Végéta / Terra Novæ

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Children have an impressive ability to adapt. This was the case here.

When we look at our way of life, it is very similar to modern Indian tribes. But we are closer to nature, more birds than humans.

Let's take Rudy's example, he was adopted by Coral, my little red dragon and her husband Pantheros, a wild wyvern "trained" by Coral under the guidance of mother Akulatraxas.

It was non-stop crying and she had dragons the same size as Rudy.

They had a barn with a fire pit and set up a table and chair for him and they had food and water. Then the game started, games like chess, checkers, the ball and then the outings and in the evening when the predators were roaming. They wouldn't have done anything to the dragons but would have eaten Rudy.

He was going to take refuge under Coral with my grandchildren, safe.

Coral sang him lullabies and in the morning, we ate the fruits of the previous day and bread, eggs and bacon.

If it was a breakfast for the human being, he had to understand that for us it was an aperitif.

We would hunt in areas allocated as fallow land, until the game could be rebuilt, but as the world was vast, the wildlife was abundant.

The crying stopped and was quickly replaced by laughter.

Humans loved their new families very much. There were rarely any disputes, life being simple and light.

Unfortunately, there was an accident with a wild wyvern that amputated an arm to a child. The adults were terrified and there was no way to save her.

I learned from the husband of the wyvern in question who was punished. But violence would lead to nothing. She was not killed.

The injured girl was losing a lot of blood and I magically gave her first aid and the bleeding stopped. She was offered to become a dragon so that her arm would grow back and she accepted. The mother had accidentally pinched the little girl, as if to take a dragon by the neck to take it out of the nest. They have horns and spikes that protect them from the adult's canines but not the human child. When the mama tasted the blood in her mouth it was too late, the arm separated. She regretted and was sad. That's why we forgave her. She wanted to give her spikes in compensation to save the little girl.

This process was very painful for both the donor and the recipient. The dragon had to give a backbone containing marrow and the child received the backbone in her back.

Painful. Very! And the mandatory major care or else it's death.

We need a total commitment because the blood is the same and the transformed becomes a brother or sister in every way.

But the little girl was adopted again by my daughter Glacias. Because of the previous trauma. We isolated ourselves with the adoptive family and got drunk on Linton's whiskey with natural anesthetics and my daughter Glacias, who was white and ice-like, fell asleep next to little Syfia, disinfected her back and made the incisions.

The thorn was monstrously large on the kid's back and then a regeneration spell was done on my daughter and minor care was done on my future granddaughter.

The process was natural for us but barbaric for humans. Glacias had its thorn growing back and Syfia the implanted thorn.

Now the assimilation process was taking place.

The dragon's cells devoured the human's and did not transform it, but it is like a caterpillar, the butterfly devours the caterpillar.

The AI warns us by inspecting the process that the body was parasitized and not transformed.

I replied that we knew it and that she would be herself, the instincts in addition and some mental evolutions.

The 2 scientists were afraid of us, that we would assimilate them by force. Not all the children had yet been assimilated and they wanted to see Apolline transformed and Syfia.

The first thing that changed in Syfia was her arm that grew back quickly but in Wyverne and she already knew how to manipulate it again with her old brain.

His eyes split and his tongue lengthened. Her hair that she worshipped above all remained and her transformation was dazzling. In a few days she was half a wyvern and she reaches twice the size of the other children.

No discrimination and she moved in during the day with my little sister and at night she slept with her new mother.

A month later, she was a dragon like her Wyvern brothers and sisters.

She was happy that she had not lost anything, that she was not handicapped or cold anymore.

She blew ice like her mother and the lake quickly turned into an ice rink on the curved claws


The IA did many psychological examinations and found that she was fine on her own and that her desires were changing, The Call of the Forest!

No longer cold, having a body made for nature and where the roof was the stars, the interests fell quickly and were replaced by those of the dragons.

But her heart remained the same and she was still in love with one of the boys who remained human.

Then a thousand and one questions between mother Glacias and I, called grandmother, took place on subjects especially about love, who was dating who, who had slept or not, whether or not we resisted heat and contraception... Then the nests, the advantage over a bed or a cradle.

We were very busy and happy.

We were never bored. There was always something to do and the most annoying thing was that the golems did it.

The IA could not believe that we were making something impossible possible.

What I didn't know was that they had transmitted satellite images of our world, including the village, before they came back before the crash. A satellite had remained in orbit and the data was transmitted to Earth by a revolutionary means.

A mini black hole made it possible to transmit almost live long-distance news. A portal probe was sent through the black hole and came into orbit and deployed.

A ship was sent through and it was a success.

Glacias, who was also passionate about astronomy and astrology, called me urgently. I arrived with my mother at the observatory and the humans came too.

The surprise of AI BOB was terrible.

Our observation panel was more sophisticated than the human navigator.

You could even see people through the windows.

I turn it towards humans and look at them:

"Are you proud? I'm not stupid, they're soldiers in that window.

But this is our planet. She's also your home, but did you get something done to deserve this?

Tell us what you don't like! Let's have the abscess!

You especially, BOB the AI!"

"I was created by a mining organization and this planet is full of resources and is seen as an alternative world."

Me: "So you have exhausted the earth in 3 centuries and thus finished the last 50 years even faster than the last 250 years."

BOB: "How do you know? These figures are secret."

I: "I lived on earth 30 years ago. Maybe 40. Who knows..."

BOB: "You are a threat to us. You can assimilate us and destroy our civilization."

Me: "And we didn't save you? Dinosaurs? We could have watched you being torn to pieces and picking up your possessions.

Anyway. What is done is done.

We have a good heart, but I would like to talk to the person in charge of the settlers.

I know you've been doing it from the beginning and even if we pretend to ignore it, nothing escapes us!"


We arrived at the shuttle which was connected to the relay satellite and I made contact with Commander Aguirre.

This blond man of Spanish origin is known for his explosive and devastating anger. He is a specialist in controlling revolts. He exterminated the FARC. Annihilated the Chechens, defeated the Catalan separatists, executed the Basques and the Houtis. But he analyzes our speech before acting

I: "Hello, Commander Aguirre

Welcome to Vegeta.

We rescued the survivors of the crash. They're all safe and sound.

We thought the relief would take years so we adopted the children to have a family and they are free.

We have a semi-animal tribal life model but we ask you not to go north of the sea, the fauna is too dangerous for humans. We suggest you the south coast, very pleasant as a climate. Full of mineral resources and outside wyrm hunting areas and without being on bird migration routes.

The area is full of oil and minerals.

We would like to live as good neighbours and establish good commercial and tourist relations. We produce quality food that we would be happy to export to you as our wine and local whisky.

Aguirre: "I see that you are educated, madam. Are you a settler?"

"No, I'm Wistala, the red wyvern."

"A wyvern? "

"Yes, I'm 24 meters long and I'm covered in scales.

We have a rural and agricultural village. We produce local food products and we also have a school and a small repair shop. The shuttles are repaired and functional"

"I see," said the commander.

"What is the difference between us and you? "

"Our way of life is wild, aboriginal in a way and we do not eat human beings. The savages are at risk but we train them and integrate them into our families."

Aguirre :

"We have been informed that you are assimilating humans."

Me: "2 cases sir. My sister by accident with prolonged contact with my marrow and a child, Syfia, mortally wounded. Last chance to save her."

Aguirre: "But you can transform humans. What guarantees me that you won't capture us and implant us?"

I: "It's very hard and dangerous and Extremely painful. It is an organ transplant that mutilates the donor. We're literally tearing out a marrow bone. I assure you, it really takes courage and a lot of love to do this ritual. We don't have an effective anesthetic for that. We haven't found a poppy to make opium yet."

Aguirre, nicknamed "the wrath of God" replied to me: "I come and take a shuttle. "

He landed in the middle of the village and went out with an escort on a tank, the bust came out halfway.

I'm waiting for her and I'm escorted by two golems.

A welcome buffet is prepared for him and his officers.

Linton arrives and invites him to sit in what is a kind of embassy and brings in the shipwrecked people.

Bob, the AI came to Aguirre and showed him around.

"Commander, welcome to Vegeta, This is a dragon village as you can see and the buildings are gigantic.

I have a lot to show you.

Here, grain silos, astronomical quantities, we could feed several medium-sized cities.

There, a purification plant, the barns are connected to the sewers.

they have a whole network of underground caves and form an intelligent and very deep network.

They were travelling with a jeep because of the 20 times greater distances and showed him:

They have running water and electricity!.. Our shuttles are connected to the network. Electricity is produced by geothermal energy and by a technology that only they master. Conductive crystals. This energy is unknown and not measurable by our instruments. Each dragon is able to generate this unknown energy.

They don't talk about it, but the power is devastating.

They plan to have games and a party to welcome the settlers."

"Their religion?" Asked Aguirre

"Christian and mystical."

"Good! That's at least positive."

"Are the arguments true to settle in the south? "

Bob: "Yes, there are tornadoes here and they say it's a very harsh winter. There is also, given the lack of a flood dam, and that is why the village is on a mountainside. They are protected from bad weather like that.

The area is floodable. For them, they don't care, they go to caves as well as to the barn. The barn is a luxury for them but they could be nomads and go anywhere. Wild wyrmes have migration routes and follow the good weather and are on the indicated routes. We do not have this data but an exploratory wyrme does remarkable work and is fascinated by human life. Some are more pro-human and others more pro-wild.

The reigning and founding couple is rather conservative of traditions and land but politics does not interest them too much. They are really looking for a good understanding and to help us.

The territories to the east are wild with monstrous predators, hunters and intelligent. They are drakes, a kind of dinosaur that live in small clans and carnivores. They are hunted by dragons. To protect humans.

The dragons were really kind and helpful to the shipwrecked and they built a grave and made them a funeral rite."

Aguirre visibly calmed down.

And are the lands of the south fertile?

Bob: "Yes, sir. The climate is Mediterranean, there are uranium deposits and thermal springs. The continent is similar to Africa with all its riches, the desert less, the great valleys could be used for agriculture but the wyverns have an incredible work force with their robots."

Aguirre: "In case of war with them, since they are few in number, what do you think? We have a silver laser that depletes the terrestrial dragons and allowed us to kill him, but they immediately come back for revenge. They are persistent"

Bob: "I'm afraid they're much stronger than we think.

I have seen limbs and serious injuries grow back, their regeneration is unheard of. I saw a dragon crash into a cliff and its broken wings weld together before it even touched the ground! The matriarch took a bath in volcanic lava in front of me without any protection and seemed to enjoy it, she drank and spit out the molten lava as if it were a spa.

Their underground network is so vast that they can fly in it and it is so deep that they touch the volcanic lava.

I saw a huge being about twenty meters high communicate by signs and certainly by telepathy. This being came out of the lava and returned to it. He was humanoid but extremely scary and he didn't look comfortable. They call him an administrator.

Their space surveillance system is so sophisticated that your head could be seen through the windows and all this science is in them and they don't need a construction workshop.

Basically every dragon is a global threat here. Fortunately, they are welcoming and wise. We have a lot to learn from them but don't trust them, Wyvern children, because I have decoded some aspects of their language that they use vocally with wild wyverns, have reported that they have space transportation and an orbital combat base and ways to reach even the earth from here. They communicate with the earth all the time!

Wistala hates me and has already let me know by calling me a little spy. And it's true, nothing escapes her. To believe that she can read my mind..."

Aguirre: "Keep all this confidential. It is a miracle that they welcome us, we obviously arrived too late but they leave us 3/4 of the planet.

What are their other requirements?

"Prohibition of the death penalty.

"Racism and discrimination prohibited

"Tolerance for wild wyverns, give them a chance and allow dragons to resolve their conflicts internally. They have a mystical justice or they lock in the bowels of the earth in the meanest lava even though it has not yet happened, or for a short time.

They have a good heart by nature.

yes, they allow the free movement of humans but at their own risk and offer their escort services. Some wyverns would like to have free movement with humans and work for humans.

Basically each wyrme has its own character but any form of discrimination and violence is prohibited. It's the return to the 10 commandments. Besides, that's what they're based on."

Aguirre: "It's already that and that's the main thing"

"Oh yes, something strange, don't oppose human/dragon marriages that they encourage. Genes are compatible......."

"Yes, I forgot, dragons know how to live in space without the need for a combination. They know how to hibernate and cross incredible distances. Some have asked to integrate space forces and colonize other worlds."

Aguirre, thoughtful, reflected on the potential of our species: Adaptability, resistance, intelligence and human compatibility. But what fascinated him were the golems, hybrids and our humanity in a monster body.

We were going to do as they say," he said, "but deep down, he would have wanted to crush us and submit us as beasts of intelligent burden that could be exploited and made to work at will, but what stopped him was that even if there were not many of us, we were regenerating ourselves and an adversary who kept coming back from the dead is in a way an army of his own.

He knew we could pulverize them, but he also feared our connections to the earth, and those mysterious Atronach, the administrators of this world.

Vegeta for us and Terra Novae for them was actually a much more hostile planet than the earth.

The storms were devastating, the winter very harsh, similar to Alaska, or even worse. and the summer very suffocating and humid. The seasons are very marked.

Not to mention the giant insects and other unhappy creatures.

Meat from "forest fruits - like seafood" for us dragons but a deadly trap for humans. Everything was 20 times bigger in general.

A simple scorpion was 2 meters high and 5 meters long... Spiders traps, between 2 and 5 meters....

The commander did not hesitate to accept our help. Most of the information came from my other son Marius, a poisonous yellow dragon, with yellow scales and black articulation lines. and black claws. He was spitting boiling acid that could ignite like pitch and he was very poisonous. He had venom hooks like vipers and a terrible stinger / sword.

But he was beautiful, kind and always with his heart on his hand.

He had 4 wild wyvern wives who accompanied him everywhere in his exploration of the world. He had taken cameras with him and was constantly reporting on Vegeta's wildlife.

Aguirre immediately wanted to hire him as a Scout and they were surprised that he accepted but they did not part from his flying harem. A real Don Juan. He even courted a human captain who let himself be charmed....He had also learned the spells of charm, illusion, detection of lies and cheating tricks...

I taught him well.

It reminds me of my first brood 10 years ago,

It was on a winter night, we were by the fire and Linton and I cooed and after the preparations, we drank whisky mixed with dragon herbs, which shamefully excited us, super aphrodisiacs and invigorating.

After Linton climbed on top of me, I felt his grip and when we merged, lava invaded my stomach and the pleasure filled me in incessant waves.

We stayed like that for hours and hours and tried every possible and unimaginable positions.

We almost destroyed the barn and had to end up in a nest in a cave whose walls could withstand our assaults.

Our frolics inspired my little brothers who had several wild wyrmes each and which they were able to fill.

The heats past,

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