The Ball : The Grand Entrance [4]

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"Greetings all, I hope you are enjoying the evening and I would like to firstly thank you all for attending."Karlheinz finally spoke after a few moments of silence, everyone in the room had their eyes trained on every single movement he made.

"As you may have been informed this ball was my way of showing how as a kingdom how far we have come, however that is not the purpose of gathering you all this evening" he spoke leaning against the raining of the large balcony, a goblet of blood in his hand. Many people raising a brow with what the king was wanting to announce.

"As for tonight is a celebration"
He took small pause to look around at all the eyes trained on him.
"The welcoming of a new member of my family".
Now this caused a few gasps and murmurs, the brothers all raising a brow, in question for what was about to happen. 
"He's getting married again?" Ayato muttered almost silently to his brothers, distain  laced within his tone, this being the obvious thought that was going through the brother's mind.

"A family member who I've been blessed to spend past few years with"Karlheinz spoke with a smile on his face, before standing up fully and announcing,
"My seventh and youngest biological son, Sakamaki Kiyoshi"

Audible gasps could now be heard all over the ballroom floor, nobody trying to hide their surprise. Eyes were wide, mouth's agape.

Soon enough it silenced once again as a young boy was lifted up into the vampire kings arms. The child looking petrified at all the eyes targeted at him, his curly red hair standing out against his soft pale skin, his two glistening gold eyes wide with hints of fear lurking in them, him obviously not being used to having a masses attention on him.
It was only few seccond before he turned and hid his face in his father's jacket, who then began to stoke his hair as he left the balcony and made his way down the stairs.
Lots of gaped people had started talking in shear awe of the new royal child, this never even crossing their mind of being what they were going to witness this evening.

"You've got to be kidding me" Subaru angrily muttered out. The rest having similar reactions.
"Another child?",
"This is insane".

And with this Karlheinz and kiyoshi walked through the grand doors, everyone's eyes fully focused on the pair however due to respect they tried to hide it as much as they could by faking conversation whilst taking several glances at the boy.

"Ah sons, I hope you're enjoying the festivity's"Karlheinz spoke, him for once deciding to greet his children first. Kiyoshi still in his arms, his eyes perking up slightly when his father mentioned the word brother.

"You have another child?"Ruki asked, him being the only one with somewhat regular contact with him, yet him never mentioning another child.

"Yes, meet your little brother Kiyoshi" Karlheinz spoke placing kiyoshi's small form in front of his legs,
"Now Kiyoshi has been preparing something for the lot of you for quite some time, haven't you Kiyoshi"Karlheinz said as he pet Kiyoshi's wild curls, the small boy too nervous to look up.

"Um" he spoke nervously, his father patting his back slightly causing Kiyoshi to take a large deep breath in before starting.

"The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain.
So, the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again" he sung out doing all of the hand actions alongside, his nerves not allowing him to look up to see the reactions of his brothers. The ballroom had fully silenced hearing the little boys singing.
After a few seccond his father began to clap, smiling at his son's confidence to sing his song in front of all of his brothers. Yui clapping lightly as well, causing Kou and Azusa to join in. Karlheinz having to fully darken his presence to make his other sons give Kiyoshi some sort of half hearted clap. Hearing this Kiyoshi's face completely lit up smiling, finally getting the confidence to look up and actually look at his brothers.

"Hi" he squeaked out, a huge grin covering his face. Kiyoshi being soo happy that he had this time to meet his brothers.

"That was very good Kiyoshi, now let me introduce your brothers to you, from oldest to youngest. Shu, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Laito, Subaru, Ruki, kou, yuma and azusa, and this must be Mrs Komori who has been living with them for a while"
"Father you have never mentioned another child" Reiji spoke out loud, he thought that as he was pretty much running his home, that he would be made aware of another child.

"Mmm, yes well we decided to keep him just to ourselves didn't we little one?" Kiyoshi nodded before hiding himself in his father's legs, his nerves being too much for him.
"Not even telling us?"

"To keep him fully secret there could be no leaks, thus nobody knowing"Karlheinz spoke firmly ruffling Kiyoshi's hair once again.

"That was very good Kiyoshi" Richter spoke appearing from behind the brothers, Kiyoshi peaking out from his father's legs, before making a quick run to hug his uncles legs.

"So he knew?" Shu spoke out, him finials putting his opinion in the conversation whilst staring at the back of his now youngest brother's head.

"Kiyoshi, how about you and Miss Komori go and grab some snacks."Karlheinz spoke to his son, wanting to be able to speak to his other children without Kiyoshi being around to witness.

"Okay papa" Kiyoshi spoke sweetly, turning out from his uncles legs and looking towards the only woman with them.

"Don't eat too many too quickly or it will upset your tummy"Karlheinz warned Kiyoshi, he had seen the outcome of if Kiyoshi was to eat too many sweets, and it wasn't a pretty sight. The poor boy could only handle so much till his tummy gives out and his brain not long after. Kiyoshi's sugar crashes are a spectacle.

"Okay papa" kiyoshi politely spoke, looking up to his father before slowly walking over to the very pretty woman in the sparkly pink dress.

"Hi im kiyoshi" the small boy whispered holding his small hand out for her, Yui smiling at the small boy's politeness. A clear contrast to the boys that she had been living with
"My name is Yui" she whispered back accepting his small hand in her, as he started to pull her to the side where tables were packed with snacks and deserts. The guests allowing for a split to be made within the ballroom to allow the young prince through.

"Now that Kiyoshi is out of earshot, what seems to be the problem"Karlheinz asked with the tightest smile to exist appearing on his face.

7th February 2024

I hope you have enjoyed, please vote and comment x
The spelling is fixed, sorry didn't realise I was spelling his name wrong the whole way through

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