Valentine's Day

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I wake up on Monday morning immediately knowing what day it is. It's Valentine's Day and I'm going to make it Charlie's best day ever! They aren't up yet since it's 8am, but I made sure to get to sleep earlier so that I could get stuff ready. I'd bought her a few books she'd shown interest in, along with his favorite kinds of snacks. But that wasn't nearly all. I was going to take them to do whatever she wanted in town. Maybe I was doing a little much, but y'know what? I'm an amazing girlfriend and I will take that job seriously. So anyways, I went back to our room and took out a pink hoodie with hearts on the sleeves because of course I did, and a light green plaid pleated skirt. I put it on along with some light pink and white striped stockings. As if on cue, right when I walked out of the bathroom, Charlie started waking up.
"What are you doing up?" He asked.
"You'll see!" I said, walking out of the room cheerily. I had made pancakes too, and set them out. I heard Charlie getting dressed. When they came out, they had on an army green sweatshirt and black cargo pants.
"Oh my God, it's Valentine's Day, isn't it?" She said, laughing a little.
"Of course it is. And since I'm such an amazing girlfriend, I have plans for us. I got you some stuff and I thought we could go out and do whatever today if you wanted to!" I smile.
"Wow. Thank you!" She smiled. "What would you want to do today? You're my girlfriend too, you deserve something, too!"
"Yeah, probably. Uhm, I guess I didn't really think about that. I'll decide later." We sit down and start eating. We keep looking at each other and randomly smiling, then breaking out in laughter. Today's already off to a great start.

Charlie and I are driving to the mall. We're just going to look around, buy whatever looks cool. They don't know about my big surprise for tonight. Of course, we get pretzels like that first day, and go to the pride store, since Charlie recently figured out he was genderfluid. We also go to some clothing stores, along with this new store that has stuff related to urban legends and cryptids and stuff. It's literally amazing and I love it. I buy a few things. Charlie and I have now agreed that we are polyamorous and Mothman is our boyfriend. Really romantic stuff here. I get a Polybius necklace. Oh, murderous arcade games, how you hit close to home. Charlie gets a Gef the Mongoose pin and a book on cryptids and stuff like that. We also see this CD called Spirit Phone, by Lemon Demon, which they sell because it's all about this kinda stuff. I've never heard of it, but we decide to give it a listen. (Best choice of our lives.) We get ice cream, too, which, yum. We did some more things, including really wanting to go run around in a sunflower field together but the only reason we didn't is because there are no sunflower fields where we live. This is a horrible thing and should definitely be fixed. I vote sunflower fields everywhere for everyone.
We listen to the Spirit Phone album in the car. Oh my God, it's amazing. Would recommend to any gay person.
Anyways, it was about time for my big surprise. I tell Charlie I have a surprise for him, and tell them to close her eyes. They keep asking and I say "maybe" to all of them. Can't give her any hints. Then it's time.
"Okay, open your eyes!" I say.
"You're kidding." He says.

I nod excitedly.
I laugh in excitement. "Yup!"
They flap their hands happily. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" She kisses me. "I LOVE YOU."
And just like that, we're into the best musical to ever happen.

We get out at about 11:00 PM.
"Thank you so much, oh my God. That was amazing Liz!" He keeps hugging me. I love it.
Once we're back home and humming Soft Fuzzy Man, I kiss Charlie and we get into bed because we're both extremely tired.
"Today was amazing, Liz." Charlie smiles.
"Yeah. I'm glad I could make it that way!" I grin and kiss her.
"I love you." They say.
"I love you to, Charlie." I smile.
Then we fall asleep.

A/N: yes i did make them lemon demon fans, what are you going to do about it? but anyways hope you enjoyed this! it's pretty simple but i tried to make it entertaining :) happy valentine's day!

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