1. Introduction

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"Hello all you wonderful viewers" A figure said standing on a stage. The room was like a theater with a big screen. The room was filled with many people. "I am here to show you something magnificent."

"I thought this was supposed to be a normal movie" I heard someone ask.

"In a way it is. But it's all real events throughout the Multiverse" the figure said. The multiverse? Who exactly is this guy?

"Yeah right. I want my money back" I turned to see the one and only Kacchan standing up.

"OH don't you worry. You'll like this. Trust me." The figure said turning around. "But let me explain. The Multiverse is surrounded by one singular point. The general theory is that it's the earth itself. But it's not"

"Then what is it?" Someone asked. I turned to see... Rody?! How is he here?

"I was just about to answer that." The figure turn around. "But before I do. Please call me anything you like." He paused before continuing. "But that singular point is a person and that person is Here"

I looked around to see if could spot them. But everyone else was looking around. Now that I'm actually looking around, I can see who's actually here. Class 1A and 1B are here. The teachers are here. Some pro Heroes are here. And many others are here.

All of a sudden a bright light flashed on me, making me cover my eyes.

"He's right here. That singular point is none other than Izuku Midoryia." The man pointed directly at me.

"Deku!" I looked to see Kacchan flying. I put my hands up activating 2% to protect myself. But when I looked, he was in his seat again.

"I won't tolerate attacking or Quirk usage in my theater. But is there any questions before I start?" The man asked.

"How do we know this is all true?" A girl asked. The man smile as a bunch of squars appeared on the screen. But each square was a different person. No, it was all the same person, me.

I could feel everyone look at me. That didn't help with my already terrible self esteem and social confidence.

"Yo look, it's Midoryia as a girl" I heard someone point out. A square got larger showing that it was me as a girl. I started to go all red. There was a few chuckles going throughout the theater.

"Looks like we'll start with that one" the man said as a video started to play.

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