Even The Bird Couldn't Tell Me (Chapter 9)

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A few days have passed since my visit to the Sal Terrae with Zhongli and I have been resting. Xingxi forced me to take a few days off because of my injury, and she refused to let me lift even the slightest box, despite me being more than capable. I finally convinced her after pleading to let me help her, and she obliged, regretfully. Xingxi kept a close eye on me as I worked over those few days and would constantly yell at me, saying I was doing too much. As time went by, my injury slowly healed, but there was still a word from Zhongli or even a mere greeting from him.

"Still nothing?" I asked Xingxi as I put a box down on the counter. Xingxi shook her head with a frown. My boss looked at me with a tilted head and a raised brow.

"I'm afraid no. The only letters we've gotten were orders and a few bills. Sorry Outlander." Xingxi sighed. She walked up to me and put her hands on my shoulder. I looked at her, confused.

"You'll be fine, just be patient with him. I'm sure he's just busy." Xingxi laughed. She took her hand off my arm and grabbed another box. I, too, grabbed a box and sighed. I thought for a moment about Xingxi's words, but had to agree. The guy wasn't obligated to talk to me if he didn't want to, but it did feel lonely without a word. The day of work eventually ends, and I walk up to Xingxi, with a question.
"Hey, is it ok if I take tomorrow off?" I questioned Xingxi, hoping she'd oblige. My boss looked at me and nodded, but followed with a raised brow.

"Sure, I don't mind, but may I ask why you suddenly asked? Usually you give me at least a few days' notice." Xingxi questioned. I looked at her and rubbed my head, nervous.

"I want to visit an old friend tomorrow." I smiled. I intended to visit Cloud Retainer, as it had been a few months since I did so. Though, I knew Xingxi would call me crazy if I told her that.

"Very well, have fun then, I'll see you the day after tomorrow then." Xingxi smiled as she waved to me, watching me leave the shop. I waved with a wide smile.

"Thanks Xingxi!" I yelled as I walked out of the shop. I went home and packed for my excursion the next day. Furthermore, I checked my list and smiled, happy I finished packing. Afterward, I went to sleep after packing. The next day went by, and I grabbed my bag, exiting my apartment and locking the door. I started the journey to Cloud Retainer's domain and forgot how hard the journey was. I struggled up the mountains to Huaguang Stone Forest and made it to the valley by noon. Not only that, but I climbed up Mt. Aocang and eventually reached the bird Adeptus's domain. Seeing the stone table, I decide to sit at it and hear a loud squawk coming from inside the domain entrance. Cloud Retainer flew out of her domain, readying to attack, but saw me sitting down.

"Oh, Outlander." Cloud Retainer spoke, steadying her position near the table. The bird Adeptus put her wings down and sighed. She walked closer to me and stood next to the chair I was sitting in

"Sorry, one was just shocked at the sudden presence in one's domain. One must apologize." The Adeptus spoke with a sorry tone. I laughed and looked up at her.

"It's alright. I don't blame you, seeing as I didn't warn you I was coming. I should be apologizing, seeing as I set off your flight or fight response." I laughed. Likewise, I put my bag down by my chair and looked back up at the Adeptus.

"Matters aside, what is the meaning of your sudden visit, Outlander? Normally you would at least tell one you were coming, however, it seems you didn't have this time." Cloud Retainer questioned, while looking down at me.

"It's rather personal, actually. I came here for advice, regarding mortal matters." I nervously laughed. The bluebird Adeptus looked at me with a confused expression, seemingly surprised. I hadn't visited her in a while, and she smiled, realizing I needed her help.

"What is your question, Outlander? One will try to offer an answer, but one is not well versed in the art of mortality." The bluebird Adeptus chirped. Cloud Retainer continued to look at me with anticipation.

"I had a rather interesting experience visiting the Sal Terrae around two weeks ago. A fellow consultant and I went there on a commission to gather more information about the goddess, Havria, but we didn't find much. I was hoping you could fill in some blanks." I explained. Cloud Retainer thought for a moment as she put her wing up to her face, as if she was thinking rather hard.

"Lady Havria was the goddess of salt, but didn't really do much in terms of the Archon War, as you are well aware. Are you sure you're just curious about Lady Havria or is there more to your question?" Cloud Retainer smiled as she glared at me. I widened my eyes at the Adeptus's perceptiveness and laughed.

"You caught me." I admit. I looked back up at her.

"I was more so wondering about Lady Havria's connection to Lady Guizhong. If I may be bold, I've been trying to better understand Lady Guizhong ever since I joined mortal society, but the connections to Lady Havria just seemed like a good excuse to ask." I continued. I sighed as I saw Cloud Retainer frown at the mention of the late Dust goddess.

"Both goddesses were rather close, but their friendship faltered during the war. As one said before, Lady Havria didn't engage with the war and died because of her stubbornness. In one's opinion, the lady was going to die on the ground she stood on. As Adepti, one has no concept of faltering in battle, but one can't be sure of gods and goddesses." Cloud Retainer bluntly spoke. I was shocked at her bluntness, but nodded.

"Friends, huh?" I muttered. I thought for a moment, but Cloud Retainer's story made more sense the more I thought about it. The Adeptus's story was obviously biased toward Lady Guizhong, but I didn't say anything. Cloud Retainer nodded.

"Though, that only answered half of your questions. As for your mortal matters, one would need more information." Cloud Retainer glanced at me.

"The 'mortal matters' are kind of complicated. Have you ever had this feeling where you miss the presence of someone so much you wish you could see them every waking moment? I don't mean like grieving, but maybe a lack of presence even if the person is still alive? I keep feeling this way toward a mortal man I worked with, but I don't know what this feeling is" I looked at Cloud Retainer as I struggled to explain my issue. The Adeptus looked at, pondering my question.

"The mortal man even carried me back to the harbor after our commission because I had been badly wounded by a Fatui officer. Despite my Adeptal body, the wound still hasn't healed, but the man just dropped me and left. I don't know what to do or how to feel." I added. Cloud Retainer continued to think.

"One is afraid to admit that one is just as confused as you are, Outlander. I remember our archon, Rex Lapis, asking one very similar question many millennia ago. If one remembers correctly, Rex Lapis described similar feelings toward Lady Guizhong, but one struggled, even then, to understand our lord's feelings. Rex Lapis told one that mortals called the feeling 'love,' but I am afraid that's all I know." Cloud Retainer replied. I took her story to mind and thought for a moment. I had heard the word 'love' thrown around by mothers to their kids and mortals in relationships, but I had never quite understood its exact definition.

"I suppose that's something." I laughed. I stood up from the chair and grabbed my bag.

"Thank you for the assistance, Cloud Retainer, you're as wise as ever." I smiled, Cloud Retainer looked at me and put her wing on my shoulder, smiling.

"One takes your compliment to heart. You're always welcomed to one's domain, just give one a warning next time." Cloud Retainer laughed. I nodded with a smile, again apologizing for my intrusion. I left Cloud Retainer's domain as I waved and descended back down the mountain. After walking for about an hour, I see a familiar figure sitting in the lake in the valley of the Adepti domains. It was Zhongli and my eyes widened. I was surprised he hadn't been driven from the area, but he looked so peaceful. I simply sat down at a distance and watched Zhongli from a distance, not wanting to interrupt him, but my curiosity couldn't handle to at least stare for a bit.

What is a consultant doing in the Adeptus valley anyway?

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