Not Enough Drama: Part I

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Zach woke up in a desk at school. Except it wasn't his school. Nor where the lights probably working.

Sh*t, I'm in a horror film aren't I?! Zach thought to himself.

At the front of the room was the teachers desk. Kanji was on the black board. Although I am the narrator, I don't know how to read kanji so I therefore do not know what it means. I will ask my friend later.

On the desk, was a woman wearing too much black. Her hair was too long to be not in a mess and her dress was too long to not be tripped over. She had two too small arms to be human. This did not appear comical, but more like an over the top creepy villain oc. Oh wait, that's why her arm are so short! They're just stubs.

"So, you're awake." She had the voice of a terribly dubbed anime. Like, when it's a kids anime and the villain has a weird gravelly voice that isn't normal at all and sounds slightly ridiculous but you also can't help but feel your spine tingle a little. Yeah, you know what I mean.

"U-um, who are you?! Please don't kill me!"

"That's not a way to greet an old enemy."

"We just met!"

"What's the date?"

"September the 14th. And-and the only reason I-I remember that in th-this terrifying situation is because Jessy wouldn't shut up about Hiveswap!"

"Hiveswap, you say?" Everything about this person screamed edgy oc, down to her voice, movement, and too dark color scheme. "Ah yes. I recall an enemy speaking of Hiveswap. This is the day we first meet according to you. How lovely."

I'd rather have not enough drama then deal with whatever is happening here! Zach thought to himself.

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