Tea and Cake [10]

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"Papa", The red-haired boy spoke, looking up towards his father.

"Yes, Kiyoshi?"

"Will we be able to have cake today?" The small child asked.
Kiyoshi was sitting on his father's lap in one of the parlours, cake being the most important thing on his mind at the moment. The father and son duo sitting on a grand sofa with the bright morning slightly gleaming into the room from the large windows behind the pair. Kiyoshi had learned to entertain himself quietly in his head over time. This was never as fun as when he played with his toys, but it kept him occupied. Karlheinz had one of his hands resting against Kiyoshi's head, with his other holding onto a small book, flicking through the pages.

"If you so wish", Karlheinz spoke, not being the type to say 'no' to his precious young son, as he flicked another page.

"Thank you, papa," Kiyoshi spoke innocently, lucky enough to be allowed anything he wished. Kiyoshi was a very spoiled boy, but he was constantly reminded to be polite towards the people around him so as not to become a brat.

The father smiled down at his son, his heart warmed by the simple joy in Kiyoshi's eyes. "Is there a special reason you want cake today, young one?" he asked, gently brushing Kiyoshi's hair from his forehead.

Kiyoshi tilted his head, considering the question momentarily before his face brightened. "I just like the way it tastes! And it makes me happy," he replied with a grin, his tiny hands clasped together in excitement.

The father chuckled softly, finding himself enchanted by the pure enthusiasm of his child. "Alright then, let's have some cake."

Kiyoshi's eyes widened with delight. "Yes, Papa!"

"Of course," the father agreed, gently lifting Kiyoshi up and setting him down. Let's get the cake then."

As Kiyoshi ran off towards the kitchen, his father couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment. Moments like these, filled with simple pleasures and shared happiness, made life truly special.



After a short while, Karlheinz and Kiyoshi returned to the living room, now seated at a small, elegantly set tea table. The cake Kiyoshi had eagerly anticipated was placed before him, a slice already on his plate. Kiyoshi's face was a picture of delight as he took small, careful bites, savouring each one. Seated across from him, Karlheinz poured himself a cup of tea, the delicate clinking of porcelain adding to the quiet, peaceful atmosphere. Instead of having tea, Kiyoshi had a clear, elegant, designed crystal cup before him.

Just as Kiyoshi was taking another bite, the door to the living room opened, and Reiji stepped inside. His demeanour was calm and composed, though his eyes briefly scanned the room, taking in the scene. His gaze lingered on his father and then, with a brief, almost indifferent glance, on Kiyoshi. The young boy's excitement spiked when he saw one of his big brothers.

"Good afternoon, Father," Reiji said, his tone respectful but formal. He didn't acknowledge Kiyoshi directly, focusing solely on Karlheinz.

"Reiji," Karlheinz greeted with a slight nod, a subtle warmth in his voice. "Join us. There's tea and cake as well."

Reiji hesitated momentarily, but the desire to impress his father outweighed his reluctance. He stepped further into the room and sat across from Karlheinz, accepting the cup of tea offered to him. His movements were precise, his expression calm, though there was a slight tension in his posture as he glanced at Kiyoshi, who was happily enjoying his cake in the seat next to him.

Oblivious to his brother's discomfort, Kiyoshi finished his slice of cake and looked up at Reiji with innocent curiosity. After a few moments, he slid off his chair and walked over to Reiji's side, his tiny hands clutching the table's edge for balance.

"Reiji," Kiyoshi asked softly, recalling his brother's name, looking up at his older brother with wide, hopeful eyes. "Can I sit in your lap?"

Reiji's eyes widened slightly, a flash of uncertainty crossing his face. He wasn't used to such requests, especially from someone as young as Kiyoshi. His initial reaction was to decline, but with his father's gaze subtly encouraging him from across the table, he knew he couldn't refuse. From what he had seen at the ball, his father had a clear hierarchy of his children, with his now youngest brother being on top, which internally enraged the raven-haired male.

Reiji took a deep breath, trying to mask his unease. His father's gaze was gentle but firm, indicating that he should indulge Kiyoshi's request. The internal conflict Reiji felt was palpable. At the same time, he wanted to respect his father's wishes, but the idea of sitting with Kiyoshi, who, despite his innocent charm, was a constant reminder of his father's unwarranted favouritism, was difficult to stomach.

"Very well," Reiji said, his voice stiffer than he intended. He adjusted his posture and lifted his gaze to meet Kiyoshi's composed expression. As Kiyoshi climbed into his lap with surprising ease, Reiji felt a knot of discomfort tighten in his chest. He didn't have much experience with children and found himself at a loss about interacting with Kiyoshi, who was now snuggling comfortably against him.

Kiyoshi seemed perfectly content, oblivious to his brother's internal struggle. He wriggled comfortably and looked up at Reiji with a broad, unblemished smile. "Thank you, Reiji! I'm glad you're here."

Reiji forced a smile, attempting to hide his frustration. "You're welcome, Kiyoshi."

The room fell into a quiet stillness, punctuated only by the occasional sip of tea and the soft rustling of pages as Karlheinz returned to his book. Despite the tension, Karlheinz's face showed a hint of satisfaction. He enjoyed seeing his sons come together, even if the process was not always seamless.

Kiyoshi, seemingly content with the arrangement, started to chat about his day, eagerly recounting his excitement over the cake and his little adventures. Reiji listened with a semblance of interest, though he struggled to hide his growing impatience. Each cheerful word from Kiyoshi reminded him of the favouritism that bothered him, favouritism he tried to bury under a veneer of polite acceptance.

"Papa," Kiyoshi said, glancing towards Karlheinz with a bright smile. Reiji is the best. Isn't he?" the redhead spoke innocently.

Karlheinz looked up from his book, his eyes twinkling with warmth. "Yes, he is. And I'm glad you two are getting along."

Reiji's smile tightened, his internal frustration simmering just beneath the surface. He wanted to feel as warm and accepting as his father seemed to expect, but the underlying resentment was hard to shake. He forced himself to focus on Kiyoshi's animated chatter, trying to push past his discomfort.

The longer Reiji held Kiyoshi, the more he began to appreciate the little moments of simplicity. Despite being a source of personal conflict, Kiyoshi's innocent joy was undeniably genuine. It wasn't long before Reiji noticed the genuine delight on Kiyoshi's face and began to soften if only a little. He realised that his discomfort overshadowed the possibility of forming a bond with his younger brother.

As the afternoon wore on, the atmosphere in the room began to shift. Reiji's initial frustration slowly gave way to a reluctant acceptance, and he responded to Kiyoshi's enthusiasm with less reserve. The strained smile became more natural, and he even managed a few genuine hummus at Kiyoshi's playful stories.

Karlheinz, observing this subtle transformation, felt a surge of interest. It was fascinating to him to see arguably the most grudge-holding child of his being wrapped around Kiyoshi's finger so quickly. What a remarkable chance to witness. Oh, how Karlheinz could wait to see how easily the other would all fall for Kiyoshi's innocent charm

As the tea was enjoyed and the cake was finished, Reiji's earlier frustration had diminished considerably. He might not have embraced the situation wholeheartedly, but the time spent with Kiyoshi began to chip away at his initial discomfort.

14th august 2024
sorry this took so long. I had absolutely no idea where to go with this. Please vote, and I hope that you have enjoyed xx

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