The Hunt

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((A/N: Picture up top is Annalise in her Red Queen outfit for those who are curious.))

Detective Tsukauchi was not having a good day. Actually, scratch that. He was not having a good WEEK.

About seven months ago a new strand of murders popped up. From what he has gathered there are a few different killers. Seven at the least. There is no rhyme or reason for the murders, or any one area they take place in.

There aren't even any descriptions of what they might look like. Only recently has the media given some of them nicknames.

Smiley, sneaks into his victims house and stabs them to death. Once that is done, a smile is carved into their face and the corpses are positioned around the house like just another day as a happy family.

Doll, the only one to be seen, is described as a woman with pale white skin and long black hair. She was described as an ethereal beauty, but she might have just been wearing a mask. The neighbor didn't get so good of a look. Her victims are always very clean and minimalistic. Almost as if she didn't want them to suffer.

As for the night surgeon, well his kill style is pretty self explanatory. He sneaks into someone's house and cuts them open after giving some antistatic and steals organs from their still sleeping form. He is the only killer who occasionally allows some of his victims to live, although they almost always still have an organ or two missing.

The Fallen Angel several civilians argue, is a vigilante, not a villain. The reason being, they only go after abusers and human traffickers. They have been seen, but those who have seen them refuse to disclose a description of what they look like, or even their gender. This killer bludgons the victim with a blunt object or stabs them with a kitchen knife, and leaves a gift of some sort for the victim's targets.

The Siren is by far the most confusing killer. This killer drowns their victims in their own bathtub, but each victim showed no sign of a struggle like most drowning victims. They almost seem willingly drowned. Hence why, these killings were originally written off as suicide. The odd willingness of the victim's is what gave this killer their name. And the most odd thing about this particular killer's style is that there is no obvious point of entry. The room could be behind a vault like door, and the killer would still be able to slip in.

The Queen of Hearts, is another odd one of this new batch of killers. Like the Fallen Angel, they had a pattern in their victims. She only goes after abusers. The head is missing and a message is written in the victim's own blood. The surviving members of the households she has visited have collectively stated in their interviews that if they were to meet her again, they'd only wish to thank her.

The last killer is one the media has yet to talk about. This killer the department has named themselves. Shadow is a killer targeting certain gangs in a local area specifically, but a few other murders around the country are suspected to be committed by them. Shadow got their name because on the target gang's security feed, an extra shadow can be seen just before people start dying. Gunshot wounds, bludgeoning, impalation, all of these are caused in a mere matter of seconds, killing entire gangs in mere minutes.

The nature of Shadow's killings suggest that they are working for someone. Although, Tsukauchi can't think of who for the life of him.

All these new killings and the dead end leads from them are giving him a headache. There's nothing solid to grip onto.

And the cherry on top has to be the reaction to the Fallen Angel and Red Queen's killings. The number of abusive households has dropped significantly as the abusive mentality has been shown to lead only to certain death and several human trafficking rings have been brought to light and busted thanks to these killers. So, some civilians, and even heroes and cops are questioning if we should take in these killers.

Tsukauchi lets out an exhausted breath as he rests his head in his hands. Out of all the detectives to be stuck with these cases, why him?

The dog headed detective stands up and grabs the case files to put them away as he goes to the only lead he has on one of the killers. Shadow's pattern shows that tonight they should target a gang at the edge of a large forest just outside a few towns.

Shigaraki Tomura was lounging about at the bar hideout that he was provided with by Sensei when the television suddenly turns on.

Audio only, read the screen as a deep, mature and almost horse voice begins to speak through the light static.

"Tomura, child how come your preparations?"

Shigaraki sits up and looks over to the screen happily. "Very well, Sensei! Korogiri and I have begun recruiting NPC's for our raid, and we are currently waiting for the reporters to begin their vulture routine in order to sneak in and take the schedule so we can plan the date of the attack. The Nomu is almost ready for field work, and we have a rough idea for a back up plan and escape route should things not go as planned."

The voice chuckles at his student's enthusiasm. "Very good child. Now, Korogiri."

The mist man looks up from his glass cleaning to the dark screen. "Yes, sir?"

"When you have a moment, I would like to have a word with you."

"Of course, sir." The stoic mist barman responds, setting the glass he was currently cleaning down.

The television is quickly turned off remotely and the young blue-haired villain looks up at his partner. "What do ya think that was about?"

Korogiri tilts his head. "I do not know myself, however I do believe I shall find out shortly. Is there anything you need before I go?"

Shigaraki waves off his fellow villain. "Nah. Go find out what's bothering Sensei. I'll be here playing my videogames."

Korogiri nods his head in recognition, before stepping through a portal he made for himself.


The mist covered man steps out into a dark room, the sound of several machines fill the room, and the shadowed chair in the center of the dark room barely outlining the large figure of Korogiri's boss.

"You wanted to see me, sir?"

"Yes." The man begins, even the act of speaking seemed painful for the supervillain. "There are some people that I'd like you and Grain to look into."

Korogiri smiled slightly, unbeknownst to most. "Are they the new killers in Japan?"

All for One chuckles lowly. "Yes. I have my suspensions that they are all connected and will become a bigger threat very soon."

"I shall see what we can find soon. Would you simply like information on them, or something more?"

"If you can, I believe that they would be excellent new players for Tomura."

Tsukauchi stared out at the wearhouse hiding the small gang known as the Elar. They specialized in protection, and being simple hired guns.

They weren't considered a serious threat to most people, hence why Tsukauchi was surprised when it started.

The steak out was quiet. Honestly, the detective was almost half convinced that nothing would come of it. So, the dog headed police man had brought a cooler, a lawn chair, and some reading material as well as his usual steak out equipment.

It was around 2:00 in the morning when it happened. All was quiet when, a slight unusual movement caught the detective's eye. The shadows seemed to grow darker, and just behind one of the thugs on night watch, a second shadow appeared.

All Tsukauchi had time to do was scramble for his phone, when the carnage started. The thug dropped to the ground, dead with a knife in his back. Again, and again it happened. Gunshots, and the thuds of bodies filled the air. Screams and yells could be heard from inside, until suddenly and without warning the night fell into peace again.

For a full two minutes, all was quiet. Tsukauchi didn't even realize it himself, but he was holding his breath.

Then, the quiet, steady tapping of footsteps sounded out to the detective's sensitive ears. And out stepped a hooded man. The hoodie itself was a faded yellow, and the rest of the outfit was dark in colors. The only other thing that stood out was the bright red stitching on the face cover that formed into a red frowny face.

The villain had a metal pipe slung over an arm casually as the masculine figure looked about.

Tsukauchi was half tempted to go down there himself and make the seemingly easy arrest, but thought better of it. This man had single handedly taken out a gang that specializes in being hired as protection. Surely Tsukauchi wouldn't be able to take the man out all on his own with the limited information he currently has.

That was when two new men materialized out of nowhere, just a few feet infront of the man. One, was an extraordinarily tall man of, at most ten feet. The tall figure had on formal, black attire and what was probably a blank white face covering for the man had a white, blank head.

The other man was significantly shorter than his companion and wore a simple orange/brown windbreaker and dark jeans. A tuft of medium-short dark brown hair could be seen, along with a unique white mask with painted black lips, eyes, and eyebrows.

"Oh. Hey, boss." Shadow calls out, nodding to the tall figure. "Just finished cleaning out the last gang in the new territory. Are the charms ready yet?"

"Yes. Fantastic work, as always Hoodie. Your next missions will have to wait. I feel as if you should start accompanying Masky on his missions. I have a feeling that having you out on so many continuous missions would be a hazard."

Tsukauchi shivers as the faceless being turns to look directly at him. Tsukauchi has only ever heard of one being who could possibly make him see in such vivid detail, his own impending demise. However, he knew that this being couldn't be his close friend's rival(?) All for One had been described to him in vivid detail, and this being was not that ancient evil.

But, the other possibility almost frightened him more. The fact that a new all powerful evil had come into existence.

The being suddenly disappeared, leaving a metallic taste in the air and a slight ringing noise. The other two figures had turned to look at his position, making Tsukauchi's blood run cold.

*It's rude to eavesdrop on a private conversation, I will have you know.* The being's voice echoed through the detective's head.

Feeling the horrid thing's presence right behind him, the detective slowly turns around. Sure enough, he was met with a blank white face.

"I-I-I... I j-ju-"

*Leave. Now.*

Tsukauchi had never run from a villain before, but in that moment the overwhelming sense of danger was simply too much. His mortality was never so horribly clear. Tsukauchi grabbed his small bag of stuff, turned, and ran faster than he had ever ran before.

For some reason, the detective could still feel the distinct sense of eyes on him as he ran all the way back home. Even miles away, he still felt watched.

All for One tilts his head. The air felt different. Shifted somehow.

Someone new had appeared, and they were powerful. Even miles upon miles away, he could feel the powerful quirk thrumming with near constant use.

All for One felt a sensation he hadn't felt in years. The strong urge, the hunger, the need to take a quirk.

All for One smiles sinisterly in his dark room. "You will be mine, oh powerful quirk. One way or another, I will have you. Let us only hope that by taking you I do not make enemies of my potential new allies like I fear, hmm?"

Sally stared out her window quietly. Slendy had finished what was needed for the charms. She could feel it in the air. What she was more focused on however, was what had happened while she attended school earlier that day.


Sally kicked her feet on the swing set absentmindedly. She was apparently weird enough to scare off the other kids with her horribly injured appearance and her habit of talking to her toys.

Thankfully the distance from her hadn't developed into bullying. Yet. But, she knew it was only a matter of time. With so many of her "family" members being bullied in the past, she knew the signs.

Sally sighs and squeezes Charlie, her teddy bear, just a bit tighter. She was trying her best not to cry, but she hadn't ever been excluded like this before, and it hurt.

Before she had died, Sally was a very popular, very bright, and very happy girl. Not many could deny her sincere, sweet, curiosity.

Then, after she had died Slenderman and all who work for him had been especially kind to her and made sure to make her feel welcomed and included. Yes, she killed occasionally, but her main role was to help keep the mansion clean and running, and comfort her family members when they were hurt or sick and take care of them.

The loneliness that she had been feeling at this new school the past couple of days was horrible and new and something she wasn't sure how to handle.

So that is how we find Sally, alone, at the swing set fighting off the urge to cry.

Sally was half tempted to call Hoodie and ask him to pick her up so that she won't have to watch her classmates push her away for the tenth time that day.

However, when Sally glances off to her right to contemplate whether calling Hoodie was a good idea or not, her eye caught something.

There, across the street was a young girl, probably even a few years younger than what sally looked like with bright, long silver hair, red eyes, and a lone horn on her head.

She was holding a masked man's hand, her own arm covered in bandages and she had a look in her eyes that made Sally's body tremble in an almost foreign feeling.

Sally wasn't truly angry often, but when she was you know someone is going to die.

The girl's look mirrored her own when she was with her "Uncle Jhonny". Sally pulled out her small stuffed cat from her backpack and gently set it on the ground.

"Mittens, wake up please. I need a favor." Sally whispers to the stuffed cat.

Mittens, the cat slowly stands up and looks at Sally on its shakey stuffed legs. The cat tilts it's head as it waits for directions.

"Could you please follow that little girl and report back to me your findings later?"

The cat nods and stumbles off, following the silver haired girl as she begrudgingly follows the man infront of her.

A soft pawing drew Sally's attention from her thoughts. The young spirit glances down slightly and smiles sadly at the slightly scuffed up toy cat that sat at her window.

Sally gently opens the window and lets her stuffed friend in. "Thanks. And... Sorry. Here, I'll go get my thread and needle and I can stitch you up while you tell me what you found out."

The stuffed cat sits down and patiently waits for Sally to come back so it can share it's findings and get patched up.

Sally quickly ran in with her small sewing kit and sits down across from the toy cat. She takes out a small needle and wash cloth as she sets to work, preparing her tools.

As she works, a small voice that only she can hear tells her of the tragic tale of Eri. A young girl who was given to a gang obsessed with removing quirks from the world. As her own quirk is what is needed as the secret ingredient for the formula, she is treated as a lab rat and a tool. Everyday she is taken to get some small piece of her removed to make the formula.

Sally grits her teeth. She can't do anything. Not yet, at least. So, instead Sally will ask Ben and her stuffed friends to check up on Eri, befriend her, and keep her spirits up until they can make their move.

"Thank you Mittens. You can go back to sleep now if you want. I need to go talk to Papa about this. I want to help her."

The stuffed cat rubs it's face up against Sally's leg in a show of affection, before flopping down, limp and lifeless as Sally's quirk stops affecting it.

Sally smiles softly, and gently puts her toy back before standing up and wandering off to go find Slenderman.

Slender was sitting at his desk in his temporary office when Sally came knocking at his door.

"Come in, child."

Sally peeks in, a hopeful look in her eyes. "Papa, I have a question."

Slenderman sets down his papers. He knew what she wanted, his all seeing eye had caught the conversation with her toy. But, as usual the faceless entity will let his children present their request to him, themselves.

"Can we help a human, Papa? She.... She's with people like Uncle Jhonny. I want to help her, like you helped me!"

Slender takes a moment to think about it. From the information Tim has gathered on powerful gangs, the Eight Precepts of Death were a powerful gang that they would need to take care of eventually, given their past track record of how they treat allies and foes alike.

"I suppose so. You do realize that this will be much later. There are things we must take care of first, before we can deal with a powerful gang like that."

Sally nods in understanding. "Yeah, that's why I was going to ask Ben if he could check up on her later this week and I'll be sending my toys to look after her too."

Slenderman would smile, if he could. Sally really was coming into her own. A smart, resourceful, and dangerous girl. The perfect trap and lure while also being the perfect caretaker. He had raised her well.

"Very well, you may speak with Ben about this tomorrow. For now, you should get to sleep."

"Ok, goodnight Papa!" Sally says before slinking off back to her room for the night.

Slenderman smiles. It's taking time, but the pieces are slowly falling into place. He can only hope that things continue to go this well for them.

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