Chapter 2- Wakanda

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Bucky woke up with a start, his whole body hurt, and he was in a cold sweat from nightmares. He sat up slightly and looked around, he certainly recognised the place, though he couldn't place his finger on where he was.
After just a few seconds, it hurt too much to sit up, so he lay back and stared at the ceiling, and felt the place where his metal arm should be, but it wasn't there. It didn't bother him too much, he had other things occupying his head. Where was he? He recognised the place but couldn't put his finger on it.
Then panic hit him. Where is Sam? He thought Is he alright? Is he alive? Suddenly, Bucky didn't care about the pain, he sat up sharply and looked around, sweat dripping down his forehead.

"White Wolf! You're awake!" Said a friendly, cheerful voice. The person came in, followed by someone in an identical medical bed to Bucky's.
"Shuri?" Bucky asked, "where's Sam?"
"Over here asshole," a pained voice called from the bed behind Shrui.
Bucky was so relived to hear his voice. He let out a sigh of relief and lay back down.
"You're both lucky to be alive. The US military found you both and no American hospitals would've been able to save you, so you were brought here," Shuri told him, "lucky for you, we accepted to treat you and here you are."
Bucky managed a thank you and continued to stare at the ceiling, while Sam's bed got wheeled next to Bucky's.
"Oh you can't put him there..." Bucky said, looking to his side.
"No way. I am not staying here with him!" Sam told Shuri.
"I refuse to be near him when I don't have my arm to punch him."
Sam went to respond but Shuri cut in.
"You two lovebirds are gonna have to deal with it," she smiled, "I'll be back to check on you later."
"We're not-" they both started.
"Uh-huh," She exited the room, leaving Bucky and Sam in silence.

"For the record, I only asked where you were becuase if you died, I didn't want to pay for your funeral." Bucky said after a while.
"You sure?" Sam smirked, "you sure you don't really care?"
"Would you?"
"No. Of course not."
Of course they were both lying. Sam knew he wouldn't be able to go on without Bucky and Bucky knew he wouldn't be able to go on without Sam.

"You go out the same way?" Sam asked. He was embarrassed he went out without much of a fight and hoped Bucky had a more embarrassing story.
"Yeah, but unlike you I actually did something."
"Uh-huh, sure." Sam chuckled weakly.

Before long, Sam had fallen asleep, leaving Bucky awake with his own thoughts. He would've gone back to sleep, but he was scared of the nightmares he may have and was too worried for Sam. Instead he gazed over at Sam to make sure sure wasn't pretending to be asleep to get out of talking to him, not that he cared...

Sam was definitely asleep. He was snoring loudly but managed to mutter things Bucky couldn't quite understand. He wished he had one of those phone things all the kids had so he could record what Sam sounded like.
Although it was hilarious, Bucky couldn't help but feel bad for Sam. Sam wasn't a super soldier and had been affected by the blast much worse than he had. His arm was broken, so were both of his legs. Half of his face was scarred and he remembered what he looked like before. He was extremely grateful to Shuri for patching him up so well.

A small while passed and Bucky heard someone enter the room, though he didn't bother to look who it was, he was too busy looking at Sam.
"You sure you aren't dating?" A woman said, jokingly.
Bucky turned his head sharply and let out a small yelp from the pain, he was sure he was blushing, but he ignored it.
He was glad to see Shuri standing there, it would take his mind off things talking to her.
"Yes. Yes I'm... I'm sure..."
"Don't sound so sure." She smirked and walked across the room to check some test results, "you care about him though, right?"
Bucky didn't want to answer that. Of course he cared, but he didn't want to admit that, it would make it seem like he was soft or... well how he actually felt.
"So that's a yes?" She asked.
He nodded as best he could, though it hurt to move his neck.
"Will he recover?"
"Of course. I'm the one helping him," she said, laughing.
He smiled, "of course."

They continued to talk for a while until Shuri came over with his arm.
"Here you go, I've fixed it for you, " she fixed the arm back into its socket, "but here me now White Wolf, if you break this again I will not be the one repairing it."
"Thanks." He chuckled,"have you done Sam's gear?"
"Not yet, I'm going to do that after I prank my brother with some new tech," she said, "Why?"
"Just confirming that I'm more important than Sam, that's all."
Shuri chuckled, but she knew it wasn't the truth, however she didn't want to push him further, he'd been through a lot and the last thing he needed was an interrogation about his feelings.

She went to leave when Bucky called after her.
"Actually... he had this drone... Redwing he called it. Would you mind making another for him?"
"Thought you hated that thing?"
"I do."
"Well alright," she said, "just make sure he doesn't break this one, I won't be making another." She smiled and left.

Bucky felt quite odd. Why had he done that for Sam? He hated Redwing, yet he couldn't bare to see Sam upset over a broken drone. But that wasn't the only thing... there was something else there, and Bucky thought he knew what it was but he felt ashamed that his suspicions might be the case.

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