Adam stared at Sebastian's body with disgust. "Why did I ever like him? He was hurting my family, I didn't know about it." Adam felt as though he had just been shot.
"You won't be able to move for a little bit." Bree said, finally done wrapping his wounds. Chase , "hey! I fought these battles for you! Don't be so ungrateful!" Bree smiled. "Hey, come here." Chase said. "Why?" Bree asked. "Just come here." Chase said. Bree slowly walked to the couch Chase was on and lay next to him. "Are you okay?" Chase asked. "What do you mean? Of course I'm okay. But, shouldn't I be asking you that?" Bree said. "Well, does that really matter? So what, I'm hurt. With the missions we go on, this is nothing." Chase smirked. "I don't know, you took some nasty hits." Bree said, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "Oh really? Did I?" Chase said, getting closer. "Yeah, yeah you did." Bree said smiling and getting closer also. Chase was about to close the gap but then the doors burst open and Adam came in carrying an unconscious and very beat up Sebastian. Chase and Bree jumped apart and looked behind them. Before either could do anything, Adam threw Sebastian on the ground. He was about to pick him up again, but Chase sprung to his feet and stopped Adam. "Adam, man, think about what you're doing." Adam looked at Chase and the position Chase had put him in. Chase had pinned his arms in the air and forced Adam into a back step where he was off balance and had no way of escape. "Chase, you wouldn't understand." Adam said looking over Chase's shoulder at Sebastian. Chase had a confused look on his face. "What do you mean 'I wouldn't understand'?" Chase asked. "He said I didn't care about you, Chase. That was the worst insult anyone could give me." Adam sighed and gave up trying to escape his brother's grip. Chase looked bewildered. "Awww, what a sentimental moment. I think I'll take a picture of it, make it last longer." Sebastian's voice came from behind Chase. Chase turned around, facing his nemesis who had Bree locked in a grip so tight, bruises started to form. "Let her go, Sebastian." Sebastian smirked. "No." then he teleported to the great unknown, Bree still in his grasp.
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