The Moon's Looking Lovely, isn't it?

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I sigh as I wake up and turn the alarm off. Rubbing my eyes I look at the clock,

I whisper to myself as I get down from the bed and walk up to the brown framed windows. Seeing the sun rise from beneath the forests and hills, I admire it and stare for a bit long, the skies turn into a hue of pastels of pink and yellow. The blue slowly takes over those colors and my routine takes over me. It's the first day of school, High school. A bit exciting and a lot of uneasiness, shaking those feelings off, I tidy up the room and change into my school uniform. Tying my hair up in a horse-tail, I stroll down the stairs,
"Good morning, love."

My dad greets me with a smile on his face and his wrinkly eyes,

"Good morning, dad."
"Sit and have some breakfast."

Sitting down, I dip a piece of bread smeared with butter in the pumpkin soup and bite into it.
"How's it?"

"Better than mum's"

He laughs and his eyes get a bit wet before he blinks those thoughts away.

"I know right! Excited about school?"

"Very, a bit nervous, though."

"Ah, that's expected. Don't be worried, though, it'll go fine, okay?"


We continue eating till the clock turns 7 and I leave for school after kissing him and my mum's portrait goodbye.

Walking down the narrow trail with tall Sal trees on either side, I hear the swallows sing and the wolves woof. It's nice living in a cottage on the hills and in a forest. The air's fresh and the plants decorate the hills even more. The sun's rays reach here but it's cool and pleasant. Skipping down the trails, my eyes fall on a group of butterflies hovering over a pasture of sunflowers and lilies. I smile at them and continue walking down the path and upon reaching the blue and white painted school building, I take a deep breath and smile to myself whispering 'it'll be okay' in my head as I enter the school. All the classrooms are painted in a gradient of orange and pink pastels with vertical white strips running from the ceiling to the bottom of the wall. The colors compliment the students' pastel red shirts and their white jackets. At last, in the extreme end of the corridor of the first floor, I enter mine. Looking at the seating list stuck beside the blackboard, I walk to my assigned seat, beside the window and sit down while keeping my bag down. None of the people in the classroom have noticed me, chattering their thoughts away. I wait for my seat-mate, Lucy Fernsby. Her name reminds me of my mums', Lucy Fletcher. I turn to the window and look at the burning ball of flame adorned with cotton like clouds. A sea of blue resides in the back-ground. Here, there are so many more cottages, shops etc. The land here, embraces the small plants and bushes. The cottages are endowed with pretty, little, flowering creepers. There's a water-fall in the distance. Not see-able but the falling of the water from the high mountains to the plain land creates a sound that of a roar. It's calming, though. It takes me some time to notice the reflection of a girl on the glass. She's standing beside the bench and looking at me nervously. Her brown framed green eyes are a lot like my mothers', except hers' are fidgety and uneasy and mum's were always happy with a fire of excitement burning. My mum also had glasses, brown with black stripes. I avert my vision from the window to her,


I say, greeting her. She replies back with a softer "Hello".

"Ma-Marie Fletcher?"

"Yes. Lucy Fernsby?"


I smile at her and pat the empty space next to me. Her eyes soften and become wet. Her eyes suddenly turn into a sadder version of themselves. She blinks those feeling away before sitting down and smiling back. Relief and a different kind of happiness embrace her eyes, something which I cannot make out of. It etches some questions in my brain, but for now, I shake them away as our class teacher walks in and shuts the door behind her,

"Good Morning, dear students, I am Evelyn Smith-Turner and I'll be the class teacher of you all for this year....


The bell rings indicating the beginning of lunch. Lucy and I have shared quite a lot of things in the classes. I've got to know about her mum and dad dying when she was 2. She's gotten to know about my mum's death last month. It's a miracle, that I'd not shed a single tear while narrating the incidents to her. Some did threaten to escape while reminiscing about my memories with her, all of them. It's surreal. I still can't process it. She was so happy when she left though. Left to buy some vegetables for my dad was to make some of her favorite stew. Her screams had pierced right though my ears, but they never left my brain. The sight of her blood oozing out of her body as that truck hit her. I couldn't believe my eyes at that moment. Horror had run through my veins as her blood covered the road with red. My knees went weak. My whole body went weak. That driver rushed out of the truck to check on her lifeless body but his attention had to be averted towards me as I had, myself, fallen to the ground and darkness had engulfed me whole. I don't know what had happened after as I had woken up later that day in a hospital with my father sitting on the bedside with eyes swollen with grief and sorrow, nose and cheeks red with his tears raining upon them. He had noticed that I woke up and smiled at me in an attempt to lighten the air to which I had smiled back, a broken smile. The air was still as heavy as a boulder, as it sat on our heart and mind. Something had broken in both of us and we both knew it. Still, he and I try our best to get over our loss and be somewhat happy.

"You okay?"

Lucy asks me, her brows knitting themselves into a worried frown, her eyes melting with worry and concern. Strange. It's strange how her eyes and her voice reminds me of her, of my mum, soft with a lace of firmness floating in it. Comforting and soothing.

"Hey? Marie?"

"Y-Yeah, sorry, was thinking about something."

"Oh, you should eat though, the food's getting cold."


I look down at the broccoli staring back at me from the plate. I take a bite of it and sigh again, letting all the clouds of thoughts flow away with the air. I again try focus on the present. A tear, yet again, threatens to free itself from its boundary, from my mind and my eyes.

"I-I'm going to the washroom, I'll be back in 5 minutes."

I tell her in a hurried tone as I fight back those swirls of grief and sorrow, trying to refuse the existence of the storm they're trying to create in my mind and as if naturally, it makes me even more aware of it, even more vulnerable to it. Locking the door behind me, I wash my face and the patches of sadness behind it. Closing the faucet, I whisper to myself,

"You'll be fine, okay? You're strong enough, right?"

I turn away from the sink and walk out of the bathroom only to find an anxious and worried Lucy behind it, holding both of our bags in her clutched hands, her eyes yet again, swirling with concern and worry. They are swollen and wet as if....she was crying?

"Are you okay? Please tell me if something's wrong, honey. Please."


What does she mean by that?

Mum used to call me honey when she was here-

My eyes widen in shock and surprise. Hers widen too as if she's made a mistake and she quickly apologizes for calling me that and returns to 'Marie'.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. What about you?"

"I'm fine too, yes. Want to go home?"


Her lips carve themselves into a thin smile and she takes a deep breath and brings my bags closer to my chest. I take it from her hand and her eyes flicker longing and melancholy, yet...there's a lace of happiness....of relief floating in that longing. The earlier words she feels surreal. It feels familiar. I have the sudden urge to take her with me, to my home.

"H-Hey, want to come to my house?

Her eyes grow bigger, happier. Her lips stretch for a smile to form and again, they remind me of her. Of my mum. She nods and says yes at the same time and weirdly, it makes me happy as well. Very happy. It's as if somewhere within my mind I know it's her. We leave the building with the sun returning to its home. They sky's painted with pretty gradients of pink and blue. A bit of yellow resides in it as well. There are blotches of white in the sky, slowly turning invisible with the darkness engulfing it. We head back towards that road. The air is much colder now. The moon's coming up as well. Lucy walks besides me. She looks very excited for some reason. A big smile covers her face and she's humming a tune. With the roar of the waterfall fading, we finally reach the thin trail surrounded by the trees. It's much darker nowadays, since winter's approaching, much colder. She heaves a shaky breath while rubbing her hands. And suddenly a question comes to the tip of my tongue and without any thinking, I blurt them out for her ears,

"Want to hold hands and run?"
She turns towards me in a dumbstruck gaze. I can feel myself heat up with embarrassment.

"No- Sorry- I didn't mean to-"


Taken aback by her answer, another question falls from my lips,


I smile and hold my hand out for her to take and she takes it. It's so soft, just like hers.

"Ready. Set. Go!"

We both start running towards my house. It feels nice....soaring through the wind and air. I look at her when I hear a laugh leaving her lips. All the worry has vanished from her eyes, instead they glisten with happiness Seeing her laugh, makes me laugh as well. We reach the front door step and she leaves my hand to hold her knees, supporting herself. She looks up and smiles to me as I pant myself,

"The moon's lovely, isn't it?"

I look up at it and it is pretty...glowing with all its might against the darkness revolving around it.

"It is."

I tell her.

"Dad?! I'm home!"

I call out to him. Hearing my voice he replies back,

"Coming, honey!"

He opens the door and greets me with his smile but the moment his eyes fall on Lucy, they widen. His lips start trembling and his voice becomes barely audible.

"Are you okay?"

I ask him.


I look at him with worry flooding my mind,

"What happen-"

"Take care."

That voice strikes something in me, as I turn to look at Lucy but she...

Where's she?

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