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Yes, I love you, but no, I don't love you. We promised that we'll be just friends, but here am I, past midnight, thinking that maybe you love me too.

Even when I've been trying and saying that I don't like you anymore, I can't promise that I'll say no if one day you like me and ask me to be with you. I'll still hold on a little, just in case.

Let's play hide and seek. You count and I run and hide. When you can't find me, would you stop looking and give up?

My heart hurts even when I'm wrapping it up so tight with bandages.

Does these dreams mean something at all? Are you dreaming of me too?

You're so secretive and mysterious to me now, when we use to be close. Was it just because you treated me as a simple friend, and now I'm just the same?

I found out that you treated her better than me. I thought I was special, guess I never was.

Was I too late? Now there's this missing part of you in me. I feel so empty, like you just left. Now, what should I do? I can't think anymore.

You shut your door right in my face. Is this a sign or were you just afraid? Did you do it to shut me out, or was it because I came on too strong?

I'll wait, I'll wait in the rain, I'll wait when it shines. Even when my hand is already on the door, I'd let go if you say you want me.

Maybe one day, I'd finally be able to stop being a burden to you.

I'll secretly love you in my heart, I'll keep my questions to myself.

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