11. Failure

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What was it? That moment... when our eyes met... How did I feel so calm and yet... he seemed afraid of me? Like a wild animal, ready to flee if I even flinched. For some reason, when he stopped to stare at me, looking so wary and timid, I wanted to touch him, and show him that I wanted no harm.

"Oh, hell no...!"

Then he laughed, but he was far from amused. I didn't understand why he kept saying no, because it looked like he was speaking to me, like I had said or asked something stupid. I could see something in his eyes, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. But he was anxious, that I knew in my heart... somehow...

Before Jaden turned his back on me, he seemed angry. His friends followed him towards the exit, and I couldn't stop myself from taking a couple of steps after them. I wanted to follow him. It had nothing to do with Jack or the job I was supposed to do for him. I just... wanted to follow him. Wherever he was going.

I shook my head and stopped, looking at the floor. It was easier to think when I didn't see him.

What was it? What was it all about? I could have tried to make myself believe it was just a weird stroke or I was hallucinating due to getting hit in the head a few times, but Jaden had reacted at the same moment as I had. I'd felt his presence and his aura in so many different levels... It was nothing I had ever felt before. So... was it possible... he had felt something similar?

That thought followed me throughout the day. Sometimes I stopped to wonder why I wasn't freaking out, but I was still too calm to freak out. All I had to do was think about his green eyes and I suddenly didn't care about anything. That should have freaked me out, but I just... didn't.

I didn't see Jaden anymore during the rest of the day. That was really bad. I was supposed to meet Jack after school, and now I had absolutely nothing to tell him. For a moment, I thought about running and hiding, but I knew things would only get worse for me if I tried to avoid seeing him.

So, when the last class was dismissed, I took my stuff, put on my winter coat and started heading towards the parking lot. Every step I took was slow and forced. I was afraid. I knew I would get hurt now, but I still walked towards my doom. Somehow, I managed to keep myself together, and too soon, I arrived at the parking lot.

Jack wasn't there yet, so I waited. I wanted to laugh at my own pitiful self for obediently awaiting him, even though I knew I would only get hurt. I wanted to start crying for not being able to do anything about it. I was too small, too weak and too scared to do anything.

"So... I take it you failed."

I stopped breathing when I heard Jack's mean voice behind me. I couldn't move my body at all. My vision turned blurry since the tears were finally coming down on my face.

Happy Birthday to me...

"Worthless piece of thrash! I heard what you did!"

I was suddenly on the ground, my head deep in the snow, and I felt a fist thrusting deep between my ribs, but when I opened my mouth to whimper in pain, it was swallowed by the cold snow.

"You said something to Jaden! You stupid piece of shit!"

Jack was angry. He was beyond angry and I could feel it in my body. I wasn't counting how many hits I got, and to make things worse, I couldn't breathe under the snow, and under him. He kept yelling, but I couldn't hear him.

And then... All of a sudden... he wasn't there anymore. A strong hand grabbed me by the arm and pulled my head up, so I could breathe again. My senses were still a blur, and I couldn't see anything in a moment, but I could have sworn I heard something.

A deep growl. I was sure I heard it.

But when I finally was able to see something, I saw no dogs. There was only vice principal Hanson towering over me, staring at Jack and his six friends with fury written all over his face.

And Jack... He seemed to be ready to fight. So did his friends. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. They had no respect towards the older man. We were completely alone at the corner of the parking lot, and if those seven students decided to take their anger on the Vice Principal, he would lose. The Black Thorns were dangerous people! Even the young ones! Everyone knew that, but if Hanson was new, he probably didn't know about it!

I was about to panic. The atmosphere around us was oozing danger, and the look on Jack's face was enough to assure me I was about to witness a murder. I had never seen, or felt, such madness in someone. And right now Jack was completely mad. Crazy. Thirsty for blood.

And then...

"Try me," Hanson said. With a smirk on his lips. I had never seen a smile like that. He knew he could take down every single one of them. And they knew that too.

Jack snorted, acting all tough, but I could feel the change in his aura. It was like he had come to his senses and his survival instinct had finally kicked in. Without saying a word, they retreated slowly, keeping a close eye on the vice principal.

Once they had gotten into their cars and drove off the parking lot, Mr. Hanson turned to look at me. He frowned when our eyes met, looking almost shocked, like he didn't expect to see me there.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"O-Oliver, sir..."

"Oliver," he muttered almost absentmindedly. "Are you hurt?" he asked with a kind tone, crouching over me.

I was stupid enough to shake my head. I was still too scared of Jack to say anything. My back and sides were burning, and I feared I had even broken bones, but still, I couldn't say it out loud.

"I-I'm... f-fine..."

"No, you're not," he sighed, and helped me up on my feet. "They won't get away with this so easily. Trust me. I have zero tolerance for bullying," he spoke, turning to glare after the cars in the distance.

I wanted to feel grateful, but I couldn't. Mr. Hanson had something to do with the Blue Moons. I remembered that at that moment. He was most likely a part of their gang, because what happened just now wasn't a vice principal confronting misbehaving students. It was two enemies crossing paths with each other, and I just happened to get in their way.

"I... I s-should... go h-home now..." I mumbled, trying to stop shivering in cold and fear, but when Mr. Hanson turned to look down at me again, it got ridiculously hard to stay calm.

If I thought Tilly had the strongest aura of a fighter around here... I was utterly wrong. This man had seen and experienced things I could only see in movies. He could definitely take down seven kids at once, and probably with only using one hand.

"You should go see a doctor," Mr. Hanson said with a frown.

"I'm fine," I said, and forced a small smile on my lips. "It's just... It's just a few b-bruises..." I ended up stammering softly when he squinted his eyes at me.

"I must call your parents first," he said, but I shook my head.

"I'm an... orphan... sir," I said.

He straightened his posture and took a closer look at me. "Oh... you're him...? The kid from the group home?"

"Yes, sir," I nodded.

He suddenly seemed a bit uncomfortable around me, but that was nothing new. He had that 'poor kid' look on his face, which was painfully familiar to me by now.

"I must go now," I said, using this opportunity for my advantage. "I'll tell the staff what happened – we have a nurse, so I can just go see her," I added, feeling grateful that my voice wasn't shaking anymore.

"Y-Yes, perhaps that's for the best," Mr. Hanson spoke – I could tell he wasn't sure what he should do with me, so he took my offer. "I hope you will come to me if Mr. Thorn – or anyone else for that matter – doesn't leave you alone. Like I said, I have zero tolerance for violence in this school. I will make this place different, just watch me."

I nodded, because I didn't know what to say. I wanted to believe him, but... I just couldn't trust him.

He let me go after that. I had to walk slowly and ignore the pain as long as he was watching. I just wanted to go home. I didn't care about anything else. I just wanted to be left alone, now that I was safe from Jack.

For now...

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