Another Child [1]

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"The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout" a young voice sang out, alongside of thumps from the child's jump, in time to the song.
"Down came the rain, and washed the spider out" the child continued bouncing along the large hallways to the beat of the rhyme, head swaying side to side as the song continued.
"Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain" the child continued looking aimlessly around, looking out of all of the open windows and pillars.
"So, the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again" the child came to a finish, then to be halted as a maid called out for him from behind.

"Master Kiyoshi, your father is would like to see you"the voice he recognised as being one of the maids that tends around the palace he calls his home.
"Okay" the young boys voice spoke looking behind him to the maid, then to his nanny who was also following behind him, making sure that he didn't end up injured. Kiyoshi stopping his little hops to walk to his father's office. His little heeled shoes clicking against the tiled floor of the palace as he made his ways through the grand hallways.

Kiyoshi was a healthy 5 year old boy with a wonderfully large imagination, however the mostly empty and lifeless palace that he called his home did stump his imagination slightly. As Kiyoshi walked closer and closer to his destination his mood started to lighten, he loved his father.
Upon reaching the overly large encrusted doors the boy knocked lightly twice, Kiyoshi had been taught that he had to knock and be called in to enter a room.

"You can come in Kiyoshi" he always knew when it was kiyoshi, his scent and overly weak knocks being a straight giveaway. However kiyoshi still had no clue how his father managed to always know that it was him.
Kiyoshi's nanny had to help by opening the door for her master, as the handle was too high up for his reach. Kiyoshi being quick to enter the room as the door had opened. Kiyoshi's nanny entering as well making her way to the back of the room to stand.

"Papa" Kiyoshi spoke as he speed walked into the room, only to see that his father wasn't alone.
"Uncle Richter, you're here" Kiyoshi spoke out happily, he hadn't seen his uncle in ages. Ages being around two weeks. For once Richter was somewhat around.
"Good evening Kiyoshi" he spoke as the 5 year old ran over to him and hugged his legs.
"Hi uncle" Kiyoshi is a sweet soul, too young to know any different, too young to know the harshness of the world. Him thinking everything was happy and fun, both men in the room knowing that the young princes life would eventually get rocked by the truths of the world. However both of them knowing that he must have his childlike wonder to be retained for as long as possible.

"I'm slightly upset Kiyoshi, where is my hug"Karlheinz asked out to his younger son, Kiyoshi letting go of his uncle fairly quickly to run over to his father calling out,
"And how are you this evening?, I could hear you singing from all the way across the palace so you must be in a good mood"Karlheinz spoke lifting Kiyoshi up in his arms, reminiscing on his sons soft voice that he was used to hearing sing nursery rhymes.

"Mmmm, I have to prepare" the small child spoke determinedly, him very adamant with his preparation.

"Prepare?" Richter asked, him not knowing what his nephew was on about.

"To impress them of course" Kiyoshi spoke simply.
"Kiyoshi has been made aware of his brothers and has decided to sing them a song, but he hasn't decided which one to sing"Karlheinz explained looking towards his son.
"So I have to prepare" kiyoshi spoke wriggling in his father's grasp wanting to be put down, Karlheinz allowing this. For Kiyoshi to start jumping on the floor in excitement.
"And what are your options of song?" Richter questioned placing his hand on top of Kiyoshi's curly red hair to stop him bouncing.

"The itsy bitsy spider, Humpty Dumpty, or twinkle twinkle little star. I haven't decided"

"And do they know about him?" Richter asked to his Karlheinz, referring to his other nephews, his brothers other children.

"It will be a nice surprise for them all"Karlheinz spoke delusionally, yet him having slight awareness to the chaos that will inevitably ensue.

"I'm assuming that this is for his royal ball next week"
This was the ball to introduce Kiyoshi as the final heir of Karlheinz, kiyoshi being one of Karlheinz greatest achievements. Karlheinz knew that kiyoshi would be his final child, his previous children being born purely to please his royal duties and have heirs to create a better race, yet Kiyoshi was centuries younger than the rest and was perfectly made to exist with his father.
Kiyoshi was different, he wasn't and wouldn't be experimented on or for. Kiyoshi was born for the purpose of Karlheinz having an actual child, one that he could raise properly with no expectations. Having been produced century's after the others it would sure be the talk everywhere, another heir. That was what was going to make this ball historical, the fact that no one knows about him. The hidden heir. The maids and nanny's had been thoroughly loyal to the kingdom and not a word of Kiyoshi's existence had leaked anywhere, and apart from them Kiyoshi was hidden. Richter only finding out due to his inability to mention when he was paying a visit to his brother, catching on to Kiyoshi's existence. That was when he was only a year old. Richter making visiting a common occurrence since then.
This ball was labeled as an event to celebrate the thriving kingdom and as a way for the 'Eve' to be flaunted, yet in fact it was to surprise the public with Kiyoshi's existence, the small child being very excited.
"Of course, and we still need to sort deserts out"

"Cake, and brownies" kiyoshi said simply knowing what he wanted, his answer being pretty expected for his tastes.
"Yes we've decided cake a while ago, but we don't know what flavours. And of course we can have brownies"Karlheinz said softly to his son, ensuring that this entire ball would be solely focused on his son and all things that his son likes.
"Every flavour"

"We cant have every flavour Kiyoshi you'd fall ill, there is the cake testing this afternoon that we will be doing" Karlheinz lectured slightly, also informing kiyoshi of his activity's this afternoon.

"Are you looking forward to your ball Kiyoshi?" Richter asked the small boy, in contrast to his previous relations to his other nephews, he actually liked Kiyoshi and had decided that he was going to be around for Kiyoshi, he himself had no children nor had much desire for any, if his paternal side wanted to come out he tended to pay Kiyoshi a visit playing as the doting uncle. Kiyoshi happily enjoying his company every time he came around.

"Mmm, there will be lots of people" kiyoshi nodded also stating a simple fact to his uncle, thinking that it would be smart to tell him as he may not have known previously. Kiyoshi wanting to be helpful.
"Lots of very important people"Karlheinz reminded the small boy, he had been telling Kiyoshi several times about the importance of this ball, it was his welcoming ball, his time to be named as the latest and youngest son of Karlheinz, this would be big, huge even.

6th February 2024

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