two boys into the cart and covered, before walking out casually with the linen cart towards the laundry area.

Every hallway door had a threshold, and when the cart rolled over it, the guard hoped no one would notice the sound of weight within the cart. The wheels almost sounded heavier as they rolled through the halls. It was incredibly stressful, for both the guard pushing the cart, and the children inside.

"HEY!" A guard posted at the door yelled.

All of the children's hearts started beating out of their chests, and the guard who was pushing the linen cart felt his stomach drop as he stopped.

The guard posted at the door yelled again, "Where's your headgear, man?!"

Turning around, the guard replied, "Back at my station, don't worry. Heading there right now."

"Alright, just making sure!"

The guard resumed pushing the linen cart, sighing a breath of relief.

Once inside the back of the laundry area, the guard started pulling the boys out of the cart. He whispered to them, "Stay quiet, but you're gonna follow me, okay?"

The six boys all nodded, watching the guard intensely. Hastily, the guard started to pull up a heavy metal opening in the wall, and inside was just a slope. It was the disposal chute. The guard climbed in, feet first, and locked his legs over the drop. He awkwardly held the chute door up as he instructed Changbin and Hyunjin to help Jeongin up into it.

"Attention agents, the new law has not been overturned as of this moment. The purge is to commence in T-minus five minutes. I repeat, the new law has not been overturned as of this moment. The purge is to commence in T-minus five minutes."

"Come on, help the smaller ones first." The guard reminded, as the boys all lost focus for a moment at the announcement. "It's gonna be okay, we just have to hurry."

Changbin and Hyunjin helped Felix in next, then Seungmin. The small opening was getting crowded, but there were still three more boys. As Hyunjin and Changbin started to help Jisung into the chute, he hit his head on the door, as the guard was losing his grip by the minute. Jisung couldn't help the whimper and choke of a pained cry that slipped past his lips.

Everyone's eyes widened. "Sorry!" Jisung whisper yelled, almost in tears as he was squished into the chute.

The guard adjusted Jisung to make a little more room overall, and pet his head. "It's okay. Don't worry."

Next, Changbin helped Hyunjin as he had to really force himself into the opening. There was no more room. Changbin couldn't make it inside.

The silence in the midst of all the screaming and chaos was unnerving. Changbin had a devastated look on his face as he tried to blink away the tears that rushed to his eyes, as he and the guard stared at each other, saying everything and nothing with their eyes. "It's okay. You guys go." He whispered, nodding his head to cement his acceptance.

"Jeongin, do you trust me?" The guard asked, eyes never leaving Changbin.

Jeongin was supported by the guards legs. "Yes. You're gonna keep us safe."

"Okay. I'm gonna move my feet. You're going to slide down a really big, dark slide. You have to stay quiet. At the bottom, you're gonna fall into lots of pillows, okay? When you do, climb out of that spot to the wall, okay?" The guard explained, though he hated having the youngest go on his own.

Gulping, "Okay." Jeongin said nervously.

At that, the guard moved his legs to allow Jeongin to continue down the chute, before locking his legs again and shifting the other children around. "Come on, get in." He told Changbin, who hurried to get into the chute on his own. Once all the children were in, the guard carefully lowered the door to the chute to not give away their location.

"Okay, Yongbok, are you ready to slide? Remember, you have to move to the wall after you land in the pillows."  The guard whispered in the darkness.

"Yes sir."

Bracing himself on the wall with his arms, the guard moved his legs once again to let Felix slide down.

"Attention agents, the new law has not been overturned. The purge is to commence in T-minus sixty seconds. Please ensure you have your headgear on properly."

"Seungmin, when you land, you have to hurry and move. You all have to hurry down there." The urgency was noticeable in the guard's voice.

Seungmin nodded, though it couldn't be seen. "Okay."

"Okay, your turn then." The guard moved his legs, and Seungmin continued down the cold metal chute. "Jisung, crawl down to slide."

Jisung scooted down, on the edge of the drop.

"Go, now!" The guard urged, and Jisung went. "Hyunjin, hurry, get ready to go."

Hyunjin quickly maneuvered lower, waiting for his cue.

"Now!" The guard directed, and immediately Hyunjin slid down. "Changbin g-"

"Five, four"

"Hold your nose, keep your mouth and eyes closed, go!!"

Changbin did as instructed, and rushed down to slide.


The guard held his own nose, closing his mouth and eyes, and waited to give Changbin enough time to move.

"One. The purge has begun."

Sirens sounded, loud, ominous, dreadful. Outside of the laundry chute, the guard could hear the hiss of the gas being released, filling the facility. There were screams, and a few stray gunshots. He slid down.

As soon as the guard hit the pile of pillows, he opened his eyes and saw all the small children in various distances from the landing area and the wall. "You all okay?"  He asked, sounding out of breath.

All the children nodded, still looking petrified.

"Good, good. Come on, hurry up, we gotta get you out of here." The guard helped the children to the wall of the disposed laundry container, before lowering them down to the ground.

Once all feet were on the ground, the guard whipped his phone out of his pocket and called someone. "Puma, paws on the ground. What's your status?"

Even though the phone wasn't on speaker, the other side was loud and clear, a woman's voice saying, "They got 'em, Tiger. They- they made me go to the security station to get a mask when they saw me without one, and the girls... they found them in the walk-in freezer..."

The guard instantly felt like someone kicked his stomach, though he had to power through. "We still got six, let's focus on that. Are you on your way?"

"Yeah, get ready to hop in." The woman said, still sounding distraught.

A few moments later, a security vehicle pulled up near the disposed laundry container. The guard gestured the children to get in the van, and they hurried to do so.

When everyone was inside the vehicle, the male guard spoke from his seat in the passenger seat. "Stay down, in case anyone stops us. We're not in the clear yet, okay?"

Immediately, all the children nodded before dropping to the floor to lay flat.

When the van stopped, hours later, the children all looked up towards the front seats.

"Almost there. Come on, we have to walk from here." The male guard informed, before getting out the the van.

The female guard also got out of the vehicle, walking around it to open the back doors for the children to get out.

They were at a house, secluded by the surrounding nature. Was it a farm? Was it a cottage? Was it just a house with lots of trees around it?

"This is my house." The male guard stated as he watched the kids look around in awe, "But, it's not safe for you to stay here."

"So... where are we going?" Hyunjin asked quietly, afraid to be too loud.

"You have a special house. Made just for you. Follow me." The male guard said, then turned and started to walk into the thick line of trees.

The children were right on the guard's heels, walking the wooded area. The terrain was uneven, causing their ankles to hurt. Many twigs snapped under their feet. There was no visible sign of any other house or street. Changbin started to wonder if they were brought out here to get murdered, but it was a passing thought, as he truly trusted the male guard after so many months of being under his care.

After nearly an hour of walking, they came to a river. There was plenty of rocks around the river, big and small. But in one particular area, the male guard pulled back almost a blanket of moss, revealing a large set of rocks. He moved a few small ones, and gripped under the largest one. There was no way anyone could lift a rock that heavy. But instead of lifting a rock, it opened a hidden door with a ladder, that lead to a hallway. The male guard went in first, and the children followed, with the female guard being behind them.

The hallway was narrow, and the ground sloped, leading to a large steel door. It had a combination lock to enter. Once past that door, there was another door, more like a normal front door to a house. It had a deadbolt, and the male guard used a key to unlock it. As soon as the door opened, it revealed a large, fully furnished underground house. On the inside of the front door was many, many different locks for only the inside. Chains, one sided deadbolts, and swing bar locks.

"This is your new home." The male guard announced, walking further inside. "The plan was to have two of you in each room, but since the girls were caught...."  both guards looked saddened, "You each will have your own room."

Normally, any child would jump for joy at that statement. But there was a lot of pain, fear, and stress being held back by everyone.

"This is our pack. I guess now I can finally tell you guys my name. I'm Seo Jung Kwon." The male guard, Jung Kwon, revealed.

Raising a hand, the female guard said, "I'm Choi Sung Hee."

"I call her Puma, and she calls me Tiger. It's how we communicated in secret in the facility." Jung Kwon explained, in case their code names were easier for the children.

Seungmin broke the silence of the children. "What do you mean... this is our pack? I thought we don't get a pack until we are big kids and an alpha accepts us into their pack. We're not grown up yet." He pouted in confusion.

By 'big kids' and 'grown up', Seungmin was referring to puberty. When their scent glands open, and they start to emit their specific alluring scents. When their heats begin, their bodies way of signaling fertility. When their pheromones become reactive, indicating stress, fear, joy, and the sort. When they can be locked into submission of any order given by their alpha in an alpha voice. When they can be marked with a mating bite. Changbin was only nine, Jeongin was only seven, and the other four boys were only eight years old.

"Well, circumstances are different, right? You don't have to be big kids. I'm an alpha, and I made the pack. I picked each one of you myself. So it's brand new." Jung Kwon answered, looking around at all the children to make sure they understood.

"...what about our mommas?" Jeongin asked, head hanging low.

Jung Kwon and Sung Hee knew all of the children's mothers were omegas, except for Hyunjin's, who was a beta. There were some internal discussions they caught wind of, but it wasn't something they were able to confirm yet. Their main priority was the plan to get the kids out safely.

Sung Hee clapped her hands and threw on a big smile, "Let's go pick out who gets which room, yeah?" It was saying 'we're not going to talk about that.' Without actually saying it. Almost all of the boys followed her to walk through the house.

Jisung stayed behind. He walked up to Jung Kwon and hugged him as he began to cry. The alpha patted Jisung on his back, and gently pet his head.

"I know." Jung Kwon softly said, finally able to comfort the little omega. "I know."


Ouch. Just a glance into the beginning of the purge.

Tiger JK and Bada are the two wild cats who said FUCK THE GOVERNMENT and took matters into their own hands.

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