(Y/n) and goki strike back!

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Last time we left off Gohan had just kicked Nappa into a rock pissing him off even more..


Nappa then throws a bomber DX at Gohan. Gohan was unfortunately gripped with fear unable to move, this looked like the end of Gohan.. Until piccolo got in front of Gohan taking the attack for himself.. The smoke clears and it shows piccolo still standing after the attack, but he falls to the ground mortally wounded..

Back with (Y/n) and goki..

(Y/n) No.. not piccolo..

Goki They're getting killed out there we need to hurry!

The nimbus tries to go even faster to make it in time to save everyone.. Back on the battle field piccolo is on the ground with tears in his eyes looking at Gohan.

Piccolo I-I enjoyed the time we spent together Gohan, I really did. Thank you for being my first friend even though everyone else views me as a monster. You were like the son I never had.. goodbye  Gohan..

Piccolo then dies and passes on.. at the lookout kami was experiencing the same thing

Kami It looks like Piccolo has died Mr Popo..

Popo B-But Kami who will take of Earth!

Kami I think it's time for you to watch Earth over for me. So goodbye.. Old friend..

Kami then disappears dying with piccolo, taking the dragon balls with him as well..Back at the battle field..

Gohan N-No M-Mr piccolo..

Gohan then starts to get enraged, enraged at the fact that he killed his best friend and master..

Gohan I-I will defeat you!!!

Gohan then looks at nappa and fires his attack

Gohan MASENKO!!!!

Gohan fires his masenko at nappa! Nappa looks at the beam and slaps it away but it comes with a price. Nappas arm then become numb after slapping away Gohans masenko leaving Nappa with one arm to use. Unfortunately gohan wouldn't be able to use this advantage due to the fact that the masenko was the last of his energy causing Gohan to fall to his knees..


Nappa comes closer and closer to Gohan while krillin is screaming at Gohan to get up and escape. Nappa finally is on Gohan is about to crush Gohan head! But at the last second Gohan is saved by a speeding object!

Gohan then wakes up and realizes what he's on

Gohan H-Huh? Nimbus!?

Gohan then looks down from nimbus and finds goki and (Y/n) down with krillin.

Vegita Oh look who decided to show up.

Nappa Took you all long enough!

Goki and (Y/n) then look around and see the body of their friends lying dead.

Nappa Oh yeah sorry about your friends! Actually the little blew himself up like a idiot! Haha! And I proudly defeated them all with no difficulty!

(Y/n) starts to shake with rage and Vegita notices his power level rise. (Y/n) then stops and ignores nappas words to heal Krillin and Gohan

(Y/n) Here guys, eat this senzu bean you guys need to heal.

Krillin Yeah thanks (Y/n) wouldn't know what we do without you guys!

Gohan Thanks dad!

(Y/n) You grew up fine Gohan! I can see your taking some of my genes from the good looks! Hehe!

Goki then elbows him in the stomach

Goki Hey! It's not all your DNA I'm highly certain he gets his looks from me!

(Y/n) A-Alright we can argue about this later but for now.. we got some fuckers to kill.

Gohan M-Mr piccolo sacrificed himself to save me too!

(Y/n) I'll avenge him then gohan..

(Y/n) and goki step up closer to nappa

(Y/n) i vow to kill you, for killing all my friends!

Nappa Hah! I like to see you try!! You'll probably die like the rest of these weaklings!!

(Y/n) then gets angry. He starts charging up with Goki. Vegita then notices his power and so does Nappa

Nappa What the!? Vegita what does the scouter say about their power level!!

Vegita ITS OVER 9000!!!

(Just imagine vegitas hairstyle different like to the one from the need to know chapter)

Nappa W-What!? You know what it doesn't matter! I dare you to challenge me!!

(Y/n)  i hope you enjoy your final moments not being in complete pain..

Nappa tries to charge at (Y/n) but he dodges at incredible speed and strikes Nappa down into the ground.


Nappa then unleashed a furry of attacks on (Y/n) but he dodges with no effort which causes Nappa to get even more angry. (Y/n) then eventually gets bored and then strikes Nappa in the stomach making him fall on his knees. Even though Nappa is severely outclassed he still attacks (Y/n) with full force but (Y/n) succeeds in just making Nappa a bigger fool.


Nappa then shoots a bomber XD

(Y/n) don't worry this time I won't dodge this attack..

Right before the attack hits him, (y/n) then charges his ki and slaps the attack away with just his ki!! (Y/n) then dashes to Nappa and lands a hit for each of his fallen friends.. Nappa almost loses control of his rage but Vegita yells at him

Vegita calm down Nappa!! If you lose control over your anger then you won't be able to control yourself in a fight!!

Nappa Got it!!

Nappa then powers up to his maximum and fires a blast at (Y/n) who just dodges into the air with nappa following and giving chase. They engage in the sky with Nappa surprising the young saiyan with how even going thorough the beating he gave him is still keeping up with him. But unfortunately for Nappa it still isn't enough and gets bested by (Y/n).. as a last resort nappa charges up his special attack the break cannon. He then fires it directly at (Y/n) who retaliates with a kamehameha and cancels the attack out leaving nappa in shock at how his special attack couldn't even best a bit of (Y/n) attack...

(Y/n) it's time to end this, I'm going to use the kaioken to end this so we can all leave safe.

(Y/n) was about to use the kaioken but stops when Vegita yells at Nappa


But nappa didn't listen as he was consumed by rage and decides that any kill is a free kill and leaps at Krillin and Gohan.


(Y/n) Wasnt close enough to Gohan and krillin so goki had to save them. She gave chase to nappa but realize that she won't catch him in time.


Goki then actives the kaioken and catches up to nappa breaking his back and lifting him up in the air and throwing him at vegitas feet.

Goki Dont you dare touch my son!

Krillin W-Wow thank you goki! Why didn't you use that new technique sooner though?

Goki Because it has a risk Krillin, we get double our power but it puts extreme pain in our bodys which is why I hesitated to use it.

(Y/n) Leave earth now and you can get your friend some help! I won't ask again!

Vegita I refuse to.

Nappa then looks up to Vegita and crys out for help

Nappa P-Please Vegita help me.

Vegita then looks down and gets a smirk on her face. She grabs his hand..

Nappa We had fun Vegita and that's all that matters right? V-Vegita?

Vegita then smiles and throws nappa in the air!


She then charges up and shoots a Ki beam at nappa killing him.. she then turns back around and sets her sights on (Y/n) and Goki.

(Y/n) Gohan, Krillin, you need to leave right now! Go back to Kame house you both can't do anything anymore!

Krillin R-Right but might I suggest that you take this fight somewhere else? I-I mean we don't want our friends bodys messed up when we revive them!

Goki But how will we revive them if kami is dead?!

Krillin Listen, if you beat Vegita then I'll clue you in later. Anyways see you later and good luck! Come on Gohan we need to go.

Gohan R-Right! Good luck mom and dad!

(Y/n) don't worry gohan we'll win!

(Y/n) Alright Vegita I think you heard already.. let's move this fight somewhere else..

Vegita Yes indeed let's move this fight... to the bed~

(Y/n) W-WHAT?!

(Y/n) then blushes madly while Goki has a vain pop out of her head


Vegita Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.. anyways let's move this fight..

(Y/n) and Goki then lead Vegita to the wasteland to fight. Vegita gets on a taller rock while Goki and (y/n) get on the smaller one.

Vegita I'll give you both one last chance to join me. Especially you (y/n) after noticing your handsomeness I'd be pretty sad you won't join me~

(Y/n) then continues to blush madly while Goki gets even more angry


Vegita then smirks

Vegita Heh! I'd like to see you try!

Goki and (Y/n) then both get into their fighting stances

(Your fighting stance can just be the same as Goki)

Goki and (Y/n) then fly to attack with Vegita just blocking both of their attacks with seemingly no difficulty. The 3 saiyans seemed to be outmatched until Vegita landed some good hits against Goki and (Y/n)

(Y/n) damn she's really strong... but instead of being scared I'm actually kinda excited!

Goki I know this bitch tried to flirt with my (y/n) but she's so strong that she's giving me a sense of thrill!

Goki and (y/n) then briefly go into kaioken times 2 toppling Vegita making her confused

Vegita What the hell was that-?! Wait a minute I've encountered a similar technique like this before! Ha! If you think that this random technique is gonna save you then your dirt wrong!!

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