I'm a dragon! A new beginning!

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I was happy with Akulatraxas' decision to let me go again. I might as well have never come back. Forcing me would have been the worst decision because I would have betrayed and saved myself and surely provoked the irreparable, blinded by hatred.

But then she regretted it, and I have to make a new start! I was happy to see AuRon and RuGaard again.

We used to hug each other all the time.

Mom, do you promise me?

"Yes, I will no longer attack your family and friends! I'll try not to be cruel anymore! "

"It's okay then, Mom, you're yourself, you're a dragon, I'm not asking you to change but just not to be sadistic anymore! "

"Yes, I promise you that," and then I gave her the hugs she never had. I think she too had a cruel childhood.

"Say, Mom, do you remember when you were a baby?"

She turned her head, tears in her eyes...

"The humans butchered Mom alive before my eyes. She didn't scream once and smiled at me to the last breath..." They ate her before my eyes that she wasn't dead yet. My brothers and sisters have suffered the same fate. I was the last of my clan. Hidden in a haystack. I swore to make them all pay!

Was your mommy nice?

No, she was tough and strict but fair. I hated her until one day I understood why she was so hard on us! She knew how dangerous the world was for our species. I've hated myself so far for not giving her a single hug. Because deep down, she was right and I was selfish!.. I haven't missed my mother for a day. Even if it is hard or severe, a mother is a mother! When she' s no longer there, it's an emptiness, a hole!

I lived like a rat all my youth living in hiding and learning everything I could: reading, writing, magic, the circus, gathering everything she taught me and finding father who taught me the rest. He was a bully and he raped me all the time. He must have been shot down in the Great War, he must have been mistaken for an enemy plane... I don't know, I lived hidden here in the north. There are still some beautiful dragons living ultra hidden in deep caves. They only go out at night or in the middle of a snowstorm! The others are hidden on mountainous peaks."

"Mom, it was hard to get your eggs? How does it work?"

It's like humans. We have our periods and we are very aggressive. If we have copulated, we will have eggs but once every 5 years instead of every month for humans.

They still need to be fertilized, which is why rituals are important. It is a dance that aims first and foremost to avoid occlusions in the belly, to strengthen the belly and to avoid dying in excruciating suffering over time.

Then comes the mating, Extremely violent. Some dragons literally had their necks ripped off by the male or their bellies torn by their talons.

Having children is a challenge! They are cranky and when they have a female they tire her to death! That is why rites are important and have as their objective your survival!

But how?

1 Strengthen your stomach

2 protect and strengthen her horns to protect your neck.

3 train to prick their throats with her horns to make them drop their testosterone and have the flexibility to threaten their "limb" and always keep the upper hand.

4 and the hardest part is knowing how to get out of the way so as not to end up as a relief doll...

But, is this crazy, Mom?!

Yes, I know! But when your heat comes, you become a freak and you have to be careful not to make a fatal mistake."

(A/N : Based on my big pet varanus niloticus...)

"Hey, can you show me how to fish?"

"Good idea!"

We left the cave and, after seeing that there were no cars, hunters or fishermen, we went fishing in the Fjord.

Mom would release dried gut on the water, the fish would come to the surface and we would dive with our claws to bring them to the surface. It was more for playing than fishing.

We still brought back a large tuna and several small ones.

I brought a grill, a frying pan and a pot with me and we did the first dragon cooking. I seasoned the tuna with a little soya to make it taste better and it exploded in our mouths. Mom appreciated it very much.

She hated everything human, but she wasn't against creativity coming from me.

I offered her alcohol and she appreciated the intention. And the bottle ends up being emptied faster than you can say. My brothers enjoyed chocolate and chewing and became addicted to it.

The days passed and then a serious discussion followed.

My head on her front paw and she caressing the horns of my neck, we were talking from mother to daughter.

"Mom, I'm about to have a year of dragon, but I need to tell you about the hunters. Ingmar, the one with the red car, you killed his wife 20 years ago... He's mad at you and he swore he'd get you.

Beware! Beware! He was kind and decent to me and enrolled me in the human hunting school. That's why I'm not a game animal! I even have flying armor, bulletproof armor. I made him promise to leave us alone while you raise AuRon and RuGaard. But after that, the hunt will resume.

The problem is that he is the CHAIRMAN of the country's hunters' association. Normally in Norway, he has no authority but he has connections all over Europe. He has terrible weapons. And means you don't suspect. Look, you see these phones?

Mother: Yes, it's recent, they look at these plates all the time, how does it work?

Me: "Do you know how it works?"

Mother:" No!"

What the hell!

"I have to show you, but not here!"


"I'll show you, come on!"

We flew off and went to another cave several kilometres from there. My brothers followed me too, curious!

"Here they have a network of antennas and you can talk, type text and have access to the Internet, a kind of huge library.

BUT the greatest danger is GPS.

They have a station in space, near the stars that says exactly where we are.

Tchac: See? The map shows where we are and the point here is us. We can say where we are very precisely to call for help.

Mother: "So if I understand correctly, if I have a human prey, the others know where it is at all times!

"That's right!

They can then surround you, and if you swallow this thing, they will find you all the way to the end of the world," I replied.

"It's terrible! It's terrible!

even here in the cave it passes!"

"Yes, the waves pass through rock and concrete in a vacuum and even a little underwater."

Then, I said, "There will come a time when we will be banded like birds. They didn't dare do anything to me because I still have my Heater identity, but you and my brothers will not be easy!

But I will protect you! That is why we must never again, without exception, kill or injure humans.

They have become so strong!"

Mother: " and what else are they going to do? "

"Oh, they have drones, by the thousands, and weapons, guided missiles, thermal cameras and all kinds of sensors. You see, during my hunting lessons, they have boxes painted green that they hang on the trees and when you walk by, they take a picture in the dark. You don't see anything, but they do, and live. It's put on a card and they know where you are.

Then they fall on you from all sides.

Ingmar is planning his revenge and I would be suspicious if I were you. The fighting and the old-fashioned hunting are over.

Besides, they have fire resistant blankets and electric nets! I'll give you the list.

The best thing is to leave far away from here, without leaving a trace, I'll stay here for a while to watch him and teach you how to use a mobile! But the golden rule is to keep it off!

I'll come and join you in two months. Go to Greenland! He'll never find you there!

Mother: "Great idea! But your brothers will never come!"

"At worst, I bring them home and they will be under my protection! But that's the worst case scenario. Wait, I have rope!

Attach 2 ropes to your legs and while flying, they are stretched!

All they have to do is bite into it and you pull them out! They will rest like that and you will be able to do 10 times further and faster!

Mother: "But you're great!"

After training my mother in mobile phones, we split up for a while and I went home where I had a warm welcome.

I showed my brothers' pictures and selfies, avoiding showing mother dragon!

Karin was happy to see that I was happy too. And I asked her if anything bad happened if I could take care of my little brothers. She hugged me and told me I was a real little mommy too!

I returned to the hunting mess and resumed classes and training with the hunters.

Everything was good for learning.

Mother dragon was flying to Greenland. The spaces were gigantic! Almost no one, practically no village. Why hasn't she been here before?

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