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A 6 months old baby was dropped of in front a door. He started to cry and the house owner who was about to leave saw him crying. Beside him was a backpack, a baby bag and a note.

This is our baby and his name is Min Hyun. Please take care of him until the time I come back.

The owner of the house was confused as he was now late for the schedule got the baby in tow and headed to the company.

While on the way the baby started crying. Flailing about as he had big fat tears running down from his eyes.

The manager saw the baby and question him "Where did the baby coming from anyway? Where's the mother?"

The man just sighed and said "I have no idea. Apparently this baby is mine and the mom will come back and I need to take care of him"

The baby now bawling as he heard his mama being mention stopped for a bit and cried even more. The manager, hold onto the baby to comfort him.

"It's okay baby. When we reach there you dad will feed you okay?" The manager, Kim Gun Min said as he side eyed the man who looked annoyed.

The baby soon fell asleep due to exhaustion as they arrived and the manager manage to find hot water. He waited until the water cooled down a little bit before giving it to his idol who looked uncomfortable holding onto a sleeping baby.

"Here. Once he wakes up feed him this" he manager said then added "You have a 2 o'clock schedule with Elle magazine. It's about your comeback. I will give you the questions and answers that you need to say" and he soon left.

Not too long after the baby woke up and was now crying. Alone in the empty practice room, he fed the baby who was content with the bottle.

He finished the bottle and started to cry once again. There was a stink and the man checked the baby's diaper and almost vomited.

He decided to go to the mens room and changed the baby's diaper. "Min Hyun let me change your diaper okay?" The baby watch as the adult try to change his diaper and looking sick as he hold onto the diaper.

Throwing out the diaper and putting on  a new one was a challenge as the baby boy was moving his little legs all about.

Finally changing the diaper he brought the baby back to the practice room where the little baby start to falls asleep again. His eyes fluttered shut and that gave the man a sense of relief.

"I wonder who is your mama, baby boy" the man whispered as he watch the baby sleeping soundly. He too fell asleep beside the baby undisturbed by what was going on outside.

The manager came at 12 to pick him up for the next schedule and saw the two sleeping and couldn't help but at awe how the father and son are alike.

He came closer to the sleeping man and woke him up "Hey wake up. You are going to be late for your next schedule"

The sleeping man woke up with a start almost waking up the sleeping baby who flinched slightly and continue sleeping. 

"Huh? Oh sure" he yawned and got up as he headed to the mens room to freshen up and went back to the room to find the manager playing with the Min Hyun who is now smiling happily as he was playing peek a boo.

"Brother Gun Min let's go" the man said and soon they packed up and soon left the company and headed to the next destination. 

The man was holding on the baby's fingers as he fell back to sleep again after having his bottle and he look at the view outside.

"I really wonder who is your mama baby" he sighed and closed his eyes and saw a scene that felt familiar and his eyes shot open and he figured out who she was.

"Shit! Why must it be her?" He thought.

What will happen? Stay tuned to The Night It Happened

AN: Hi. So here is the first chapter. I know it's not that long but I don't want to spoil whatever plot I had in mind. I didn't put names for the main character and male protagonist because I want all of you to imagine who it would be. Be it your bias or someone you want to be suitable as a father figure. Well anywho wish me luck for the next chapter. Until next time. 

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