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Zach desperately tried to open his dang dang diggity danga dang Book again but of course it refuse. He is in his room and it was nearly 3 A.M. he slammed his head on his table in frustration.

"But what's in you?" He asked hopelessly. "Are clues options? I'll take Super Important Clues for one hundred please," of course, he had expecting nothing.

Jessy walked in, annoyed by the commotion. "Are you being existential again or what?"

Zach slammed his head down again, as if that would solve anything. "Nope, I just want to know something that might be in the book.

There was a loud thud next to Zach. He practically jumped out of his skin.

The Book has opened and wasn't sending them anymore.

Jessys eyes widened, "I'm reading it first," she said as she sprang for the book.

Zach quickly shoved her, "chill, well both read it!"

They couldn't turn the pages so they could only see two. Clearly the beginning was missing but hey, this is a start.

~     ~     ~

"Who are you?" Said a girl. She had long, light brown hair. "How come you know my name?"

"Cmon Tori," said a boy with red hair. "Ya know me... unless... hey how old are you?"

"Uh," the girl wasn't very skinny but she was rather tall. And by tall, I really mean average for the age of a sixteen year old girl. "That's confidential."

The boy ran his hands through his hair. "'Confidential?!' Ah jeez Tori, you really haven't met me!" He stomped on the ground. "Aight, well, for starters, my name is Will. And I already know that your name is Victoria. And first things first, we gotta get you on an adventure asap."

"Wait what-"

"Look at you, you don't even got a sword or trash panda or cape or anything! I'm taking you with me on an adventure." Will grabbed Victoria wrist.

"No, wait, what?!"

"Is there a particular adventure you had in mind?"

Victoria looked at the ground as she pondered for a moment.She had always grown up with fairy tales and the like, with tales of brave knights and dragons. Lot of dragons. "...can we go fight a dragon?"

Will heard the timidness in her voice and suddenly realized something. Victoria had once told him that her first adventure was with him. Since this was the first time she had met him from her perspective, she didn't know how to do anything.

Maybe that would be a good start Will thought to himself. Fighting dragons was honestly one of the easier adventures for them. "Of course we can do that Tori."

She smiled.

There was a lot of unsaid responsibility on Will now. This would be Victoria's first adventure. He had to keep her safe and make sure it was perfect. If it turned out bad, their timeline could get totally messed up. But of course, Will was the master of his own fate.

Will held Victoria's hands and she blushed. It was the same way you held someone when asking for a dance. Not in the sense that they were physically close but the way the nobles would dance. They were together yet they hardly knew each other.

Will calmly closed his eyes and thought of where he wanted to go. He had done this a million times before, it was practically an art.

When he opened his eyes again, the two partners were at the mouth of a cave. That was Will's first Mistake.

Victoria quickly let go of Wills hands as she ran and bent over in pain.

"I-I probably should have mentioned to close your eyes, I'm so sorry!" Will began to curse at himself. The thing about traveling across multiverses, you will feel sick if you see the space between multiverses. It's even worse the first couple of times.

"You-you should feel fine in a second! I-I think..." This was nothing like his first adventure. On Wills first adventure, everything had gone so smoothly.

Shakily, Victoria stood up, "d-don't worry about it, I'm fine. I think."

"Okay, I'll definitely tell you next time when you gotta do a certain thing." As he said this, he suddenly had two elbow blades appear. The had come from nothing, or so it had seemed. Of course, they had come from the magic within his metallic cufflets.

"Whoa," Victoria said softly to herself.

"Adventure?" Will said.

Victoria nodded, "Adventure!"

Together, they ventured into the cave.

"So," Victoria began, "is this like a friend date?"

Will looked at her with confusion, "a friend date?Is that even an actual saying in any multiverse?"

"Sure, why not?" Said Victoria in a very optimistic tone.

"Ah jeez," Will said as he hopped off a low ledge, "no offense Tori, but how'd your standards turn out so low?"

Victoria followed Will as she carefully climbed down the same ledge. "Well, this is gonna sound super weird but I got this thing where I can dream the future. One time I had a dream where I was dating this guy and he acted a lot like you. But You're probably not him cuz he had this really weird mask, so we can do a friend date.  Also I had like, a really puffy and pretty dress and I think it was like a masquerade I think? But then there was this guy... I ended up with a knife in my hand..." she stopped herself and began to laugh at herself, "I know, that's really stupid, thinking I can dream the future."

Will chuckled, "hm, yeah, weird..." but the truth was, it wasn't weird. After all, it was part of the reason they could easily travel across multiverses.

The cave was now more of a cavern as it increased in size. There were stalactites and stalagmites which were dangerously sharp. It grew hotter and hotter. The heat grew slowly in the same manner as water. Entering is not a problem, and the increasing heat is unnoticeable until it begins to boil. Our protagonist were now at that boiling point.

"H-hey, Will?" Victoria inquired, "how can you deal with this heat in that cape?" She was practically melting.

Mistake Number Two. 

Without another word, Will threw down his elbow blade, unbuttoned his cape, and buttoned it on Victoria. He calmly picked up hid elbow blades again and continued walking.

Victoria blinked for a moment trying to understand what had happened. After a brief moment, her mind remembered where she was and her body temperature was at a comfortable level.

She awkwardly ran to catch up to Will. The boiling point no longer existed to her.

"So, uh-" before she could say another word, Victoria was cut off.

"Welp, there's your dragon," Will said pointing downward. They had reached a steep cliff and several feet below them lay a dragon which was curled up around a large chest.

Will turned to Victoria and winked at her, "adventure~" without a second thought, he walked off the cliff.

"No, wait!" Victoria tried to reach out to him but failed.

Will was definite falling, but before he fell too much, he caught himself on the rock with his elbow blades. Before reaching the bottom, he let go and landed with grace.

Victoria tried to carefully climb down the cliff, but slipped. I guess this is what happens when you don't know what your doing.

To her luck, Will was half expecting this and caught her with ease.

They blushed.

Victoria was the first to break the silence, "...that dragons not gonna wake up is he?"

Will laughed as he put her down, "did you just assume their gender?"

She had finally found him. The one. The biggest a**hole to ever exist.

"Correction, I'm a smug a**hole, not a normal a**hole."

"Did you just fourth-"

"Gotta get that treasure ya kno," Will said as he retrieved his elbow blades.

Victoria didn't know whether to frown at Will or smile because treasure. Either way, she had to walk towards the same general vicinity.

So here they stood, standing face to face with a dragon. Will, having been on several adventures so this no more threatening than a goose. Sure they're spawns of Satan because but at the same time no ones ever used them for a horror film so, ya kno. Meanwhile, Victoria saw the creature for what it was-

"OMG ITS SO PRETTY!" Do you mind letting me narrate?! Jeez that's the only fun thing I get to do anymore...

Will looked at the girl blankly, "pretty?"

Victoria looked Will dead in the eye. "I'm gonna pet the dragon," she said bluntly.

"Tori that's as safe as petting a goose. Sure no ones ever made a horror film outta em but they're still-" well you get the point.

Nonetheless, Victoria extended her hand. Will did nothing to stop her. If he had a magical item he could summon anything out of, he totally would have pulled out a bag of popcorn.

She touched the dragon and he sprang up.


Victoria leapt back as Will shouted "go get the chest, I got this!"

Victoria did as she was told and ran towards the dragon who was so easily distracted by Will. She quickly opened the old chest to reveal-!

"A... little kid drawing?" I give up. Victoria turned to the dragon who now stared at her with mild fear. "I thought dragons protected treasure?"

Will, who was exhausted, collapsed with approximately zero f***s to give. He didn't pass out or anything, he just collapsed the way angsty teen do.

The dragon began to flail around as a smaller one imerged from a smaller cave, "ITS TREASURE TO MEEEE"

"Daddy?" Said the smaller dragon, "what's going on?"

Will groaned in annoyance as Victoria began to laugh.

"Congrats us," Will said as he covered his face, "we found some drawings of a lil kid."


"Okay we're done here," without a second thought, Will ran after Victoria grabbed her hand, no longer holding his elbow blades. "Eyes closed, now," he said in a demanding tone that drove a shiver up Victoria's spine. She did as she was told.

Not a second later did Victoria notice the scent of salt. Will let go as Victoria slowly opened her eyes, although it's always hard to do that with that dang burning orb in the sky. Once her eyes had suggested, she realized she was at a beach.

There was Will, sitting on the sand and hugging his knees, wind blowing his messy, dark, red hair. Maybe he was annoyed, maybe he was calm. It was somewhat hard to tell.

"Hey..." after paying closer attention, this wasn't a beach. There wasn't even a sun. The surrounding area was pure white and the ocean was merely a small creek. Or maybe there was a beach but the scenery changed.

Will said nothing. He simply looked up, looking somewhat hurt.

And so she looked back at him, trying to understand what went wrong. Have no words to say, Victoria returned his cape. For all she knew, it was something of sentimental value and that's why he was upset.

"...Tori?" He said, his voice somewhat strained.

Victoria giggled, "...your hair's a mess."

"I'm sorry," Victoria couldn't understand why, but he began to sob. "I totally screwed this up for you. Now you're never gonna go on another adventure ever again and probably never talk to me... honestly, I wouldn't blame you. I always did have a habit of messing you up somehow..." he turned back to the creek, trying to hide his tears that had already been exposed.

Victoria sat next to Will and hugged him. She barely knew him but she did know that he need comforting. "I'll just get right to it. I have no idea what you're talking about. But I know I will eventually. Give me that opportunity. Honestly, this was so much fun, I don't know how you can say it was bad! I guess that just means that your standards are crazy high. I guess I'll have no chance of reaching em." She smiled.

For a brief moment, Will forgot who he was talking to, "Tori..." his tone was somehow softer. But at the same time, sterner. "You already know that you're perfect. So perfect that you're probably the main character of this awful story I've changed so many times." And then again, his tone changed. The way it was before. Slightly higher pitched and sweeter. "Haha, I'm getting so distracted, you don't even know what this is," he said pointing to the small creek.

"Enlighten me you smug a**hole. What is this bullsh*ttery I see in front of me and why does it look vaguely familiar?"

Will hesitated for a moment before saying, "I can't tell you exactly, but it's a link. Everyone's got a thing that links em to other people mentally. Maybe one person maybe a hundred. As long as it's strong connection; platonically, romantically, whatever, they can see their link."

"So weirdo, who ya linked to? Looks like you only got one friend or something."

Will sighed, "that's the part I can't quite tell you." Will stood up and held Victoria's hand.

He looked at her like she was the sun. She was bright and burning and always full of something. But of course, the sun is bright and hurts. The longer you look, the worse you feel. The sun is always beautiful but no one can really notice it until it's leaving, or perhaps, worse yet, gone.

Will stood by himself now in the vast nothingness, his only company was that if a creek which he couldn't even bare to look at.

~ ~ ~

Of course, they had no idea who these people were. Sure they had been mentioned, but they didn't know them.

Ahhh it's so late I meant to do this Valentine's Day and it's now 12:01 am of the next day smh. I'm sorry wish Makers hasn't been upd8ed I've been super busy ;; I hope this M7 upd8 works for y'all, I know it's longer than usual and this scene happened sooo much earlier than I anticipated but then again the final version of this story won't be a book, it'll be a webcomic *wonk*

If you've made it this far please don't forget to vote on this and follow me for more stories ~ goodnight yall!

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