Chapter 7

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Bree watched as Adam stalked off, she was frozen to the ground. "Adam! We can't go to the infirmary and just beat him up!" Leo tried to call to Adam, but Adam wasn't listening. No one messes with my brother, except me! Anyone who touches him will pay! Adam thought.

When he finally got to the infirmary, he went straight to the bed Sebastian was laying on. Sebastian's eyes fluttered open at the deep breathing of Adam hovering over him. "Oh, hey Adam!" Sebastian said, playing it off as though nothing was wrong. Adam had a dark gleam in his eye. One that only emotions like the one he was feeling right now could cause. Sebastian started to feel uncomfortable with the way Adam was staring. "Uh h-hello?" Sebastian chuckled nervously. Adam's fist clenched and in clenched as he tried to calm himself down. "Adam! Wait, don't hit him!" A voice called from behind Adam. Adam whirled around and came face to face with Bob. "Bob, get out of here. Now!" Adam ordered. "No, Adam." Bob said in a strong voice that he had never used before. "What?" Adam looked bewildered. "I said, no." Bob restated. "Look Adam, Sebastian told everyone all about what happened. How you killed our father, our creator, our leader." Adam was furious. Chase had told Sebastian, he knew that. But Sebastian had told everyone. "Adam? Where are you?" A weak voice called from the hallway. "I'm in here." Adam said very carefully. Soon, footsteps started to echo through the halls as Chase came to the door and walked next to Adam. "Chasey!!!!" Adam exclaimed, he embraced Chase with all his might. Chase smiled for a moment. The moment was ruined by a plasma ball crashing into Chase, sending him into the nearest wall. Chase groaned as he fell twenty feet and landed with a hard thud on the concrete floor. Dazed, Chase slowly started to get back up, only to find another plasma ball coming his way. This time Chase was ready for it though, he deflected it with his force field and sent it back to its owner. Bob went flying and landed much the same as Chase had, only Chase had taken more damage. By this time, Sebastian had gotten to his feet and was ready to take on Adam and Chase. Adam saw Sebastian out of his peripheral vision and shot a blast wave his way. Sebastian went flying but recovered quickly and landed gracefully on one knee. "I am more powerful than you and Chase! I am more powerful than Bree, Leo, Mr. Davenport, and anyone!" Sebastian stated. Chase and Adam exchanged looks and nodded. Chase went around to the other side of Sebastian, directly on line with Adam. "You may be powerful to take me or Chase or anyone else alone, but can you take us on 2 vs 1?" Adam said. Chase shook his head at his brothers statement, but didn't bother correcting him. Sebastian let out a roar and shot towards Chase, who deflected the strike with a flip. Sebastian let out another roar and fired towards Adam, who got out of the way before the strike hit him. Sebastian looked as though he was going to fire at Adam again, but changed directions to Chase. Sebastian looked between Adam and Chase and held out both hands. Sebastian's eyes turned black and he let out a ball of fire that hit Chase square in the chest and Adam on his torso. Then Sebastian rapid fired, causing Chase and Adam to dive for cover. They had holes in their mentor suits and Chase was practically on fire. "Stay out of my way, or next time, I won't be so nice." Sebastian said and walked through the building and left. "You'll pay for this." Adam said, carrying Chase back to the Mentor's room. "Be afraid Sebastian, be VERY afraid."

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