T W E N T Y - S I X

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Y/n pov

It has been 1 hour since my dad told finn to leave. I'm so mad at him for running our moment. I just hope he doesn't forbid me to see Finn. I'm watching youtube videos in my bed when someone knock on my door. The door slowly open and I can see my dad.

« Can we talk? » his voice doesn't seem angry. I think that's good news.

"sure" he gets in my room and sit on my bed, beside me.

« Your mother and I talked a lot about that Finn boy...»

« Okay..»

« I really don't like the idea of you being alone with him but I got to realise that you're growing up. You're not my little girl anymore. You're now a young adult. I should trust you. I know you're intelligent and can make the good choice. » he takes a pause and then keep talking.

« So we conclude that you could be alone with Finn in the house at 2 conditions.»
« What?»

« 1. We have to know when you two are gonna be alone and 2 you'll invite Finn to dinner tonight. »

My parents meeting Finn? I'm not sure I really want that to happen but I guess I don't really have a choice.

« Okay thanks dad » I hug him. I can see that he's really emotional. He kiss me on the head and then get up.

"Dad." He turns around to look at me.

« I'm still your girl you know ». His eyes are watering and he nods.

Now I got one thing to do that makes me very anxious. Tell Finn that he has to come to eat dinner with my parents.

Timeskip: dinner time

Finn POV

I ring at her door. I was really surprised when she told me that her father wanted to meet me. I thought he would just forbid me to go in their house forever. But now I'm just really nervous. I need to make a good impression or else my relationship that had just started will end. The door opens and I Y/n. She's all dress up and she looks even more beautiful.

« Hi! »

I tell her with a smile on my face.

« Hi! Come on in. »

I step inside of the house and close the door behind me.

« Honey is that Finn? »

I hear Mélanie say from the kitchen.

« Yes mom. »

Mélanie get in the room with a smile across her face.

« Hi Finn! How are you »

« I'm good thanks! and those are for you. »

I say while handing her the flowers in my hand.

« Aww. You're such a gentleman! You kids can wait in the living room dinner is almost ready. »

Y/n and I go in the living to end up sitting on the couch. But we're not close because we'Re afraid that someone come in the room.

« I'm sorry my father is putting you through this. »

« Nah. Don't worry about it. Meeting your parents on the first day of our relationship has always been my dream ya know. »

She laughs and rolls her eyes.

This is so embarrassing

« No don't worry it's fine. I would have to meet them eventually. »

« yeah but not that soon. »

« don't worry. How are you doing? »

« Good. I just miss Mia a lot. »

« I understand. I'm sure you'll see each other very soon. »

I say while getting closer to her to take her hands. We smile at each others.


We step back and see her father in the room looking at us with a suspicious face. Shit he hates me already.

« dinner's ready kid. »

« Sure dad we're coming. »

We go in the kitchen and I sit next Y/n. Her mom is at one end of the table and her father is at the other end. Her brother is sitting in front of me. I can feel some tension in the air. I'm so uncomfortable.

« So Finn, what are you doing in your life? Are you a student? do you Work? It has been so much time since we've seen you! » says her mother.

« Well actually I'm actor. I play Mike in Stranger things and Richie in the movie It. I also did smaller character but those were my main ones. »

« Stranger things that tells me something. I think Y/n watched. Is that the show that you talk about all the time honey? »

Y/n blushes a bit. I didn't know that she liked stranger things that much.

« Yes mom. »

« We should watch it! What do you think Mark? »

« yeah maybe. »

Mark looks more interest in watching my every move than watching Stranger things with his wife.

« God. Mark arrête d'agir comme ça! tu vas le rendre mal à l'aise. Son chum ne viendra plus jamais ici. (Stop acting like that! Her boyfriend will never come back.) »

« Est-ce que ça serais si terrible que ça? (would that be so bad?) »

I once again didn't understand but I see that Mélanie looks mad. Liam suddenly raises his head.

« C'Est son CHUM?!! (that's her boyfriend?) »

I see all of them nod and the little boy looking at me.

« I have a girlfriend too you know. »
He says while eating his potatoes. I'm confused. Since when does he speaks English? He probably learnt a few words by staying in vancouver. But why is he saying that he has a girlfriend?

« Look at me. »
he says while pointing at me with his fork.

« You better give her cookies at recess cause that's how you treat a girl with kindness. »

« Of course. »

« And chocolate chips are the best. Ask your mom to do some. »

We're all really surprise and we all laugh.

« Wait Liam are you giving the chocolate chips cookies that I make you to a girl? »

« Sorry mom. That's what it takes to be a good boyfriend. »

Hi guys! sorry I took so long before posting. I just really didn't know where I wanted my story to go. I reflected a lot and I decided that the next chapter is gonna be the last one. I'm also sorry for this weird and short. I just wanted to do a chapter before the last one. Hope u still like it.


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