Special Chapter : Uruha Rushia, The Butterfly

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In honor of Rushia, our cute resident necromancer who sadly graduate early than we expected. I decide to make this chapter, while I know I late some months. now. But better late than never right?


At the middle of muddy day in what supposedly be London, in the corner of city stood a small bar. In there the famous wanted Necromancer and the most wise Sage had talk between them.

"Nee, Sage do you think my ability is ugly?" A necromancer once ask the question to the wise Sage of Old

"Why do you think it's ugly little one?" the Sage ask calmy as he stroke his beard slowly

"An ability to disturb cycle of life, to summon the death, and curse the life to become mindless rotten body within hours isn't it the most ugly thing in the world" the necromancer said as their hands trembling with hatred toward ability they have

The necromancer never ask to have the ability they born with and never think it as as give. But heaven is cruel, to give a curse within their hand as if fate deem them a perfect vilain character who can make the hero progres much further.

The Sage just listen the Necromancer venting how they never want the ability or how much they hate heaven for that. But the Sage can't hold back a chuckle when they saw how cute the necromancer expression when they were angry.

The necromancer take notice the Sage chuckle, find something amusing at their misery. Not minding anything, the necromancer pointing to the face of Sage while said with angry tone and expression

"How you laugh at my misery!?"

"How I suppose to not laugh when your face became so cute when you angry little one?" The Sage said heart warmingly to the necromancer

The necromancer taken a back, for what thousand something in their life some one actually praise their look. That make the necromancer have healthy bluss on their cheek as sign of embrassment.

"But to answer your question little one, if you put your ability that way then the graceful Phoenix has it worst then you isn't it? They can prevent even death with their tear if a person still have one breath within them, or their reincarnation cycle who selfishly keep them alive when they just want rest peacefully like other creature, or how the curse of from Egypt and Mesopotamia are more nasty than your ability with their mummy curse that can make a person became a mummy wihtin minute"

"I the person who every one hail as the greatest magician even surpasses Solomon or even Gilgamesh have to understand all my skill in one billion years and that don't do the justice for some other skill that I don't have completely master" The Sage said that while give meaningful smile to the necromancer.

The necromancer jaw dropping as they never thing the all mighty Sage has to understand all of their skill in such long time and more when they know the Sage still doesn't master some skill he posses.

"What the matter the most is not seen it for what one ability can do, But for what the person do with the said ability" The Sage said as he took a sip from his glass and end it with big gulp of their drink

The necromancer now is confused. Not with the big word the Sage pull, but what they supposed to do with their ability? Helping people? Instead what will happen is everyone run away of they really try that.

"How I suppose to do something good with this ability of mine?" The necromancer ask the Sage for help for what should they try Todo with their ability

"Come on, don't look me like that. Have faith in yourself little one, I am sure you would find the way to bring good in the world"

With that the Sage took a leave with teleportation circle as choice of transportation. Leaving the iritated necromancer behind.


"Gramp! I did it you know!! My ability don't cause ruckuss like in the past!!"

The cafe door open with loud bang followed by childish and excited voice. As the oldman look at the source of voice he can't help but smile.

"Good morning, Rushia. Then what thy next move O'master of art necromancy?" the oldman said while his tone is full of curiousity but his choice language flustered Rushia as she never in long long while hold conversation in this almost death language.

"I shall move further Sage, thy and I know, the path has laid it over it self. And the fate has rotate" Rushia said in same language as the oldman

"Then, I over you blessing. For your present and future endeavour to be most favoured among heaven and the star. For I Sage of Wisdom give thy my blessing" with that the eyes of the oldman flicker in some sort random colour before it come back to it original colour

Rushia feel relax and she her body became light as if she can fly toward the horizon. Yet at the same time she know that it time for her to part from one who guide in the past and present. To spread her little wings and fly by her self.

(After long time of being cocoon, she now have leave the sturdy cocoon to spread her beautiful wing. And when the butterfly gently flap their wings, things would happen all around time and space. For better or for worst it doesn't really matter)

Rushia take deep breath for while before shout out of her lungs

"Jii-san!! For everything in the past or present, THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS WITH ME!"

With shout come to the end, you could see she smile and give a peace sign. Before she run out of embrassment from stare she got from every one present at the cafe.

(But between them, they know they will cross their path again. After all who would guide the necromancer if they have doubt about theirself again)

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