A New Home: CHAPTER 1

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"ROSE! Where are you?! Come on quickly, the house is on fire! Take your precious belongings and follow me to the to the carriage!" Laura shrieked.

Rose Wilder took her favourite blanket, she couldn't seem to find her stuffed bunny, and ran to the brown, wooden carriage. The last glimpse Rose saw before Almanzo took off on the carriage, was her home burning to smithereens. Rose bombarded Laura with questions like, "Where are we going?" and "Who are we going to live with?"

But, they were barely intelligible since she was only 3 years old. In truth, even Laura didn't know where they were going, Almanzo was the one driving the carriage, which meant he had a plan of where to go. So, Laura decided to just calm Rose down by telling her stories and playing small games with her and using the materials nearby. 

Once Rose did fall asleep, it was a calm ride that took them from De Smet, South Dakota to Spring Valley, Minnesota. This may seem like a lot to take in as the story has only just begun, so we'll go back to the basics. Laura Ingalls Wilder is the mother of Rose. She is practical, down-to-earth, and comitted to her plans when she is in any situation. She is also a responsible, loving parent. She is very adaptable and finds it easy to fit in. Which is why she doesn't mind moving to multiple places. Laura has brown eyes, brown hair and a fair complexion. Almanzo Wilder, Rose's father is hard-working and kind. He is caring towards all life and loving. Almanzo has green eyes, brown hair and tanned skin. He is also very protective of his family. We also have Rose, she is determined, caring, independent, brave and daring. She has short brown wavy hair like her mother Laura, olive green eyes, and fair skin.

Alright, back to the story, Almanzo decided to head for where his parents lived in Minnesota. In morning light, they reached their destination. The city had grey roads with rocky debris, they were being ran over by all the carriages nearby, filling up every nook and cranny. The countryside had bright green grasses that looked like they could go on forever. There was a slight smell of cinnamon toast coming from the city, landing on the countryside. With the damp feel of dew on the grasses.

Rose felt that this would be the perfect place to play and run on, but, she recognized this place. What and where was it? Anyways, she would gladly have picked Spring Valley over their old home in De Smet.

The family pulled over at Almanzo's parents home. It was a beautiful white house with wood panels. It had a burgundy-coloured roof with rectangular window, covered with curtains the colour of ivory. Rose was internally squealing with joy at the sight. Laura and Almanzo got off the carriage, which gave the cue for Rose to get off as well. She stumbled over and almost fell, before Laura picked her up and stood her straight on the floor. A split second later, Almanzo's mother and father.

This was when the puzzle piece in Rose's brain clicked. This was where Rose stayed when her mother and father got sick.

"Oh! Almanzo and Laura, what a pleasant surprise! How are you? You've gotten slimmer. Laura, you look very lovely... Rose, you are definitely growing up! What brings you here?" Almanzo's mother, Angelina, or Mrs. Wilder as she's better known, asked.

Her warm brown eyes were gleaming, her hair was tied up in a bun, and she was wearing a blue, calico dress.

"Hi Mrs. Wilder, thank you. Our house actually, um...." Laura hesitated for a while before gathering the right words.

"Burnt down. We were wondering if we could live here for a while...just for a little bit of course! Please?" Laura questioned with an ashamed look on her face.

Mrs. Wilder's face went from a warm and welcoming expression, to a shocked and horrified expression.

"O-of course! A-are you okay? You can live with us fo as long as you want!" Mrs. Wilder stuttered.

Laura and Almanzo were both very relieved. Mr. Wilder opened the front door and they were met with a simple living room. With a table for eating, small benches for sitting and a kitchen as well. It had a rectangular stove in the corner in the corner, a ledge for the pots and pans, with a churner, on top of a light-brown hardwood floor. Luckily they had 2 spare rooms for Almanzo, Rose, and Laura to live in. Laura and Almanzo would share 1 room, and Rose had a small den for simple living. They all had one bed, a nightstand, and a closet. Almanzo and Laura's room had a maroon-coloured closet made of wood, and their bed had soft fabric covers with small blue printed flowers dropped all over them. The nightstand was right beside the left side of the bed, with a black lantern placed on top of it. Rose's room had a sepia-coloured closet a little smaller than her parents, a light brown wooden bed with calico covers and yellow, purple, and blue printed flowers splashed all over. Mr. and Mrs. Wilder thought this would be the perfect choice for a little kid. Rose felt more at comfort with her favourite blanket that she brought with her. It had the yellow colour and texture of parchment paper with brown printed leaves all over it, made fully with cotton. It reminded her of the comfort of her old home. This was the setup for their one year stay at Mr. and Mrs. Wilder's home. Rose peacefully went to sleep, as did everyone else, and had sweet dreams.

The next day, she woke up, lifted her covers and went to the kitchen. Then she realized that she was the only one in the house actually awake, well, except for Mrs. Wilder.

"Where are my mommy and daddy?!" Rose asked loudly.

Mrs. Wilder quickly came out of the kitchen and assured Rose gently, "Oh dear! They must still be sleeping, they'll wake up soon. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Banana Bread!"

"Oh, good choice! I whipped some up just last night!" Mrs. Wilder exclaimed with a relieved sigh.

Rose and Mrs. Wilder went to the long, marble table. It had a vase of flowers with all the varieties of flowers they could dream of! They sat on opposite sides of each other on the almost 2 metre long block of marble. Mrs. Wilder got a fine china plate, took a golden loaf of banana bread, and slid it right on the dish. Rose took a huge bite ~ well for her mouth of course, she is only 4. Forgot to mention, today is her birthday! Only Almanzo and Laura really remembered.

Meanwhile, Laura and Almanzo weren't actually sleeping, they were planning to go to the city to get a surprise present for Rose.

"What about a comfy stuffed animal?" Laura questioned.

"We already packed her bunny remember? There has got to be something else we can get in the city!" Almanzo proclaimed, in an annoyed voice.

Laura suddenly had a brilliant idea.

"What about a book of nursery rhymes? We both had one of those when we were kids!" Laura challenged, just loud enough that Almanzo jumped in fright. Thankfully, Rose and Mrs. Wilder didn't hear the quarrel.

"Perfect!" Almanzo agreed.

"We could also get her a slate and calk to practice her writing, she should be in school in a few years." Almanzo mentioned.

"Good idea." Laura nodded.

Once Rose and Mrs. Wilder finished their breakfast, they went to the living room and started telling stories and playing games to pass the time. They were having fun, but were interrupted by Mr. Wilder.

"Alright Angelina, Laura, Almanzo, and I are going to the city." Mr. Wilder pronounced.

Rose was wondering how her parents were to go to the city so quickly if they were sleeping just a few minutes ago, either way, she wanted to come as well!

"Mommy, can I come too?" Rose moaned.

"Sorry Rose, maybe next time." Laura chuckled.

Mr. Wilder on the other hand didn't understand, it would've been perfectly fine if Rose came ~ to Mr. Wilder of course ~ but he didn't interject.

"Okay Father, let's go!" Almanzo persisted.

They were going with Mr. Wilder, because Laura and Almanzo thought he would want to get Rose a present as well. It was easier to go altogether.

They got in Mr. Wilder's carriage and headed for the city.

"Well Mr. Wilder, what are you getting Rose for her birthday?" Laura uttered with a grin on her face.

The carriage jerked to a stop and Mr. Wilder choked.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Mr. Wilder bellowed.

Laura and Almanzo exchanged a shocked glance.

"Surely that's why you agreed to come with us! To get Rose a present...? Almanzo sputtered.

"I just thought you wanted to explore Minnesota! But, of course I can find something in the shops." Mr. Wilder explained defensively.

They had a peaceful ride to the city before they reached the shops.

Laura headed towards a small shop near them called Galaxie Bookstore. Almanzo spotted a General Store beside the bookstore and sprinted towards it. Laura entered Galaxie Bookstore and saw the Children Section near the back. The first thing she saw on the shelf was a long, periwinkle blue, spine of a book. She pulled it out and saw the title.

"This looks nice, what's it called? Alright, here it says, 'Histories and Rhymes of Past Times told by Mother Goose' and it's only $1.25!" Laura whispered to herself in happiness and awe.

She brought the book to the counter, paid with her coins, and browsed around the store for a while before making her way to the carriage.

Meanwhile, Almanzo bought a slate with a wooden frame around it, white chalk ~ slate pencils were a little too expensive ~ and it all cost 50 cents. He paid with a half dollar coin, and was also looking for some tableware to give his parents. 

Mr. Wilder was on the opposite side of Galaxie Bookstore in Bachman's Gift. He was looking for a simple top and skirt Rose could wear. He looked around for a while until he picked up a cotton, ribbed shirt in a chestnut brown colour, with buttons going down to the chest. The skirt had ruffles at the bottom and horizontal stripes, all in a charcoal grey shade. He got out of the shop and realized Laura and Almanzo were already waiting at the carriage. 

It was a silent ride home. They were too busy wondering if Rose would like the presents or not! 

A/N:If anyone has ever written, a sort of, continuation/sequel to Little House On The Prairie, By no means was I trying to copy you/that person, I came up with this idea at my school, and just thought it would be cool and unique! Just a heads up. Thanks for reading!

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