Give Up the Fight

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"We should probably head back...we have work tomorrow," I tell Billie sleepily. "Yeah, it's getting late...Unless, y'know, you wanna skip work tomorrow?" Billie asks. I shake my head and look back at the bright lights of the junkyard. "Alright, lets go then," he says somberly. I don't know what happened but once Billie and I sat down and began to look at the lights I became saddened. This usually happens and that's one of the main reasons I don't have many friends.
"I'm sorry," I manage to say on our quiet walk back to the car. "Don't be. You didn't do anything wrong," he forgives me while he unlocks his car doors. Once we're inside, I look at my phone and see that Ben texted me.

Ben: what you did tonight wasn't funny...wait to see what I have planned for you you whore

I decide not to tell Billie because it's not his problem what Ben is going to do to me. Plus, I already screwed this up, so what's the point in making it worse? Out of the corner of my eye, I see Billie staring at me, and I decide to look his way with a plastered smile. "What?" I ask softly, tilting my head to the side slightly. "It's hard not to stare at a pretty person," he smirks. I laugh slightly and turn away as I blush. "You're adorable I hope you know," he continues as he drives me home. "You haven't even seen my bad side yet," I tell him. "Yeah right! You don't have a bad side!" he insists.

"I do!"

"Yeah right!"

"We could go at this all night," I pout, crossing my arms.

"Fine, prove that you have a bad side," Billie persists.

"Fine! For one, I swear like a f*cking sailor. Two, I'm super competitive. Thirdly, I have no sense of direction with my life. And four, I decided to go on this date with you," I joke with him, laughing to myself as he acts offended.

"Hold up! I'm literally the best guy you'll ever meet!" he flatters himself. I roll my eyes and look out the window. As I look out the window, I realize that Billie took a wrong turn. "My apartment's back that way," I point in the opposite direction. "I know...I-I thought we could, um...go out cream," he suspiciously smiles at me as he continues to drive away from my apartment. I panic for a brief moment and he quickly catches on. "Please don't freak out...I saw...him..." he trails off. "Sh*t," I mumbled to myself as my heart begins to race. "If you want, I can drop you off at Jill's; I don't think she'll mind. Or if you have another friend, I'm happy to take you there as well, or if you want to wait for him to leave, I'll wait for you to get inside your apartment safely," he offers. "I think I can just go inside my apartment...I've dealt with him like this before," I tell Billie even though I'm nervous as hell, but it comes out confidently. "Look, I know it's not my decision what you do, but I really don't think you should go back to your apartment until he leaves," he says nervously. I weigh out my options and end up saying, "If you don't mind, can you just drop me off on the opposite side of my apartment building and I promise I'll text you when I get inside?" I insist.

He hesitantly taps his fingers on the steering wheel and turns around to go back to my apartment. "Thank you," I tell him, placing my hand on his in an attempt to calm him down. He sighs deeply and sullenly and I take my hand off of his. "Let me walk you to your door at least," he persuades me, grabbing my hand lightly and with worry. His hands are warm and his heart is beating fast—I can feel his pulse simply by holding his hand. "If it'll make you feel better," I tell him, which causes him to become panicky.
Billie walks close to me and wraps his arm around my waist tightly. I take a look around the parking garage and don't see any trace of Ben, luckily. As we continue on, we get to my floor quietly and see a figure nervously pacing the halls. Billie's grip gets tighter as we approach slowly. Ben paces, mumbling to himself with tears in his eyes. I look down the hall and see that my apartment door was kicked it. Our eyes meet and my heart rate speeds up, Billie takes notice and lightly moves me behind him. "You're home," he says, slurring his words. His eyes are bloodshot and his sharp cheekbones are stained with tears. "What did you do to the door?" Billie asks calmly, peering over Ben's large shoulders. "She wouldn't open it, and I got nervous that she was hurt. I'm so sorry," he takes a step forward as he cries even more, and Billie backs up—so do I since I'm behind him. "What-Why-why are you acting like I'm crazy?" Ben questions us with a shakiness to his voice. "I think you should go home, love," I persuade him. Billie glances at me with a heartbroken gaze. He turns back forward, a little less confident than before. Of course, Ben isn't actually "love" to me, but it's surprising how many times it's worked to make him give up the fight.

He wipes away his tears and his breathing gets heavier. He sighs angrily and walks towards us, but Billie stays put and watches Ben with focus. He walks past us and goes down the hall without saying anything else. Once he's out of sight Billie says, "I'm bunking on your floor tonight." I walk over to my broken door on the ground. "I don't even think I can stay here without a door, so..." I trail off. "Okay, well, you can't stay here, so you can stay at my place, or someone else's, but now, I'm definitely not letting you stay here alone," he states firmly, crossing his arms over his chest. I narrow my eyes and look at him defensively, "I don't need you to protect me. I'm perfectly capable myself." His eyes widen and he begins to stammer, "N-No! That's not what I meant! I-I just meant that maybe you'd feel safer if-if you stayed with someone because the door is off the hinge and-and Ben is out there doing whatever! I just want you to feel safe." I laugh slightly, "Dude, I'm f*cking with you. Of course I'm not staying here by myself. Let's go." I walk over my broken door in order to get inside. "Okay, not cool. I thought you were actually mad at me," he says, following me inside.

Bear immediately greets Billie and I. "Let me just grab a couple things and then we can go," I say, walking in my room and grabbing a bag. I throw in some essential items for hygiene, clothes for tomorrow, and other things that I couldn't live without. I walk out and see Billie playing with the dog that's bigger than he is. "I forgot about him..." I trail off, pointing to Bear. "I don't mind. I love dogs," he says, "...and cats..." he mumbles with a smirk, but I can still hear what he says. "You're disgusting, but I guess your loser personality levels it all out," I quip. "Rude," he says as we walk to his car with Bear at my side.

We are just friends. Nothing more. Friends have sleepovers all the time. This is fine.

A/N: heyyy beautiful people! How are u all doing? Sorry I took awhile to update! My week's been a lil hectic! Happy Thanksgiving to anyone who celebrates it!

Also, I'm thinking about making a Green Day imagines book, what do u all think??

Anyways, please comment and vote if u enjoyed this chapter! It really means a lot! Ilyasm! XOXO

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