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"When life offers you a dream so far beyond your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end."

- Isabella Pevensie



"I don't even know where to start," I said truthfully.

The beautiful blonde vampire glared at me, a fierce fire of annoyance was present in those golden bright eyes of hers, crossed her arms and scoffed,

"How about by answering our questions, for one. How in the world do you know James? Why is it that you humans believe you can stop him? And can you please clean up that blood, you are not helping -"

"That's enough," Peter said as he stood in front of me, returning the same glare to the blonde; Edmund about to do the same if it weren't for Susan who pulled him back.

"Rosalie," the brunette vampire intervene before Rosalie could argue any further with my brothers. The kind older vampire gave her adopted daughter a stern look before she stood up and address us, "I do apologize for my daughter's behavior. But, you have to understand how confuse we all are."

I winced when the doctor adjusted my dislocated shoulder, but it wasn't something I wasn't used to. From the battles and wars my siblings and I had gone through, a dislocated shoulder was nothing compare to my previous injuries. 

"This is all I could do for now," Dr. Cullen said, almost apologizing for not doing more.

I smile in gratitude, "You've done enough for me and my family, Dr. Cullen."

Carlisle nodded before walking next to his wife and put his arm around her waist. I smile at the tender moment before been reminded that we all needed to explain.

"Now, can anyone explain what is happening?" Carlisle asked, more kindly than his daughter.

There was a brief silence as my siblings and I stare at each other, struggling with the idea if we should tell them or not.

I sigh and look to Peter, "I think it's time."

Peter gave me an incredulous look, "Are you mad, Bella? We can't-"

"Wait, Peter. Bella might be right," Edmund said, making Peter even more mad that his brother wasn't taking his side, "Look, I don't like the idea either. But it isn't as if we haven't told this story before."

"That was different and you know it. Both the Professor and Aunt Polly were aware of the place in the first place."

"Am I the only one lost in conversation?" the big teddy bear vampire spoke, interrupting our little conversation.

Struggling and ignoring protest from both vampires and my siblings, I stood up and groan in pain before supporting myself in the bronze hair vampire and face my brother,

"If we have any chances to face that monster, we need all the help we could get," I look down at my hands, expecting some light to surface, "We are unprotected here and even though we have skills to confront him, we can't defeat him without help. We need them, whether we like it or not."

Peter's jaw clenched before giving a firm nod of approval and sat down. My younger siblings, nervously, looked at each other before sitting next to Peter. I turned to look at Edward, whose gaze was already on me,

I smile at him, "You can set me down. Thank you, by the way."

He frowned before helping me sit down next to Peter. We all face the Cullen's, a beautiful family who has been ever so kind and generous towards us,

I look at each and every single member before determination set on my face, "I think it's time to tell you our life story."

Peter cut in, "But be aware, what we tell you, it might be hard to believe in. But, it's the complete truth. We promise."

Carlisle nodded, "We understand."

"You have to understand. This is more than just a story."


A/N : And cue to the adventures of the Pevensie children and the friends of Narnia.

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