I stood ontop a large building, overlooking the city for any criminal or villain. Anything would be useful at this point. I had to find out what's going on.
Luckily I picked something up on the scanner, likely a mugging. But I'd take my chances. So I jumped down, face first. About halfway down, I activated my cape to glide to my location.
I landed in the alleyway see two men holding a women against the wall.
"Let the women go" I orded as I slowly approached the men.
"Well, ain't it the Dark Knight" the first man said with a smirk. I could tell he had some sort of water quirk since he looked like a fish. I couldn't tell what the second man had yet.
"What do you know about the League of Villains?" I asked before doing anything. The two looked at each other and laughed. The second man ran at me. He was pretty slow, so was able to do a simple dodge under and punch his side, making him stagger a bit.
Taking the chance, I grabbed his neck and slammed him to the ground. The first man grabbed the women and used her as a hostage. I reached for my utility belt.
"Dont even." The man said putting a knife to the women's throat. "Dont make a move."
"I don't need to" I said making him confused. A man walked up behind him and smacked him in the head, knocking him out. "I had it handled... Red Riot."
"Well, I thought you could've used a hand" He turned his attention to the women. "You alright Ma'am?" He asked getting a nod. "Police are on their way. Now, excuse me while I deal with the Vigilante" red Riot smirked at me before running at me.
I smirked as I grabbed my grapple gun and hoisted myself up the building. I saw red Riot climb up the fire exit. I ran towards the edge but stopped.
"I didn't need your help" I turned around to Red Riot.
"I know. But it's a perfect time to give you these" He said pulling out a folder from a pouch he wore.
"Are these about the HPSC?" I asked taking them.
"Yeah, they are. I'm getting real deep. How about Shoto, get anything from him yet?" Red Riot asked.
"Not yet. But I'm hoping he can help me take down that trash bag hero" I said putting the folder away.
"Why do you hate him so much? I keep people have their reasons like mine. But what about you?" Red Riot asked.
"Let's just say, we're not so different when it comes to Endeavor, Kirishima" I answered stepping to the edge.
"Hey. When I'm I going to get to know who you are?" Kirishima asked as I just chuckled and jump and using my grapple hook to get to the next rooftop. Before using it, I heard "So cool" from Red Riot.
I landed on the roof top and ran and jump off and glided away.
I sat on a roof looking over the contents of the folding while eating some take out. Unlike previous helmet, this one allowed the bottom part to slid open access for food while on missions.
"So, you take snack breaks now?" Heard a feminine voice behind me, causing me to close my mask.
"What do you need, Lizardy? And you can tell Welder to come out" I said standing up and turned around to be face to face with Lizardy, AKA Setsuna Tokage and Welder AKA Yosetsu Awase coming out of the shadows.
"How did-"
"X ray vision. I can see you anywhere and behind anything if your in my radius. I can see all the way down to your bones" I explained as I interrupted Welder.
"So that's your quirk?" He asked.
"Nope, that's all technology. I'm not revealing my quirk to anyone. So what do you want?" I asked.
"Welder wanted to try an take you in. But I persuaded him not to, temporarily. But I think you know why I'm here" she said walking up to me and handed me something.
"I owe you one" I said putting it away. I noticed that Welder was looking at me suspiciously.
"Not here. Maybe next time." I said turning around.
"You're no fun" she pouted. "Alright, lets go" she said as she jumped down with Welder right behind her. I just smiled at the women before gathering my things and left.
(Sorry for not posting anything. Moving is kind of a bitch. Especially during the winter months. This was just a quick story I could put out so you don't get bored. If you like stories without the commentary, let me know and I can put out a mix of stories with and without commentary. Until next time)
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