Chapter Three

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The young woman was listening to her lecturer when she was approached by someone. A young man who was quite handsome sat beside her and she moved away slightly.

He continue to scoot closer to her this making her fall off her chair onto the stairs. She heard laughs from the other students as she got up and moved to another table far away as possible from him.

After class she quickly packed up and was ready to leave when the same guy came towards her as she quickly walked away and headed straight to the exit.

The young man looked towards the corner at a young woman and she had a evil glint in her eyes as she nodded. He received a text

"Follow her and get to know her weakness" was all he received and he sighed and replied

"Why must we do this to her?"

By then he already followed her and texted the person.

"She is Ms Goody Too Shoes. I want to know what makes her weak and use it against her. I will humiliate her and made her realize that she is as low as the earth"

He shook his head as he read the text and knew he is dealing with a psychotic person and he need to get away from her as soon as possible. Even if he have to save the person whom he have a crush on.

Yes. He has a crush on the young woman who captured his heart on the first day of his university life.

He swore to protect her at all cost. Even if it will risk his life for it. He promised himself he will try to get rid of the person who causing harm to the person he love.

Meanwhile the superstar was busy with his life and the baby and with some help from his friends he manage to find the young woman who is the mother of their baby boy.

He often when he is not having a schedule or having some free time would see visit the university where she is studying and couldn't be any more prouder.

"Your mama is must be so smart baby boy" he said to the little baby who was holding onto his toy.

He didn't see where he was going when he saw a young woman passed them by and accidentally knocked her down and she glared at him and her eyes widen in shock.

He too was shocked to finally see her after so many months. The baby seem to recognize his mother started to cry and ask to be carried. The idol let him out of the carrier and passed the baby boy to her.

"" he stayed to pronounce it and that made her have tears in her eyes as she hugged him and held onto his fingers "What are you doing here? Isn't it dangerous to be out here with him? What if someone sees you?" She question the man as the man just smiled

"I wanted to see where you are and see how you are doing" he then added "I'm sure our baby misses you"

At that moment, someone saw their interaction and took out their phone to take pictures of them with an evil intentions.

The young mother felt her baby grabbing onto her chest and knew he must be hungry. The man then looked around and took out a scarf and placed it on her as they sat on the bench as she opened her shirt and proceed to breastfeed her baby.

The person seeing this had a Cheshire smile and an evil glint "I got you now Ms. Goody Too Shoes" and soon left soon after opening the internet account of her secret account and put pictures of the two and the baby all over the internet.

Who is the secret love affair with superstar ....? And they have a baby?!

Soon the Internet were blowing up with pictures of them. The two were unaware of what had occurred until his manager barge into his apartment while he was fast asleep after a long schedule, panicking

"Wake up" he almost yelled out but gritted his teeth as he forgot there is a baby there. But he didn't see the baby anywhere.

The superstar woke up, yawning and confused "what's wrong?"he ask and the manager shove the iPad onto his lap and he saw the article that made his eyes widen in shock.

"What? I was sure no one was there!" He exclaimed loudly. "I need to check on them"

The manager knew who them they were and soon they were off to where the young mom and son were busy in their own little world in the small apartment.

He knocked urgently and as the door opened she saw him panicking.

"What's wrong?" She ask and as she let him and the manager who introduce himself, they sat down and were offered something to drink before he ask "Did you see anything on the news or the Internet lately?"

She just shook her head "I rarely watch TV as I need to concentrate to study and I don't use social media anymore. What's going on?"

He took a deep breath and said "Someone saw us the other day and took pictures of us. They know about you and Min Hyun"

She knew this would happen as someone already gave her the heads up about this. Her calm expression made him confused

"So? What do you think we should do?"was all she ask and he now panicking

"That's it? Aren't you scared you will be in danger?" The fans are crazy" he stated and she nods, acknowledging that she understand what he meant.

"Yes I do and as a mature adult I understand the behavior of human kind are like that. Crazy" she stated

The cries coming from the bedroom interrupted the discussion as she got up and went to see her baby who was now fast asleep.

She put a blanket over her and fed him, covering her breast.

"So what is the plan?" She ask the manager and the manager who saw her breastfeeding couldn't help but felt shy.

"Uh first things first there will be meeting with the..." he received a message from someone that made his eyes went wide "The CEO of the company. You need to see him and clarify about your relationship"

They agreed to see the CEO the next day as it is considered the weekend and they soon said their goodbyes and the two left the small apartment.

The next morning, she was picked up by then in the van and were soon on their way to the company.

The silence in the car made the situation harder, as each one have their own thoughts.

As they reached the destination there they saw a group consists of reporters and fan girls were a shouting

"..... who is the girl?"

"Miss what is your name?"

"Bitch! Get away from my oppa!"

"You're a slut!"

Then an egg flew towards her but the superstar covered her as the egg hit him instead.

The manager ushered them inside quickly as he wipe the egg off of him with a wipe. The baby that was liking agitated started to sob as the young mother try to soothe him.

"It's okay baby. It's over now" she whispered and looked at the man who protected them "Are you okay?" She ask him and he nodded

"Yeah. So, shall we go?" He ask and she nodded as they headed towards the elevators where they were met with the manager who were waiting for them.

As the ride was quiet, the baby now started babbling incoherent words the manager started playing with the little fingers and he was cackling.

As the sound of the ding and the door opened they were nervous as this considering the first time they met the CEO.

As the three adults and one baby were brought to a door, a beautiful woman smiled at them "The CEO, Mr. Kim has been expecting you" and opened the door and there was was an air of power as they went in and saw the chair turned.

Mr.Kim, an older man that looked around 50 years old looked at them and then smiled "Welcome. Come and take a seat. Oh is this the young lady and the baby? What is his name?"

"Hello sir. Sorry to intrude your time" he said "Yes she is .... And this is baby Min Hyun"

The young mother then said "It is nice meeting you sir. Apologies for causing a problem to all of you"

The older man just smiled "It is alright dear. At least he has some scandals. He never had any ever since he debuted. I wondered when he will start getting any" he said.

The atmosphere changed into a lively one as the baby now started to babble too.

The older man smiled and said "He is so adorable. How old is he dear?"

"He is already in his eighth month along sir" she said

The old man smiled "I see" and he moved his direction towards his superstar "I hope you have been taking care of them"

The superstar gulped hard "Yes I have sir" 

"Good. If you aren't I will send them far away as possible from you" he said with a teasing smile "Now as I see that there is a scandal regarding you three. And my solution is..." he turned his head towards the view behind him and then towards them

"To have a press conference and said that you two have bee in a relationship for awhile and will marry soon"

The both of them surprised by the sudden suggestion.

"But sir..."the superstar began to say but was cut off by the CEO

"But nothing. The press conference will be held by the end of the week and you two will be married by the end of the month. Understood?"

The two adults nodded as they couldn't deny the fact that this should be only way.

"Yes sir" the both of them agreed in a chorus and the old man smiled again.

"Now, you may go and start the preparation"

And the two with a bow left and the office and as soon as they reached the elevator they let out a sigh of relief. Even the manager now busy making plans for the press conference and the wedding.

The two looked at each other and the sound of the lift were keeping the situation more dire as they didn't know what will happen at the press conference.

What will happen next? Stay tuned to The Night It Happened.

AN: Hi. So here is the next chapter. I hope my readers will be patient with me as it's been a while since I write this kind of story. Anywho let me know what you think. Until next time.

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