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"Death is not something one could escape. But we do decide what to of it."

- Isabella Pevensie



Susan's voice echoed throughout the small house that was once our childhood home, which had been abandoned for the past few years.

Summer had come a lot faster than I thought, but I was thrilled. After my return from Narnia and storytelling my entire adventure to Peter and Susan, both help convince Mother and Father to return for Lucy and Edmund.

Father had agreed to until summer and the three of us eagerly awaited for the spring to end. We were aware of the continuous war and as we set to return to Cambridge, we were as cautious as ever.

Our reunion was quite as expected. As soon as she saw us, Lucy bolted from the doorway and embraced all of us in her tiny arms, Edmund joining us later. We spend a few nights with our Aunt and Uncle, giving us the privilege to speak of Narnia with Eustace.

And for the many hours of the night, the six of us will sneak away and we will constantly repeat story after story until Eustace had memorized our entire lifetime.

Our last day became bittersweet. Even though we had a rough time during our childhood, the constant bickering between all of us, Narnia had changed Eustace just like it did with Edmund, and this time around it became a lot harder to say goodbye.

But we all were aware that Eustace will return to Narnia someday and we were excited to hear his next adventure.

"Promise to take care of yourself," I whisper as I pulled away from our hug.

Eustace simply smiles, "Don't worry too much about me, Bella. I will be alright."

I touch his cheek, "I know."

Afterwards, Mother and Father decided to return home to Finchley for a few more weeks before returning to the States. And so, here I was, collecting a few of my personal items I would like to take with me this time around before departing to the airline.

"BELLA!" This time it was my younger sister, "Mum said you have five more minutes! Or else we will leave without you!"

"You won't do no such thing!" I yelled back before I closed my luggage. As I was about to open my bedroom door and join the rest of my family, something made me stop.

"You know, when I wished to see your world, I would have thought something a bit more grander."

I gasped as Caspian's voice echoed behind me. Faster than lightning, I turned and saw Caspian, as handsome as ever and younger (mostly he had return to the age when we first met), standing before my bed as he looked around with a curious smile.

"Caspian," I whisper his name, afraid that if I was loud enough he would disappear, "What? Ho- how is this possible?"

Caspian smiles and walks around my bed before reaching me, "I thought that out of all people you will recognize magic."

I was extremely speechless to which Caspian only chuckled and he pulled me into a tight embrace, to which I return, "You have no idea how much I have missed my sister. Narnia really is empty without you all."

"Cas, what?" I asked, still perplexed by the entire situation. Caspian pulled away and simply gave me a sad smile.

"I just wanted to see you all one last time before I left forever. It seems that you were the only one here." Caspian took my hand in his, "Bella, I think you understand more than anyone what is happening and I don't want to waste more time. So, I just wanted to say thank you for everything you all have done for me and Narnia."

Tears started rolling down my cheek, to which Caspian wiped away.

"My sister, it was an honor to have fought by your side but it is my time to rest. Soon, I will join my father and I just wanted you to know that Nathaniel and Vela are safe. As always, they became Narnia's guardians and are always protecting it. Stay at peace, Eustace and Jill Pole, lovely girl by the way, have save Narnia."

Caspian paused and as he was about to continue, I cut him short as I shook my head and pulled him into an embrace, "Rest in peace, Caspian. You deserve to reunite with your father. And rest assured, Narnia will always be protected.

And we stay like that for a few more minutes. I close my eyes as Caspian leans over and kisses my forehead before finally returning to his peaceful state.

I open my eyes once I no longer felt his presence in my room.

A few weeks later, I received a letter from Eustacio. He explained his return to Narnia with Jill Pole, how both of them defeated the Emerald Witch and rescued Caspian and Lilliandil's son, Prince Rilian. And finally, he confirmed Caspian's death.

We were devastated by Caspian's passing and we properly mourned him. Towards the end of the day, we knew that Caspian had become one of Narnia's greatest kings and he was content with his life in the end. We just wished we had more time with him than the short amount of time we spend with him.

Nevertheless, Caspian was now at peace, once again reunited with his father, mother and wife. But what surprise us all was what Eustace had send alongside the letter.

"Isn't this your pendant?" Peter asked as he pulled the pendant out of the small box, "There's a note with it." I reach for the pendant as I instructed Peter to read the note.

"I know this might come as shocking to find your pendant in our world. However, Aslan and Nathaniel have agreed that it will be best for the pendant to return to you as it will be the safest place to be."

"What does he mean by 'safest'?" Lucy asked.

"It means that it will be safe with Bella, Lu." Edmund said.

Lucy rolled her eyes, "I know what it means! I just want to know why."

As they were about to bicker, Susan started to speak.

"Lucy is right, why does Aslan want the pendant to be with Bella?" Susan said as she reread the note, trying to understand it.

I inspected the pendant before having Peter help me hook the pendant together. My siblings were all confused as they try to decipher what it meant, I cleared my throat, catching their attention,

"I think I might have an idea why. And it's not a good one."



At the moment I am working on two other books.

The Reign of Twilight: Follows after this book a few years later, the Pevensie siblings move to Forks and meet an unexpected family. And not just that, weird things have been happening in the town, things that shouldn't be happening on Earth.

The Kings and Queens of Old: This follows the Pevensie siblings during the Golden Age of Narnia. As the new monarchy, they have many expectations and duties to fulfill. Meet new ally's and enemies along the way and the Pevensie learn a hard lesson, the past isn't as easily erase or forgotten as they would have liked.

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